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s_k 02-12-2011 03:07 PM

It is spelled 'heroine' here :)

Janszoon 02-12-2011 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1002951)
It is spelled 'heroine' here :)

Only you have an excuse then. Everyone else, watch out. :p:

Burning Down 02-12-2011 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1002945)
When you're in a lecture and the person in front of you stretches so far back that they're basically on top of you. And people behind you that put their feet on your chair.

When you're trying to pass someone on a sidewalk from behind and they somehow automatically gravitate to the side you're trying to pass them on.

I totally agree with both of those. The sidewalk/hallway thing always turns into an awkward dance thing when you're facing the person too.

Something else I hate is when the person sitting beside you in lecture thinks it's okay to take off their coat and start shoving it into your seat. I also hate when the people beside you place their laptops on the little desk attached to your seat. Hello! Laptops are for LAPS, not for someone else's desk!

s_k 02-12-2011 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1002952)
Only you have an excuse then. Everyone else, watch out. :p:

I think I spelled it right (or just never spelled it) so far.

alli-oop 02-12-2011 06:24 PM

I get really really irritated when someone talks (like whispering to someone beside them) when I or someone else is a presentation, or a meeting. Really? You think no one can hear you? unless your kidney just exploded and your about to die in a minute show some respect.

Bloozcrooz 02-12-2011 06:27 PM


alli-oop 02-12-2011 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1003101)


Bloozcrooz 02-12-2011 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by alli-oop (Post 1003115)


alli-oop 02-13-2011 05:19 PM

I'm annoyed that garbage bag makers don't have twist ties anymore. It's all crappy draw strings or tie up ones that often seem to leave a stinky gap. Some store brand name ones do..or did. So I take a handful from the grocery store produce plastic bag stands.

djchameleon 02-13-2011 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by alli-oop (Post 1003747)
I'm annoyed that garbage bag makers don't have twist ties anymore. It's all crappy draw strings or tie up ones that often seem to leave a stinky gap. Some store brand name ones do..or did. So I take a handful from the grocery store produce plastic bag stands.

the twist ties are such a pain in the butt, i'm glad they got phased out the new draw string ones are pretty great. if you have a gap in it that means you filled up the bag too much.

I really hate that everyone views MTV as a reality show network, I was reading an entertainment weekly article and the bloody author of the article says that "MTV has ALWAYS been known for it's reality programming" always? really?

Burning Down 02-13-2011 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by alli-oop (Post 1003747)
I'm annoyed that garbage bag makers don't have twist ties anymore. It's all crappy draw strings or tie up ones that often seem to leave a stinky gap. Some store brand name ones do..or did. So I take a handful from the grocery store produce plastic bag stands.

I like Glad bags - they're strong and easy to tie as long as you don't fill them too much. I hate twist ties.

Freebase Dali 02-13-2011 06:34 PM

Hah... wow, if I caught a box of garbage bags in my place that didn't have draw-strings, I'd shit a walrus. It's all about speed, ease and efficiency. I don't leave trash lying around in my apartment long enough to rot, so the little gap is negligible at best. In scenarios where I need to throw away something that stinks quick, like meat or shrimp peelings, they go in ziplock bags first if it's a fresh bag that won't be taken out for a couple days.
I honestly don't know why people don't do that by default.
Garbage cans really don't have to stink. They just get the bad rap because the people filling them are horrible human beings. :D

EvilChuck 02-13-2011 06:44 PM

I've never seen a bin bag with a drawstring. Can any other English posters confirm this isnt just me being a nob and that we dont get these things? What we do in my house is tie a knot in the top, thats how they get sealed before being thrown in the wheelie bin.... I assumed everyone did this...?

Freebase Dali 02-13-2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by EvilChuck (Post 1003801)
I've never seen a bin bag with a drawstring. Can any other English posters confirm this isnt just me being a nob and that we dont get these things? What we do in my house is tie a knot in the top, thats how they get sealed before being thrown in the wheelie bin.... I assumed everyone did this...?

You're living in the dark ages of house & home technology, my friend.

alli-oop 02-13-2011 07:15 PM

ahh, see my right hand doesn't work well. so tying them for me takes longer if not be just frustrating.
I eat a lot of fruit and veg, the stems, cores, leaves and other unused bits are easy enough to seal up in a small plastic bag and throw into the bigger trash.

