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Old 02-01-2011, 05:51 PM   #161 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheFolkslave View Post
Yeah I know but you have mentioned in other threads how you hug and sleep with your ex. I was just wondering how that works out. I'm asking this since I don't even care about my ex anymore. When I look at her I don't see the girl I used to be with. I just see a stranger that I can't see myself being friends with.

Also on other topic discussed. Almost all my friends are girls now since there's only two guys on my class. I don't really think about having sex with them or anything. Does that make me gay? I don't think so but I know guys who think that girls are only for banging.
I have to say I am the exact same way.

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Old 02-01-2011, 05:55 PM   #162 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheFolkslave View Post
Yeah I know but you have mentioned in other threads how you hug and sleep with your ex.
Ah, I know. This time I was talking about relationships in general.
I can't have a relationship without hugging and cuddling, I can have a relationship without sex.

I was just wondering how that works out. I'm asking this since I don't even care about my ex anymore. When I look at her I don't see the girl I used to be with. I just see a stranger that I can't see myself being friends with.
My ex is still the girl I wanted to be with.
We both feel that way (I'm the guy she wants to be with, not the girl, obviously). It just didn't work out, but we still love eachother an awful lot.
(she tells me she loves me in a chat while I type this, nice timing).
It's not hard to love here. We are supposed to be together, but that doesn't mean it works out. We're not planning to keep trying until we really can't stand eachother anymore. We decided to break up before we got that far.

Also on other topic discussed. Almost all my friends are girls now since there's only two guys on my class. I don't really think about having sex with them or anything. Does that make me gay? I don't think so but I know guys who think that girls are only for banging.
As I said, I would have sex with every female friend I have. Doesn't mean that's the only thing I think they are for. They are my friends. But they are beautiful and sweet girls too, so why wouldn't I want to have sex with them?

I don't think it makes you gay. Altough I'm not sure.
It's pretty common here to think that altough boy/girl friendships exist, usually the guy wouldn't mind wanting to have sex with the girl.
Maybe that's a dutch thing. I don't know.
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Old 02-01-2011, 05:57 PM   #163 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post

Sex is important. But I could go without. I couldn't go without hugs.
I know how much sex bonds and such. I used to have a lot of sex with my ex-girlfriend.
But that doesn't change the fact that I can do without sex, not without hugs.

Allright, just to be sure, when it comes to relations and hugging, I probably mean cuddling, spooning, being close together, massaging, stroking. Not just the occasional embracing. I mean really loving and caring hugging.
Yes it's possible to do that without having sex.

But why can't you go without hugs? What I am trying to get at is what is it about hugs that make them so great to you? I've said before, I view spooning, massaging, etc as something that is a pre-sex or post-sex type of thing. Why do you want to press your dick against a girl friend's ass if you aren't gonna get laid? Like, what's the point. I can be a good friend to girls without cuddling with them. I actually view cuddling around with friends as more creepy and weird than anything. I don't need to massage and spoon with someone to let them know I care about them.
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Old 02-01-2011, 05:59 PM   #164 (permalink)
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I like my female friends and I can't imagine having sex with them since I fear it would screw up the friendship. It's hard since lately I've developed a huge crush on one of my female friend from school. Sucks since I fear that if I do something I ruin the friendship and the dynamics of the group and on the other hand I still live with my ex (four more weeks to go)

Well I come from the old time baby, where all the kids are crazy.
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Old 02-01-2011, 06:02 PM   #165 (permalink)
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I think it's just that he prefers affection to sex. Nothing complicated. I'd prefer to have both, but I do think affection is more important.
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Old 02-01-2011, 06:02 PM   #166 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
But why can't you go without hugs? What I am trying to get at is what is it about hugs that make them so great to you? I've said before, I view spooning, massaging, etc as something that is a pre-sex or post-sex type of thing. Why do you want to press your dick against a girl friend's ass if you aren't gonna get laid? Like, what's the point. I can be a good friend to girls without cuddling with them. I actually view cuddling around with friends as more creepy and weird than anything. I don't need to massage and spoon with someone to let them know I care about them.
I also view the hugging and cuddling thing to be pre-sex, post-sex thing. I wouldn't go rub my **** against any of my female friends asses. I rub my **** against some of my male friends though (mainly my bandmates) that's just something we do when we joke around.

