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Laces Out Dan! 12-10-2013 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1393952)
I'm sure there is a sexy ice hockey player to kill the bloody awful bugs!

Oh me ! Pick me !

Scarlett O'Hara 12-10-2013 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1394015)
Joffrey Lupul could kill bugs for you.

Where do I sign up?! I needs to get myself up there and flash him my boobs during a game!


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1394046)
He'd probably get injured tho


Scarlett O'Hara 12-10-2013 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Laces Out Dan! (Post 1394068)
Oh me ! Pick me !


You basically are a ice hockey player, and you're sexy so come on over to help me with my "bug" problem! ;) ;) ;)

Laces Out Dan! 12-10-2013 11:54 PM

Roger that, I like the cut of your jib.

The Batlord 12-11-2013 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1393907)

Damn, PoorOldPo's got some badass ancestors.

Trollheart 12-11-2013 07:11 PM

You should see my ceremonial codpiece! ;)

Also, am I out of the running, Jess or what? :shycouch:

Sansa Stark 12-11-2013 07:12 PM


Screen13 12-12-2013 01:51 PM

People who I don't know that try to start a conversation with mentioning the weather. There's one Red Lorry Yellow Lorry lyric I will live forever with, although I'm sure it's a bit of a misinterpretation- "I'm so sick to the skin, you wanna talk about the weather!" Yes, that's the song that plays through my mind when I meet someone who does.

Here's something for this time of year and the thoughts that run through my mind before I play polite...

"Cold, isn't it?"

NO!!!!! Let's go to Surf City, alright? I'm dancing with Mr. D right here in the 7'th Level of Hell! I'm jamming with Jimmy Buffett in Margarita-ville! Like Madonna, I'm burning up!!! Like Springsteen, I'm on fire!!! As Billy Idol said, it's Hot in the City Tonight!!!

YEAH, IT'S COLD!!! STFU!!!!!!!!! By the way, I'm seriously protected with a couple of snazzy layers of clothing including a kick ass heavy duty sweater I got for only a couple of dollars at a thrift shop, a nice hat, and Thinsulate gloves plus drink plenty of Orange Juice, so I'm feeling very swell, thank you very much!

I'm possibly more protected than most of the idiots who ask such dumb questions!

Mr. Charlie 12-12-2013 04:21 PM

^^ Your post reminded me of a D H Lawrence poem:

I like people quite well
at a little distance.
I like to see them passing and passing
and going their own way,
especially if I see their aloneness alive in them.
Yet I don't want them to come near.
If they will only leave me alone
I can still have the illusion that there is room enough in the world.

Plankton 12-13-2013 10:34 AM

I find it kind of amusing when someones asks me "Cold/Hot enough for ya?". I'll usually spout off some 'relative to the sun' nonsense. Not too often someone will come back with something other than a blank look and drool. The ones that do are the ones I have instant respect for. My litmus test.

Burning Down 12-13-2013 10:46 AM

You know what grinds my gears? Drivers who slow the fuck down when there's only a couple of inches of snow on the road. And by slow, I mean instead of doing the normal 60km or something, they'll slow to 20km as if we are in a parking lot. PEOPLE! IT SNOWS EVERY FUCKING YEAR, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DRIVE IN THE DAMN STUFF. Put the car in a lower gear if you can and GET SOME SNOW TIRES.

The Batlord 12-13-2013 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1394957)
You know what grinds my gears? Drivers who slow the fuck down when there's only a couple of inches of snow on the road. And by slow, I mean instead of doing the normal 60km or something, they'll slow to 20km as if we are in a parking lot. PEOPLE! IT SNOWS EVERY FUCKING YEAR, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DRIVE IN THE DAMN STUFF. Put the car in a lower gear if you can and GET SOME SNOW TIRES.

Only Canadians would get pissed off at someone slowing down in snow.

Plankton 12-13-2013 10:52 AM

The Batlord 12-13-2013 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1394960)

:laughing: I almost died when they got out of their cars and started pushing. I was sure they were just gonna do an on foot chase. But no. They're Canadian.

Plankton 12-13-2013 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1394962)
:laughing: I almost died when they got out of their cars and started pushing. I was sure they were just gonna do an on foot chase. But no. They're Canadian.


Possibly the best YT vid of '13.

Mr. Charlie 12-13-2013 11:56 AM

:laughing: That's brilliant.

Screen13 12-13-2013 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 1394954)
I find it kind of amusing when someones asks me "Cold/Hot enough for ya?". I'll usually spout off some 'relative to the sun' nonsense. Not too often someone will come back with something other than a blank look and drool. The ones that do are the ones I have instant respect for. My litmus test.

That's a good response, seriously.