Burning Down 02-13-2011 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by alli-oop (Post 1003816)
ahh, see my right hand doesn't work well. so tying them for me takes longer if not be just frustrating.
I eat a lot of fruit and veg, the stems, cores, leaves and other unused bits are easy enough to seal up in a small plastic bag and throw into the bigger trash.

We've cut down on so much garbage here ever since the organic waste program was introduced. 90% of foods can be thrown into the bin, plus paper.

Thom Yorke 02-14-2011 02:55 PM

Not gonna lie, small talk in general pisses me off. Not trying to sound all anti-social because it's basically the key to meeting new people/building friendships, but essentially it's just having a conversation where you can predict everyone's answers, thus making it useless.

"What's up?"
"Ah, not much, you?"
"Yeah same."
"Cool. Pretty awesome weather we've been having lately eh?"
"YES! I was just thinking that! Way better than last week, that's for sure."
"Oh yeah, last week was brutal. Pretty much just rained the whole time, right?"
"Yep... well... I should probably get going, I've got alot of studying to do with midterms coming up."
"Oh yeah me too. It's that time of the year again!" [Fake laughter]
[Fake laughter] "Yes it is!"
"Anyways, see ya later!"
"Alright, bye!"
[Grins on both people's faces disappear the moment they turn away]

s_k 02-14-2011 04:20 PM

Thom yorke doesn't do grin. You know that.

alli-oop 02-14-2011 04:54 PM

Another thing that bugs me...models who do the pigeon toe stance. it's going for that dumb, senseless, innocent, country bumpkin look.
However, I'd say less than half I see on paper or tv now are like that thankfully.

Kaimon 02-14-2011 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1004359)
Thom yorke doesn't do grin. You know that.

It was a good attempt.

EDIT: The longer I stare at this pic, the more I want to lock my windows.

Dirty 02-14-2011 09:33 PM

I think Thom Yorke is one of the ugliest celebs on Earth.

Scarlett O'Hara 02-14-2011 09:50 PM

OH my gosh, i likes hate dem models cuz they like SKINNIER dan me I mean like how do deh like do it?

/bitching spam

Dirty 02-14-2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Thom Yorke (Post 1004303)
Not gonna lie, small talk in general pisses me off. Not trying to sound all anti-social because it's basically the key to meeting new people/building friendships, but essentially it's just having a conversation where you can predict everyone's answers, thus making it useless.

"What's up?"
"Ah, not much, you?"
"Yeah same."
"Cool. Pretty awesome weather we've been having lately eh?"
"YES! I was just thinking that! Way better than last week, that's for sure."
"Oh yeah, last week was brutal. Pretty much just rained the whole time, right?"
"Yep... well... I should probably get going, I've got alot of studying to do with midterms coming up."
"Oh yeah me too. It's that time of the year again!" [Fake laughter]
[Fake laughter] "Yes it is!"
"Anyways, see ya later!"
"Alright, bye!"
[Grins on both people's faces disappear the moment they turn away]


Exactly this. Same at bars like over Thanksgiving break from college. It's just a big high school reunion. And there's people I'm genuinely happy to see and talk to, but then there's also people who I knew but grew apart from and don't really wanna reunite with. I saw this girl in a hometown bar who was great friends with me awhile and I dated her cousin a couple years. But towards the end of high school we didn't get along great and we haven't talked the past few years, so i purposely walked by her without saying hi. Well she stopped me and was like over-dramatically happy and asked how i was doing and stuff. And we had the exact type of small talk Thom posted. Then there's always the "Ok well get ahold me me sometime!" .."Yeah sure! You too!!!" And we both knew we'd probably never speak again. It's just part of putting in face time I guess. Whatever, it's annoying.

Dr_Rez 02-14-2011 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1004663)

Exactly this. Same at bars like over Thanksgiving break from college. It's just a big high school reunion. And there's people I'm genuinely happy to see and talk to, but then there's also people who I knew but grew apart from and don't really wanna reunite with. I saw this girl in a hometown bar who was great friends with me awhile and I dated her cousin a couple years. But towards the end of high school we didn't get along great and we haven't talked the past few years, so i purposely walked by her without saying hi. Well she stopped me and was like over-dramatically happy and asked how i was doing and stuff. And we had the exact type of small talk Thom posted. Then there's always the "Ok well get ahold me me sometime!" .."Yeah sure! You too!!!" And we both knew we'd probably never speak again. It's just part of putting in face time I guess. Whatever, it's annoying.