Well I come from the old time baby, where all the kids are crazy.
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Old 02-01-2011, 06:07 PM   #167 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheFolkslave View Post
I rub my **** against some of my male friends though (mainly my bandmates) that's just something we do when we joke around.
What the hell?
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Old 02-01-2011, 06:07 PM   #168 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
But why can't you go without hugs? What I am trying to get at is what is it about hugs that make them so great to you?
For me, it's a better way to make eachother feel you love eachother than just saying "I love you". That's why I hug my female friends who aren't my girlfriend too. I love them too. I tell them I do. But at some points it just takes a hug to get the message through.
I have friends throughout the country and there's moments where we talk to eachother on MSN Messenger and go "dammit I want to see you, I want to hug you". And these are, as I said, regular friends. Hugging for me is a part of my relationship with girls. And when I'm in an actual relation with a girl (as in boyfriend/girlfriend) the hugging definitely is a bit closer. But I can hug really closely without having sex. It jus starts out with a different intention.

Let me tell you something strange though. When my girlfriend was sad about something, we talked about it and hugged. And somehow we always ended up having sex after that. I guess that too is some sort of instinct. It feels really awkward to get turned on by a sad girl. But it somehow happened and in the end sex does make you feel an afwul lot better.
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I've said before, I view spooning, massaging, etc as something that is a pre-sex or post-sex type of thing. Why do you want to press your dick against a girl friend's ass if you aren't gonna get laid?
Why would you want to press your **** to a girl when you are massaging or spooning? You can just hold eachother too.

Like, what's the point. I can be a good friend to girls without cuddling with them. I actually view cuddling around with friends as more creepy and weird than anything. I don't need to massage and spoon with someone to let them know I care about them.
Neither do I. I have one or two friends I don't hug with.
It somehow just happens . It's different for every girl I know.
You're mixing up two things though (maybe I was unclear). The spooning, massaging, caressing thing is something I do with my ex girlfriend and I have done this with some other friends too. I don't do this with everyone.

Laying together on a couch, giving eachother long hugs or stroking a girl's back is pretty normal for me though.
And there's even girls I have been closer with than I am now. I have a female friend I used to hold when we were sleeping. We don't do that now. We never had to talk about that. It just changed. I used to have webcam and phone sex with another girl. That somehow stopped. We still see eachother, I hug her whenever I see her.

These things happen and change spontaneously.
It's almost like you have 'rules' for the way you treat your girls.
I don't, it's different every time with every girl.
I'm just telling you how stuff goes here. It's not like this is my general 'idea' of friendship or relationships.
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Old 02-01-2011, 06:08 PM   #169 (permalink)
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I've never been into the "joking around, fake gay" stuff. Never found it funny or anything but gay.
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Old 02-01-2011, 06:11 PM   #170 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe View Post
I think it's just that he prefers affection to sex. Nothing complicated. I'd prefer to have both, but I do think affection is more important.
Yes, thank you for clarifying that .

Originally Posted by TheFolkslave View Post
I like my female friends and I can't imagine having sex with them since I fear it would screw up the friendship.
I dunno man, it's sort of a risk. You have to know what you think about eachother before you do stuff like that. It wouldn't screw up anything in my case, but I talk a friggin' lot with my friends so they know what I feel, what I think, what I expect and won't expect.

Originally Posted by TheFolkslave View Post
I also view the hugging and cuddling thing to be pre-sex, post-sex thing. I wouldn't go rub my **** against any of my female friends asses.
I don't.
How does everyone seem to think that you rub up against someone you're laying with?

I rub my **** against some of my male friends though (mainly my bandmates) that's just something we do when we joke around.
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