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You Know What Grinds My Gears?
When a old smelly man smoked in my face even AFTER I asked him politely to please not smoke beside me at the bus stop - you suck! Seriously, I have a sinuous infection and you obviously want me to get cancer on top of this.
My next riff is with the anal chick on a trade site who gave me negative feedback because I did not email her back with unnecessary details for 3 days - I have no internet at home you wax wad and 3 days is not that long! Anywho, this thread is for you to rant about people who try to make your life miserable. I believe it is different from the bitch box as it is specifically to how other people (even those on TV for instance) really grind you gears. |
People who act charismatically when boxed behind a computer and in real life are about as interesting as a dry load of shit.
But now that you mention it... |
You know what really grinds my gears? People who don't understand the indoor voice/outdoor voice concept. It's like fucking epidemic on the subway in my city.
Except these people live underneath, behind, and to the right side of my apartment. At first, I used to just intentionally make a loud sound when they were being loud... you know, so they'd hear it, put 2+2 together and suddenly realize that I can hear their entire conversations, and clearly don't enjoy it.... then after a while I realized that I wasn't giving average human intelligence enough credibility: They know how loud they are. They just don't give a fuck. People like THAT grind my gears. They're assholes without an excuse. |
Film snobs. There is merit in many genres of film. It doesn't have to be subtitled and about a man growing beans in his handed down garden to be worthy.
If you are so narrow minded as to dismiss most other forms of film, then you are a blinkered fool and not worth my venomous spittle as I wax lyrical about a film that cost peanuts and actually brought something new to the table. Heavy Metal music haters who don't have a clue about the genre get on my tits too. U don't like metal? fine. Tell me why and I will respect you a lot more especially if you have taken the time out to listen to the music. |
I can understand a bunch of early-twenty-somethings being drunk and loud on a night out. That just comes with the territory. But 40s and 50s? Heh... they could be the folks that drive home drunk to the trailer park. |
Oh and I totally used a Family Guy reference for this thread. |
If it's an outside cat, you should just accept the possibilities involved with animals not being locked in a house and save your poor neighbors' sanity by getting your joy simply from knowing your cat is doing whatever the fuck he wants, when he wants. :D |
But he's my baby...I am an over protective mother...:(
Janszoon: :laughing: I wish, he's called Arlie. Here is his picture as a kitten (he doesn't look much different, just bigger): http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-..._7247747_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-..._3462186_n.jpg |
Arlie is cute. But he'll come inside whenever he wants.
And he will come inside. It's a night animal, he loves being outside at night. Leave him there, he'll be fine. We used to have a cat that wouldn't come back for three days. You get used to it. Eitherway, about the first posting in this thread; I actually got an e-mail from a guy I was buying a phono preamplifier (piece of audio equipment :D) from. He mailed me at 6pm to which account I could transfer the money. Next day, 5pm, I transferred the money and sent him an e-mail. He told me the device was already sold as I wasn't answering anymore. Dip****. I decided not to get too angry as I still had to get my money back (about 45 dollars), but goddamn I hate that guy. |
lol dang it....I was going to say people that still watch family guy really grinds my gears but you already mentioned the reference anyways.....
I hate when i'm standing there waiting for an elevator and someone will walk right past me to push the button to call the elevator... wtf do you think i'm standing there for my health and haven't pressed the button already? |
Some people just dig elevators.
Not kidding. |
Dog owners who don't clean up after their animals, especially when A) it's on my lawn or B) it's in the middle of the goddamned sidewalk.
I could take all the plastic bags they refuse to use and tie them over their great fat heads. Or, alternatively, pile their dog's **** on their doorstep for them to find in the morning. I've done one of these already. |
So because my idiot friend gets drunk on a Tuesday night and decides to throw bottles in front of our house or scream **** I get to hear about it. I have even talked to them about it and hasnt changed ****. As soon as I get enough schooling to get a better job im moving the **** out and getting my own place. I dont know why people are under the impression that its excusable to be ****ing loud annoying dbag just because they are drunk or high. Then they act as if its hardly there fault. |
the entire human race, with the exception of about 30 people.
i really hate it when people don't budge to let me get out of the damned subway train
Also when some guy most of the time won't close his damn legs so another person can sit down. I know you need to air your balls but damn bro you don't have to take up two seats doing it. |
People who try to talk to me when using the urinal right beside me.
you wanna know what makes my gears grind? insufficient oiling :bonkhead:
When you're sitting in lecture and the person to your right is using YOUR ARMREST!!!!!
This is like pet peeve #1 for me. I've had people who refuse to give my armrest back even when I put my arm on it and forcefully try to edge them off. |
I know but I'm interested to hear you explain it.
You know what grinds my gears? Approving a Facebook friend request from someone I haven't seen in a decade and half only to discover that during that time they have apparently lost their mind because their profile is overflowing extremist political and religious ranting and raving.
You know what else grinds my gears? People who spell "heroin" with an extra "e" on the end. It's like an epidemic here on MB, 99% of the time anyone mentions this drug they spell it wrong.
So folks, for the record: "heroin" is the drug, "heroine" is a female hero. This is an important distinction to make, lest people start thinking G.G. Allin was killed by a woman of great courage and moral fiber. |
^ yess
I really, really get pissed off when people bump into me and don't say excuse me. It happens way, way, way too often. Yes, I know I'm short and don't look like I could do much but I will punch you in the kidney if you knock into me! |
People who walk in groups of 3+ people down narrow paths/alleys and will give barely any room to a single person walking in the opposite direction. Seriously, how hard would it be for them to move to the side just long enough that other people dont have to do that weird sideways shuffle walk.
When you're in a lecture and the person in front of you stretches so far back that they're basically on top of you. And people behind you that put their feet on your chair.
When you're trying to pass someone on a sidewalk from behind and they somehow automatically gravitate to the side you're trying to pass them on. |
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