I guess she wasnt good looking.

djchameleon 02-14-2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 1004686)
I guess she wasnt good looking.

lawl that's exactly what I got out of the story while I was reading it as well.:laughing:

Dirty 02-14-2011 11:01 PM

Haha actually she's really good looking. Half-mexican so she's got that sexy latin skintone, real slim body, decent face. Just a bad personality in general. I don't get approached by girls at the bar much, so me trying to ignore her should be a good indication of his piss-poor her personality is.

Howard the Duck 02-14-2011 11:04 PM

i don't really much care for either looks or personality

as long as she's willing to climb in bed with me

djchameleon 02-14-2011 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1004706)
Haha actually she's really good looking. Half-mexican so she's got that sexy latin skintone, real slim body, decent face. Just a bad personality in general. I don't get approached by girls at the bar much, so me trying to ignore her should be a good indication of his piss-poor her personality is.

yeah it's a same when a chick looks so good but has a ****ty personality. it's almost like a crime even.

Thom Yorke 02-14-2011 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1004713)
yeah it's a same when a chick looks so good but has a ****ty personality. it's almost like a crime even.

There's a pretty strong correlation between a girl being hot and have a ****ty personality.

Dirty 02-14-2011 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1004712)
i don't really much care for either looks or personality

as long as she's willing to climb in bed with me

:clap: :rofl:

s_k 02-15-2011 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1004640)
I think Thom Yorke is one of the ugliest celebs on Earth.
Joe Jackson

And Dutch Celeb Jan-Jaap van der Wal does a pretty nice try, too

Howard the Duck 02-15-2011 05:23 AM

Shane McGowan, ex-The Pogues

ThePhanastasio 02-15-2011 11:33 AM

I think Thom Yorke is just moderately unattractive, not ugly. Aside from the lazy eye (which is kinda weird) he's kind of normal and boring looking.

Shane McGowan, however...Jesus Christ.

crash_override 02-15-2011 11:43 AM

People who like Thom Yorke / jerk off to Radiohead. Seriously, they are average at best.

People who bring infants on airplanes just to hold them on their lap right ****ing next to you. This happened to me this morning and I was literally looking for a parachute.

GeddyBass2112 02-15-2011 02:52 PM

I get all angry when people apparently are good at insulting and belittling other people, yet can't take it back themselves.

Militant ANYTHING. Seriously, knock it off with the atheist-vegan-savethewhales-treehugging self-righteousness.

People who expect respect from others automatically. Seriously, EARN my respect.

djchameleon 02-15-2011 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by GeddyBass2112 (Post 1005145)
I get all angry when people apparently are good at insulting and belittling other people, yet can't take it back themselves.

Militant ANYTHING. Seriously, knock it off with the atheist-vegan-savethewhales-treehugging self-righteousness.

People who expect respect from others automatically. Seriously, EARN my respect.

I agree with all of those.

GeddyBass2112 02-15-2011 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1005149)
I agree with all of those.

Unfortunately I speak from a good deal of experience dealing with people like that.

Howard the Duck 02-17-2011 04:13 AM

boss still wants to cling onto a losing case - total time waster

Zer0 02-17-2011 05:02 AM

One thing that's really pissing me off lately is people with bad toilet habits. There has been quite a few times where i have gone into a toilet cubical in college and whoever the hell was in there before me has either pissed all over the toilet seat or didn't bother to flush the toilet, it's just gross. I've also seen a lot of people not bothering to wash their hands after going for a piss and touching the door handle on their way out. I'm just there washing my hands thinking 'i've to touch that door handle next'.

djchameleon 02-17-2011 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by Zero1986 (Post 1006340)
One thing that's really pissing me off lately is people with bad toilet habits. There has been quite a few times where i have gone into a toilet cubical in college and whoever the hell was in there before me has either pissed all over the toilet seat or didn't bother to flush the toilet, it's just gross. I've also seen a lot of people not bothering to wash their hands after going for a piss and touching the door handle on their way out. I'm just there washing my hands thinking 'i've to touch that door handle next'.

I see that all the time that's why after I wash my hands I keep an extra paper towel with me to open the door.

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