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Neapolitan 05-16-2011 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1053720)
I only avoid people that look stupid, like Forrest Gump level of IQ

Why? They have some limits but there is also some things can excel at, I guess that was the purpose behind the movie, you know originally the movie was supposed to be called "Life is a Box of Chocolate, The Life and Times of Forrest Gump." But it cost to much to advertise such a long name so they shortened it to just plain Forest Gump.

Howard the Duck 05-17-2011 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1054574)
Why? They have some limits but there is also some things can excel at, I guess that was the purpose behind the movie, you know originally the movie was supposed to be called "Life is a Box of Chocolate, The Life and Times of Forrest Gump." But it cost to much to advertise such a long name so they shortened it to just plain Forest Gump.

i have very low tolerance for fools

Bloozcrooz 05-17-2011 02:45 AM

Duce this isnt your client is it?

Howard the Duck 05-17-2011 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1054631)
Duce this isnt your client is it?

well, uh, I wouldn't be standing so close to him if he were a "criminal" client, nor sit so close to him during the interview process

Bloozcrooz 05-19-2011 02:01 AM

Its about as late as it can be and its a chatless forum. Im just rambling for the sake of saying something what can I say. Sooooo something

someonecompletelyrandom 05-19-2011 02:19 AM

Hdudse!!! Fireihgr, grub duh hurrying trypibg feet kitten buff Gregg kitts arcs utter huh!

someonecompletelyrandom 05-19-2011 02:21 AM

What is it with me and black women? They're the only ethnicity I consistently find checking me out or chatting me up. For the record, I'm not complaining.

Bloozcrooz 05-19-2011 02:27 AM

your up awful late to be working full time now..your going to be super tired tomorow

someonecompletelyrandom 05-19-2011 02:36 AM

Working IS the reason I'm up this late. Fml.

Bloozcrooz 05-19-2011 02:37 AM

ooooohhhh.....inserting my foot in Thats kinda cool though that you can chat on Mb at work. Never had a job where I had that much free time...have to start calling you easy money.

s_k 05-19-2011 02:43 AM

I am sort of afraid he's doing stuff for his job... at home.

Bloozcrooz 05-19-2011 04:40 PM

I didnt know if this question was worthy of making a whole new thread about so ill just use this one time being. Question is............................................
If you can beat the ever living crap out of someone your disagreeing with...does their opinion have any value at all? Or maybe your not disagreeing with them but you dont really respect their opinion either. Would you tell them and how would your delivery be? Im not talking on here or other internet sites.(cause everybodys tough on the internet).I mean in real life. I only ask cause I noticed the other day someone talking about Shaq and his rapping not really being that good but even so nobody would ever tell him for fear of what he could do if you pissed him off. Ive seen this happen a lot through life actually from different people. They will be strongly opinionated in their safe zone so to speak. Then around someone their know would demolish them they have a change of heart and agree with the guy just to not make any waves. Or just not say anything knowing the whole time they would if they thought they could get away with it. Does this affect you and how you view someones opinion in life? Im not talking women and children here cause they are obviously allowed passes. But if women want to join in the discussion feel im just asking from a guys point of view. Maybe some women feel this way about other women as well I dunno. The comments just sparked some curiosity

Dont take this the wrong way people because im not implying that this is the right thing or the way I think. Its a question to see how many if any other Mb'ers feel this way. Which stemmed from a comment from a conversation that was going on here on mb. Reminding me of other events that ive seen in life that had a striking resemblence and thats all. Meant to be from one grown man to another or one grown woman to another. Not man vs woman or anything else..just the same gender adults here.

someonecompletelyrandom 05-19-2011 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1055753)
I am sort of afraid he's doing stuff for his job... at home.

I work in an office a few days a week and at home the rest. So it's no big deal. :D

someonecompletelyrandom 05-19-2011 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1056131)
I didnt know if this question was worthy of making a whole new thread about so ill just use this one time being. Question is............................................
If you can beat the ever living crap out of someone your disagreeing with...does their opinion have any value at all? Or maybe your not disagreeing with them but you dont really respect their opinion either. Would you tell them and how would your delivery be? Im not talking on here or other internet sites..I mean in real life. I only ask cause I noticed the other day someone talking about Shaq and his rapping not really being that good but even so nobody would ever tell him for fear of what he could do if you pissed him off. Ive seen this happen a lot through life actually from different people. They will be strongly opinionated in their safe zone so to speak. Then around someone their know would demolish them they have a change of heart and agree with the guy just to not make any waves. Or just not say anything knowing the whole time they would if they thought they could get away with it. Does this affect you and how you view someones opinion in life? Im not talking women and children here cause they are obviously allowed passes. But if women want to join in the discussion feel im just asking from a guys point of view. Maybe some women feel this way about other women as well I dunno. The comments just sparked some curiosity