When I get to know someone, that type of small talk is alright, especially if that person has some connection to my life (work, friends, family), and maybe I might think about posing some kind of serious conversation about it if I have the time, but when I don't know the person it seriously nags me in a "please, seriously go away" kind of way - it's even worse when I see someone who's seriously well to do talking to someone who has to work in the weather as it looks like mocking to me. A simple "Hi!" or a wave is good enough or at least a small but still non-connecting "How is it going?" will do fine. I understand that sometimes it's in good empathetic humor, and I usually pick up that tone, which is the reason for my being polite, but it does turn into a tiring cliche.

djchameleon 12-13-2013 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Screen13 (Post 1395060)

When I get to know someone, that type of small talk is alright, especially if that person has some connection to my life (work, friends, family), and maybe I might think about posing some kind of serious conversation about it if I have the time, but when I don't know the person it seriously nags me in a "please, seriously go away" kind of way - it's even worse when I see someone who's seriously well to do talking to someone who has to work in the weather as it looks like mocking to me. A simple "Hi!" or a wave is good enough or at least a small but still non-connecting "How is it going?" will do fine. I understand that sometimes it's in good empathetic humor, and I usually pick up that tone, which is the reason for my being polite, but it does turn into a tiring cliche.

I think that's just part of how anti-social we are as a society today. I went through a period where i was attempting to be more social and I would chat up random strangers that I didn't know. I would use the weather ice breakers or something relative to where we are just to get them talking and strike up a random conversation. I usually just had to break the ice and they would go off on a tangent because they usually have something on their mind they wanted to talk about.

Trollheart 12-13-2013 07:04 PM

Yeah I agree. The single simplest ice breaker is "hot/cold/rainy (esp in Ireland!) isn't it?" along with "bus due?" or "waiting long?" They're all just little off-the-cuff, noncommittal phrases we use, either to start a conversation or just to not look cold and aloof. Two people standing at a bus stop, certainly in this country, you'll usually get something like "****ing CIE!" (our bus company) or "Bloody buses" or "Three have gone that way, not one this" or maybe, you know, "Waiting long?" Occasionally a bus number will be floated --- "43 been yet?" I have no problem with any of that.

Similarly, walking past someone and they say/I say "not bad weather" or "bloody rain" or "colder today" does not bother me in the least. I don't get why it does upset anyone. It's better than saying something personal if they don't know you. The weather is about as catchall and impersonal as you can get, and can often lead to longer, more detailed and maybe meaningful conversations.

Scarlett O'Hara 12-13-2013 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1395066)
I think that's just part of how anti-social we are as a society today. I went through a period where i was attempting to be more social and I would chat up random strangers that I didn't know. I would use the weather ice breakers or something relative to where we are just to get them talking and strike up a random conversation. I usually just had to break the ice and they would go off on a tangent because they usually have something on their mind they wanted to talk about.

DJ, I have the perfect website for you:

It's a non sexual site where you can join into different hobbies and also supportive groups for mental heath issues.

djchameleon 12-13-2013 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1395074)
DJ, I have the perfect website for you:

It's a non sexual site where you can join into different hobbies and also supportive groups for mental heath issues.

I have heard about that site but haven't really looked into it.

I think I heard LoathsomePete talking about it so I thought I would check it out but never got really invested into it.

Scarlett O'Hara 12-13-2013 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1395076)
I have heard about that site but haven't really looked into it.

I think I heard LoathsomePete talking about it so I thought I would check it out but never got really invested into it.

Well I'm going to go into a group that I like. I want to go specifically to the group that involves people with disabilities and mental health (specifically anxiety for me and my disease. I need to be around people who understand why I'm sick a lot.

djchameleon 12-13-2013 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1395077)
Well I'm going to go into a group that I like. I want to go specifically to the group that involves people with disabilities and mental health (specifically anxiety for me and my disease. I need to be around people who understand why I'm sick a lot.

that sounds like a really good idea.

If I got into one of those groups it would be most likely related to gaming or pen and paper rpgs/board games type of groups.

Scarlett O'Hara 01-11-2014 04:25 PM

What grinds my gears is when I come home from a friend's house to find the bbq and party from the night before (other hostel people) to find my plant filled with cigarettes. I'm super pissed off so I've left a note that hopefully gets shared around that the potted plant is not an ashtray.

Cheese 01-11-2014 07:00 PM

I found out what really grinds my gears yesterday...........A poorly adjusted clutch pedal.

