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TheCunningStunt 12-19-2010 04:06 PM

Unexplainable things you do or have done
Things you've done/do but have no idea as to why you do them?

I bookmarked 4chan and I literally have no idea why.

James 12-19-2010 04:10 PM

I once filled my mouth with toothpaste and then drank half a carton of orange juice, just to see what the fuss was about. NEVER AGAIN.

Antonio 12-19-2010 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 972322)
Things you've done/do but have no idea as to why you do them?

I bookmarked 4chan and I literally have no idea why.


Get the fuck out of my house.

nah, j/k :)

I love gangster/mob/prison movies and tv shows, and i'm not too sure why.
I ALWAYS have to wash my hands after eating.
I hate using skin lotion, so my skin is very rough.
Once, i stuck a cigarette lighter onto my thumb. Hurt like hell and I still don't know why I did it.
Another time, I stuck a plunger into the wall of a house my dad was working on and made a foot wide hole in it. Needless to say, he was pissed, but i just found it hilarious :).

TheCunningStunt 12-19-2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Antonio (Post 972329)

Get the fuck out of my house.

nah, j/k :)

I will never go on the site again, but it's sat there as a favourite... Weird.


Originally Posted by Antonio (Post 972329)
I love gangster/mob/prison movies and tv shows, and i'm not too sure why.

Because if you make them well you have Goodfellas.
It's like saying I love *Insert genre here* music and I'm not sure why... if it's made well, it's epic.

Dayvan Cowboy 12-19-2010 04:36 PM

When I was little, I once tried yellow snow to see if it was lemon flavoured for no true reason. I was a dim witted child.

EDIT: reading antonio's post reminded me of something: when i was little I threw a toilet plunger at the fridge. No reason at all. none.

Kaimon 12-19-2010 04:42 PM

I remember for a very long time I had this strong compulsion to say the words "six" or "sex". It was like I was addicted to how the word felt when spoken. So I had to do it very quietly during class.

Dr.Seussicide 12-19-2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 972336)
When I was little, I once tried yellow snow to see if it was lemon flavoured for no true reason. I was a dim witted child.

EDIT: reading antonio's post reminded me of something: when i was little I threw a toilet plunger at the fridge. No reason at all. none.

Don't you make yellow snow by... =/

Dayvan Cowboy 12-19-2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Kaimon (Post 972337)
I remember for a very long time I had this strong compulsion to say the words "six" or "sex". It was like I was addicted to how the word felt when spoken. So I had to do it very quietly during class.

lol, I used to pronounce the word "iTunes" really weird and I used to say it all the time. My parents thought I was nuts :laughing:

downwardspiral 12-19-2010 04:54 PM

about a year and a half or so ago, i sneezed into my hand and had nowhere to wipe it except for the dog so i took the plunge and did so and my mum caught me and hit the roof.

i am forever doing things i know will cause me pain. sticking my finger into the blades of a fan, touching hot radiators and kettles etc, shutting my hands/feet in the door, pressing the point of a knife against my hand until it starts to hurt/just before it penetrates.

once i was out and it was 2 for 1 on kopparberg cider so i got two and couldn't be bothered holding both so i poured the contents of one of the bottles over my head and threw it away D:

we went to a festival earlier in the year and i was watching snoop dogg and this girl came up to me and said my hair was great, and she had curly hair also and i said hers was great and then i just put my face against her head and started chewing her hair! and then she looked at me with a blank expression and then started chewing mine, i loved it but i can't believe she was as odd as me.

when i get excited about something and i'm in the house, i don't know how to channel it so i usually bite doors/doorframes and now my doorframe has loads of bitemarks down it

also when i'm at home alone i tend to pull my pants really high above my waist and listen to music really high and thrust about aimlessly

FETCHER. 12-19-2010 04:55 PM

I get the impulse to go get my ears pierced ALL the time, then immediately regret it. Nursing cartilage piercings is a ****ing bastard. If I get too drunk they get tender too because I'm clumsy.