I tend not to publicly disagree with people, correct them, or shove my opinion at them. This isn't because I'm afraid of what they'll do to me, but because I don't think it's polite to do that unless you know the person and know they like debating anyway. Only if someone consistently or persistently argues a point of view, opinion, or "fact" that I disagree with will I vocalize it.

Bloozcrooz 05-19-2011 05:13 PM

Thats true there are other factors that weigh in on the question. Say its someone you've known for a while and they like debating and arguing. Only most the time you strongly disagree with their point of views. However they just happen to be 6'5 230 pounds and just recently did a 3 year stint at TDC for aggravated assualt. Now assuming all you have to defend yourself with are your fists. Do you tell him what you really think of him? Or maybe your the one who is bigger than the someone you know and disagree with. Are you more inclined to tell them what you really think of them cause of your obvious size advantage? Or do you just not really care in both cases and write them off completley? Go back home and have a coke and smile as if they never existed anyway.

Btw best coke and smile refference

crukster 05-19-2011 05:13 PM

ahhh dim dap doo wub dee wub wub wow wow dm dap dilly do RAMBLE ON dununununununununununu

djchameleon 05-19-2011 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1056131)
I didnt know if this question was worthy of making a whole new thread about so ill just use this one time being. Question is............................................
If you can beat the ever living crap out of someone your disagreeing with...does their opinion have any value at all? Or maybe your not disagreeing with them but you dont really respect their opinion either. Would you tell them and how would your delivery be? Im not talking on here or other internet sites.(cause everybodys tough on the internet).I mean in real life. I only ask cause I noticed the other day someone talking about Shaq and his rapping not really being that good but even so nobody would ever tell him for fear of what he could do if you pissed him off. Ive seen this happen a lot through life actually from different people. They will be strongly opinionated in their safe zone so to speak. Then around someone their know would demolish them they have a change of heart and agree with the guy just to not make any waves. Or just not say anything knowing the whole time they would if they thought they could get away with it. Does this affect you and how you view someones opinion in life? Im not talking women and children here cause they are obviously allowed passes. But if women want to join in the discussion feel im just asking from a guys point of view. Maybe some women feel this way about other women as well I dunno. The comments just sparked some curiosity

As you already know I'm very opinionated so I will speak and voice my opinion regardless of the size of the other person or how threatening they look. I have been called a smart ass on many occasions but because of me being opinionated I can usually talk my way out of a confrontation if it gets that far where they want to strike me for it. I can easily defend myself against their attack no matter what size they are but I choose to defuse the situation negotiator style before it even gets to that point. I only use Judo as my last resort and self defense but I rather not use it at all if I don't have to. I feel like it's an unfair advantage that I have against most people.

Bloozcrooz 05-19-2011 07:44 PM

Again this is just a question that sparked from some comments that I saw. Im in no way suggesting you take up body building ladies/gentlemen and start beating people up. Im not promoting or condoning violence in any way either. I was just interested in finding out if some were inclined to behave in this manner. Regaurdless if your the quarterback or receiver

Engine 05-19-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1056131)
I didnt know if this question was worthy of making a whole new thread about so ill just use this one time being. Question is............................................
If you can beat the ever living crap out of someone your disagreeing with...does their opinion have any value at all? Or maybe your not disagreeing with them but you dont really respect their opinion either. Would you tell them and how would your delivery be? Im not talking on here or other internet sites.(cause everybodys tough on the internet).I mean in real life. I only ask cause I noticed the other day someone talking about Shaq and his rapping not really being that good but even so nobody would ever tell him for fear of what he could do if you pissed him off. Ive seen this happen a lot through life actually from different people. They will be strongly opinionated in their safe zone so to speak. Then around someone their know would demolish them they have a change of heart and agree with the guy just to not make any waves. Or just not say anything knowing the whole time they would if they thought they could get away with it. Does this affect you and how you view someones opinion in life? Im not talking women and children here cause they are obviously allowed passes. But if women want to join in the discussion feel im just asking from a guys point of view. Maybe some women feel this way about other women as well I dunno. The comments just sparked some curiosity

You're definitely dry-drunking, man. You need more than MB I'm sorry to say.