ThePhanastasio 01-11-2014 09:12 PM

My manager...I like her. She's generally friendly. But, goddamn, can she go a whole day without sticking a passive aggressive or slightly condescending post-it note on my desk?! She does this to everyone on my team, but it is irksome. She has a way of pointing out things I am aware of, she knows I'm aware of, and presenting them like revelations to consider. And always puts a goddamn smiley face on it.

butthead aka 216 01-11-2014 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1405101)
My manager...I like her. She's generally friendly. But, goddamn, can she go a whole day without sticking a passive aggressive or slightly condescending post-it note on my desk?! She does this to everyone on my team, but it is irksome. She has a way of pointing out things I am aware of, she knows I'm aware of, and presenting them like revelations to consider. And always puts a goddamn smiley face on it.

one of my coworkers does the same. hes a gay black guy whos really sassy and has a major attitude. he will write a note "we are all adults, please clean the fingerprints and smudges off the refridgerator, thanks:)' and i want to kill him. i emphasize wit you

Cheese 01-11-2014 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1405102)
he will write a note "we are all adults, please clean the fingerprints and smudges off the refridgerator, thanks:)'

lol. he'd go insane where i work. our fridge is predominantly covered in black oil and grease

ThePhanastasio 01-11-2014 10:31 PM

I'm about to have to leave passive aggressive notes of my own at work, since that seems to be the only thing that works. Another thing that grinds my gears, actually: I am on a team of tenured reps at my job, and we work four ten hour shifts a week with an hour lunch. It is the primo shift. As such, Wednesdays and Thursdays, our desks are open. They have people from the crap teams who don't have their own personal desks and trainees sit there while we're gone, and they are the most uncivilized and inconsiderate people in the world.

I constantly come in on Friday to a desk covered in trash, my papers with essential transfer numbers for other departments/verbiage/etc. either ripped up with chewed gum inside, or missing, cords all over my desk instead of tucked away...this week, I found a ball of human hair, and someone had thumbtacked an open bag of fruit snacks over my dead air call verbiage. There was also a container of partially eaten Chinese food in the floor under my desk.

I shouldn't have to leave a note asking for these things not to happen, but I very well may. And if anyone is an ashole, it isn't too difficult to find out who was sitting where on a particular day, and it's not that difficult to go to HR, either.

Rjinn 01-12-2014 12:53 AM

Men who don't know when to stop after telling them you have a different sexual orientation and try to convince you otherwise. I'm usually polite and easy with everything else, even name-calling, but in that circumstance I tell them to piss off.

ThePhanastasio 01-12-2014 01:10 AM

I just tell them they are essentially hitting in a dude, and they get so confused and uncomfortable, they stop.

ThePhanastasio 01-12-2014 01:12 AM

I just tell them they're basically hitting on a Dude, and must be gay. They're so uncomfortable, they stop.

ladyislingering 01-12-2014 01:20 AM

Today I had a customer who tried to get my attention by saying "hey, sweetie! hey darlin', hey honey!"

He was promptly ignored, then coldly disrespected.

You say "excuse me, miss", you assclown.

Rjinn 01-12-2014 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1405137)
I just tell them they are essentially hitting in a dude, and they get so confused and uncomfortable, they stop.

Haven't tried that one. :laughing:

djchameleon 01-12-2014 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1405141)
Today I had a customer who tried to get my attention by saying "hey, sweetie! hey darlin', hey honey!"

He was promptly ignored, then coldly disrespected.

You say "excuse me, miss", you assclown.

Maybe he was from the South on vacation.

RoxyRollah 01-12-2014 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1405141)
Today I had a customer who tried to get my attention by saying "hey, sweetie! hey darlin', hey honey!"

He was promptly ignored, then coldly disrespected.

You say "excuse me, miss", you assclown.

Well hell we say all the above down south... no disrespect..

ladyislingering 01-12-2014 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1405146)
Maybe he was from the South on vacation.


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1405247)
Well hell we say all the above down south... no disrespect..

I briefly considered that but upon further investigation he didn't seem to have the accent. (He just yelled "do you have access to [this case]?" And he sounded like he was either from the area or Northern CA.)

He was dressed very nicely - I assume he was staying in the hotel next door for whatever reason. But even if he was from the south, it's not like they're stuck in the 19th century where it's ok to do that.

Laces Out Dan! 01-12-2014 01:07 PM

That doesn't sound all that disrespectful at all. A lot of the time when Im in a clothing store, a woman who works there will say "Honey, do you need a hand with anything?"

I kinda like it.

The Batlord 01-13-2014 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rjinn (Post 1405136)
Men who don't know when to stop after telling them you have a different sexual orientation and try to convince you otherwise. I'm usually polite and easy with everything else, even name-calling, but in that circumstance I tell them to piss off.

I hit on a lesbian once. When the truth was revealed I did the classy thing: feel mortified, mumble pitiful excuse, leave scene entirely too quickly. But that's just how I was raised.

Paul Smeenus 01-13-2014 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1405633)
I hit on a lesbian once. When the truth was revealed I did the classy thing: feel mortified, mumble pitiful excuse, leave scene entirely too quickly. But that's just how I was raised.

Your parents taught you a contingency for when you're busted for hitting on a lasbian?

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