I also drank 4 shots of black absinthe last night. GONER.

I refuse to use public transport other than trains.

I dont know why i do/did any of these.

lol at all of downwards. He reminded me of a few things.

When I'm excited in the house myself, I put my arms rigidly by my side and jump up and down. Its so gay.

I also punch the **** of stuff when im excited.

i once clapped my dog and got her eye sleep on my hand, so i wiped it on her back...

I stole my friends carmex.

I fishhooked the guy i like last night.

My friend was looking at jewellery through a window, so i instinctively and violenty pushed her head into the glass.

NSW 12-19-2010 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by downwardspiral (Post 972343)

we went to a festival earlier in the year and i was watching snoop dogg and this girl came up to me and said my hair was great, and she had curly hair also and i said hers was great and then i just put my face against her head and started chewing her hair! and then she looked at me with a blank expression and then started chewing mine, i loved it but i can't believe she was as odd as me.

This is awesome.

downwardspiral 12-19-2010 04:57 PM

omg kayleigh, your absinthe thing reminds me, we have a bar here called bar cava and it's a tequila bar and they sell all kinds of mad flavours like baked bean and chilli and every time i go there i get a baked bean one even though every time i have one i chunder everywhere D: i have literally no clue why i keep repeating it

GuitarBizarre 12-19-2010 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by downwardspiral (Post 972348)
omg kayleigh, your absinthe thing reminds me, we have a bar here called bar cava and it's a tequila bar and they sell all kinds of mad flavours like baked bean and chilli and every time i go there i get a baked bean one even though every time i have one i chunder everywhere D: i have literally no clue why i keep repeating it

I've been there! Its awesome! They have a pepper flavoured tequila where if you order one they make you take a step back from the bar to drink it!

Listening to: Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - [Pershing #04] The Beach Song [foobar2000 v1.0.3]

FETCHER. 12-19-2010 05:08 PM


haha that reminds me of one time i drank ribena and it went down the wrong way, so i was sick out my car window and down the side of my car, classy.

bonesaw-orchestra 12-19-2010 10:37 PM

kayleigh. your's are hilarious.

When I'm with my little brother and we're somewhere public, like a store or mall or on a bus, we start talking about the most obscene topics we can think of. It's funny to make total strangers turn around or avoid us. I do this with all of my brothers. People think we're royally ****ed up. It's fun, and it also means if we're on a long bus ride, we get our own seats.

Every time I walk past a fire alarm I have to literally walk on the other side of the hall because I know one of these days I'll give in and pull it.

Scarlett O'Hara 12-19-2010 11:06 PM

When I was little I was famous for doing strange things for no reason.

- walked into the sea with school shoes on
- through a girls full can of coke in the bin
- stood on a guitar
- cut the wire of headphones with scissors
- singing alone in the church

ThoseDazeGone 12-20-2010 12:37 AM

Took off Running full speed after my first kiss
threw a magazine in the toilet thile duecing and tried to flush
Sold my mic at a garage sale for $4
Sat next to Rihanna at the paris airport and didn't say anything funny
Cut off just 1 of my dreadlocks

noise 12-20-2010 04:03 AM

when at home, i spout nonsense very, very frequently. it usually comes in the form of "i am a..."

this week i've been stuck on "i am a wooden bear", "i am a blue moose" and "i am a termite". classics include "i am a sailboat", "i am a dinosaur" and "i am a peanut".

other times, my nonsense is more freeform. things like "i have seventeen arms" or "i am made out of lemon jello"

occasionally, i take it a step further and sing nonsensical little songs.

the word that crops up most in my nonsense is "moose".

my wife is very tolerant.

zachsd 12-21-2010 04:28 AM

When I can't go to sleep late at night (like 2:00-3:00 am) I drive around looking for stores that are open and try to make small talk with the employees.

