Fenixpunk |
04-06-2005 01:55 PM |
"The church is wrong" is what i should of sayed and uses "religion" as a cover that has perpetuated and blessed the massacre of millions and millions of men and women, tortured, burned, killed in the name of the cross. Me saying that the religion is wrong probably could of been worded better, ill agree with you.
They sing hymns for his pacifism in Iraq, but forget that he sustained and justified the war that bloodied ex-Yugoslavia. With the catholic cross, against muslims and the orthodox, the pope of religious "ecumenicism" made a saint of Stepinac, the cardinal who with the croatian fascists that lined up with Hitler, said they were "sent by God" and blessed the innumerable atrocities perpetrated by the croatian Ustase regime with the complicity of the occupying italian troops.A culture that prefers a life of pain to one of joy and health, a culture that criminalized ***s, that transformed desire and love into guilt, that defends those who haven't been born and persecutes those that live.
He had sanctified the spanish priests that line up with arms with the catholic-fascist troops of Franco. These martyred saints wanted to revive the glories of the church of Torquemada and of the Quemaderos, the "collective ovens" where the heretics were cooked at a low simmer.
The study of religions past and present has always been a "hobby" of mine. I think i know what im talking about on this, thats where the walking teutonic cliché "itchy trigger finger" comes from. I was up for a good debate, and was hoping someone would be up for it. The pope wasnt a good guy, his beliefs were outdated (anti abortion, anti womens' rights, homophobic, and anti contraception) and shouldnt be praised by people now days. I choose not to bow to their knees in front of the funeral of the head of the most ferocious, bloody, and freedom-destroying organization that history can remember. You can if you want...Now im gonna go eat lunch, and look forward to your reply.