Bloozcrooz 05-19-2011 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1056209)
You're definitely dry-drunking, man. You need more than MB I'm sorry to say.

:( oh thats it...its go time Engine!!! lol should totally make the part you put in bold print your sig though

Engine 05-19-2011 08:06 PM

It wasn't a joke.

Bloozcrooz 05-19-2011 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1056209)
You're definitely dry-drunking, man. You need more than MB I'm sorry to say.

Again not meant to imply thats the proper approach or how I view things. It was a question as to what if any percentage of mb'ers feel this way. Dont get the wrong impression here as I guess I should have put a disclaimer on the topic itself so thats my bad.

Howard the Duck 05-19-2011 08:40 PM

i only know:-

if you ho gets out of line, exercise your pimp hand

emostreetguitar562268 05-20-2011 10:30 PM

just got home from doing a play. its a 3 hour play about the Civil War (gahhhhh) and there hasn't been one night in the past week and a half where i havent been at the theater past 11pm. it's a good show, but i need sleep!!! its a bit awkward though since my best friend is playing my boyfriend O.O oh well. shows done on sunday. im sad but happy at the same time.

someonecompletelyrandom 06-01-2011 01:21 AM

I'm drunk and not just normal drunk for Conan
I'm really trucking drunk and I like jr. Butxg left me I don't givexa fb .

crash_override 06-01-2011 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1062888)
I'm drunk and not just normal drunk for Conan
I'm really trucking drunk and I like jr. Butxg left me I don't givexa fb .


s_k 06-01-2011 03:35 AM

Conan, he doesn't give a facebook.

The Virgin 06-01-2011 07:31 AM

at late night, i just play games in my cellphone

djchameleon 06-01-2011 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by The Virgin (Post 1062956)
at late night, i just play games in my cellphone

what games do you have on your cellphone?

The Virgin 06-01-2011 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1062984)
what games do you have on your cellphone?

I have the following:

Diamond Rush
Bounce Tales

These games keep me from doing anything quite undecent

djchameleon 06-01-2011 08:30 AM

Sudoku is pretty awesome. I like that game.

The Virgin 06-01-2011 08:42 AM

I don't play Sudoku that much though. I can solve the 1-6 game. but if it's from 1-9 and there are over like 50 boxes intertwined, i get confused already.
I like Diamond Rush better. I just found out the cheats and I'm so gonna have a good time tonight with my celly.

djchameleon 06-01-2011 08:44 AM

I really like numbers so I like larger ones.

The Virgin 06-01-2011 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1063008)
I really like numbers so I like larger ones.

good for you. as for me, i'm not so good with numbers.
i can add, subract, multiply and divide up to 100.
anything greater than that, i use the calculator.

someonecompletelyrandom 06-01-2011 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1062888)
I'm drunk and not just normal drunk for Conan
I'm really trucking drunk and I like jr. Butxg left me I don't givexa fb .

I love myself.

Bloozcrooz 06-01-2011 09:10 AM

Having hard times down in H-Town?^^

someonecompletelyrandom 06-01-2011 09:49 AM

I swear every time I say I'll never drink again I end up drinking more than I ever have. I wish it was on Sake or something good but it was on gin. I hate gin. It tastes like hand sanitizer.

Bloozcrooz 06-01-2011 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1063068)
I swear every time I say I'll never drink again I end up drinking more than I ever have. I wish it was on Sake or something good but it was on gin. I hate gin. It tastes like hand sanitizer.

Your not an alcoholic or anything so I wouldnt stress to much over it. If you can stomach drinking gin try some 5 dollar vodka next time man. If ya do though id recommend having the next day off. You work inside though so you might be ok.

someonecompletelyrandom 06-01-2011 10:26 AM

Yeah, thankfully I have off work today. And the rest of the week actually :)

Dirty 06-01-2011 10:29 AM

lol Conan your drunk posting and shoutbox messaging is funny. If you ever have some friends over to drink or a little get together with a few ladies, I'm talking like 10 people or so, make a gin bucket. It's cheap, tastes awesome, and will give you a crazy drunk. Everytime I drink gin it's a different kind of drunk for me. My senses start buzzing (best way i cna describe it) and everything turns into slow motion. It rules.

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