DoctorSoft 12-21-2010 11:41 PM

Whenever I go to a Value Village(big chain warehouse type store for second hand stuff) with friends we always have to either:

A: Put on basketball jerseys, shorts, runners, take a basketball and start playing until we get kicked out.

B: Just dress up like idiots and rollerblade around doing tricks and knocking the shopper's items out of their hands until we get kicked out.

ThePhanastasio 12-22-2010 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by noise (Post 972550)
when at home, i spout nonsense very, very frequently. it usually comes in the form of "i am a..."

this week i've been stuck on "i am a wooden bear", "i am a blue moose" and "i am a termite". classics include "i am a sailboat", "i am a dinosaur" and "i am a peanut".

other times, my nonsense is more freeform. things like "i have seventeen arms" or "i am made out of lemon jello"

occasionally, i take it a step further and sing nonsensical little songs.

the word that crops up most in my nonsense is "moose".

my wife is very tolerant.


That is awesome.

s_k 12-22-2010 06:56 AM

My ex-girlfriend used to say things like 'are you poo?' or 'are you a peanutbutter-marmelade sandwich?'.
Complete nonsense at complete random times.
Often when I asked her how to solve something, she used to answer 'you know the only solution is to take a dump on it'.
Don't have to be tolerant for that, the serious way she puts it makes it incredibly funny.

noise 12-22-2010 07:13 AM

that means... i'm not the only crazy one! oh joyous day :D

s_k 12-22-2010 07:14 AM

What, did you think you were?
I could've told you you weren't ;D.

spacetruckers99 12-22-2010 07:24 AM

I have a strange tendency to make random noises at random times.
people thikn i'm crazy but I really don't think I am!

ThePhanastasio 12-22-2010 07:40 AM

I always have a weird compulsion to jump on things. Anything waist high or shorter, I try to jump on without the aid of my hands. Anything taller, I try to vault on top of. I really have no idea why. It's a really strange urge that comes over me...which I usually act on.

crash_override 12-22-2010 08:35 AM

If I'm listening to or watching a media device with a digital volume control, the number on the dial MUST be even. No odd numbers can appear on my volume dial, I don't know why. Say I'm listening to music in my car, if 12 is too low, I will turn it up to 14. 13 isn't even an option. Call me weird, but I don't like the sound of odd numbers.

s_k 12-22-2010 08:44 AM

@phanastasio: you're probably suffering from a rare case of super marioism.

@crash_override: my car radio has that kind of volume control. It's just some numbers for me, making it pretty ttough to adjust the volume. Here goes:
1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25.
My friends actually know the right numbers by now. Which is pretty neat (h)

Antonio 12-22-2010 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 973638)
If I'm listening to or watching a media device with a digital volume control, the number on the dial MUST be even. No odd numbers can appear on my volume dial, I don't know why. Say I'm listening to music in my car, if 12 is too low, I will turn it up to 14. 13 isn't even an option. Call me weird, but I don't like the sound of odd numbers.

i do a similar thing, but it increments of 5 (like 15, 20, 25, etc)

Urban Hat€monger ? 12-22-2010 10:51 AM

I went food shopping last night for 7 things and somehow ended up spending over £100.

Dr.Seussicide 12-22-2010 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by noise (Post 972550)
when at home, i spout nonsense very, very frequently. it usually comes in the form of "i am a..."

this week i've been stuck on "i am a wooden bear", "i am a blue moose" and "i am a termite". classics include "i am a sailboat", "i am a dinosaur" and "i am a peanut".

other times, my nonsense is more freeform. things like "i have seventeen arms" or "i am made out of lemon jello"

occasionally, i take it a step further and sing nonsensical little songs.

the word that crops up most in my nonsense is "moose".

my wife is very tolerant.

Hmm, this is pretty weird. You should get this checked.

noise 12-22-2010 11:03 AM

checked for what? i have a wife. i have a home. i have a PhD and a good job. i'm sorted :D

CanwllCorfe 12-22-2010 11:39 AM

Well this is from the 100 facts thing:


When I was younger I had bought a calligraphy set. The next day I showed my teacher and said, "look what I found!" She then replied, "oh the teacher next door had lost one. That could be it!" I then walked next door. I, for whatever reason, asked him if it was it. He said, "oh wow, it looks like it. Thanks!" I knowingly gave him something I knew was mine, and just bought the day before. No, I wasn't being nice. I walked away confused, wondering why I did what I just did.
Sometimes I just do complete nonsense to entertain myself. I'll make up words, mispronounce them and make an entire sentence (and of course get angry when no one can understand what I'm saying), and then some other stuff. Like ask my friends if they ever heard Hey Ya by a band called Outkast or Float On by a band called Modest Mouse. Sometimes I'll just try and blurt out statements like, "GOD I love Indie Rock".

Dr.Seussicide 12-22-2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by noise (Post 973716)
checked for what? i have a wife. i have a home. i have a PhD and a good job. i'm sorted :D

Or so you say... :p: lol, I'm just being a sarcastic asshole, nevermind me :laughing:

duga 12-22-2010 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by noise (Post 973716)
checked for what? i have a wife. i have a home. i have a PhD and a good job. i'm sorted :D

People with PhD's are usually eccentric in some way. I'm working on getting one myself, and I know I have a lot eccentricities.

I can't even think about leaving the house without a shower.

I tend to accentuate what I'm saying with intense hand gestures that sometimes get a little out there. I've had looks.

When I drink cider I get intensely aggressive. Last weekend, I was completely sloshed on the stuff and was playing pool. The owner came up and told me to take my beer off the pool table. To me, he said it in the most condescending way possible (though my friends say he didn't really say it that bad). Still, I got REALLY pissed and wanted to punch the guy. I had to leave and calm myself with a cheeseburger. This may seem like a small incident, but if you knew me you would know I am one of the least aggressive people around.

When I was little:

Once I decided it would be cool to melt one of my sister's dolls in the microwave. It wasn't that cool.

I practiced making out with a Styrofoam head once.

Ah, I forgot a good one:

A couple years ago I was taking a 20 hour road trip by myself and tried to finish it all in one go without stopping. I think that is the closest I got to going insane because I started making funny noises to myself and singing along to my music in the weirdest voice I could make and I was cracking myself up. I mean, I was really laughing hard...I started having trouble breathing I was laughing so hard, so that's when I decided to stop and rest.

imaduck13 12-22-2010 11:58 AM

I tried to cut a toaster cord and flushed my moms glasses down the toilet

FETCHER. 12-22-2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 973638)
If I'm listening to or watching a media device with a digital volume control, the number on the dial MUST be even. No odd numbers can appear on my volume dial, I don't know why. Say I'm listening to music in my car, if 12 is too low, I will turn it up to 14. 13 isn't even an option. Call me weird, but I don't like the sound of odd numbers.

Marry me. I'm exactly the same. When I'm driving and can't see what the number has been put at if a friend turns it up, I try to ignore it and get all fidgety and ask compulsively "what numbers that at?" its more like i shout it to them.

Exo 12-22-2010 04:45 PM

For some reason when I brush my teeth, I'll hold my balls with my left hand. No reason at all, just holding my balls.

I buy books that I won't read for years just so I can have them in my library. More than half my books(I have about 400) haven't been read.

zachsd 12-22-2010 05:50 PM


I buy books that I won't read for years just so I can have them in my library. More than half my books(I have about 400) haven't been read.
Dude, you have a library, like in your house? Like a room you call your library?

Dr_Rez 12-22-2010 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 973863)
For some reason when I brush my teeth, I'll hold my balls with my left hand. No reason at all, just holding my balls.

I smoke, even when I have a cold and my throat hurts. I'm addicted to nicotine.

I buy books that I won't read for years just so I can have them in my library. More than half my books(I have about 400) haven't been read.

Thas not weird man. I think most guys take pleasure in holding there balls for some time.

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