Music Banter

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savannah 12-06-2010 07:45 PM

college woes: papers, finals, and wanting to kill myself
ok ok ok, many not kill MYself,....but kill this self that is living in a constant state of stress

here i sit, by no ones fault but my own, on music banter,....not writing a research paper i had due at 8am on hemingway's use of dialog to explore the dynamic between male and female within a strained relationship, in "the hills like white elephants"

the words aren't coming, the air is filled with bowie, i've stopped giving a ****,.....and right now my biggest worry is i'm almost out of weed, i drank all the booze in the house, and all i have left is one piece of two day old sausage, onion, and green pepper pizza from the italian joint down the road

i have no idea how i'm gonna pay financial aid back when i flunk out of school

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 07:46 PM

Sad day...

savannah 12-06-2010 07:51 PM

womp womp womp

Dirty 12-06-2010 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 965910)
ok ok ok, many not kill MYself,....but kill this self that is living in a constant state of stress

here i sit, by no ones fault but my own, on music banter,....not writing a research paper i had due at 8am on hemingway's use of dialog to explore the dynamic between male and female within a strained relationship, in "the hills like white elephants"

the words aren't coming, the air is filled with bowie, i've stopped giving a ****,.....and right now my biggest worry is i'm almost out of weed, i drank all the booze in the house, and all i have left is one piece of two day old sausage, onion, and green pepper pizza from the italian joint down the road

i have no idea how i'm gonna pay financial aid back when i flunk out of school

Ah, don't worry... Just pick up your slack next semester. Even if you have to take some time off and save some money up and pay on your loans, you'll be alright. If you gotta go to community college for a semester or two to bump your GPA, just do that. It'll all work out.

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 965919)
womp womp womp

Sad tuba

Sad Tuba

Goblin Tears 12-06-2010 07:54 PM

I flunked college.

Nowadays I'm a working girl.

savannah 12-06-2010 07:58 PM

i LOVE the sad tube

thanks dirty,...thats very encouraging,.....
i dont think i'm gonna flunk out,....but its not looking good
i'm blaming everything on wutang this semester

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 965930)
i LOVE the sad tube

thanks dirty,...thats very encouraging,.....
i dont think i'm gonna flunk out,....but its not looking good
i'm blaming everything on wutang this semester

Wu Tang clan aint nuthin' to flunk with!

savannah 12-06-2010 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 965931)
Wu Tang clan aint nuthin' to flunk with!

hey i ment to tell you today,...but,..i smoked and forgot

anyway,...this afternoon i was thinking about what it was like for my ISS teachers in school,....and how i would handle that if i were an ISS teacher

i decided that i would have to make a bulletin board that said

"just cuz you were bad, dont be sad"

and i could like,....give people gold stars for not sleeping

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 965932)
hey i ment to tell you today,...but,..i smoked and forgot



Originally Posted by savannah (Post 965932)
anyway,...this afternoon i was thinking about what it was like for my ISS teachers in school,....and how i would handle that if i were an ISS teacher

i decided that i would have to make a bulletin board that said

"just cuz you were bad, dont be sad"

and i could like,....give people gold stars for not sleeping

Bone Thugz plays into this somewhere, I'm sure of it.

savannah 12-06-2010 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 965936)

Bone Thugz plays into this somewhere, I'm sure of it.

dude i saw them, a month ago

so many middle aged white boys

i loved it

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 965940)
dude i saw them, a month ago

so many middle aged white boys

i loved it


I mean the show, not the white boys.

NSW 12-06-2010 08:17 PM


did you get a bag of dope and quarter roll...oh?

CanwllCorfe 12-06-2010 08:21 PM

Sounds like the same predicament a lot of my friends are going through. I'm always stressed though, so I can handle it.

savannah 12-06-2010 08:28 PM

for reals,....

it was pretty epic, though at the house of blues,...i knew it was gonna be like a frat party, but dont you think i wasnt right along with them, reliving my high school days and turning every rap into a country song with my accent (i could never be a rapper)

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 965962)
for reals,....

it was pretty epic, though at the house of blues,...i knew it was gonna be like a frat party, but dont you think i wasnt right along with them, reliving my high school days and turning every rap into a country song with my accent (i could never be a rapper)


savannah 12-06-2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 965963)


ok ok ok,'s how i'm gonna do this
i'll write for an hour,...maybe half,...and then i'll play on the internet for 10 mins,.....over and over and over again until i finish
that should break it up

luck for me i had a 4 hour nap today

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 965966)

ok ok ok,'s how i'm gonna do this
i'll write for an hour,...maybe half,...and then i'll play on the internet for 10 mins,.....over and over and over again until i finish
that should break it up

luck for me i had a 4 hour nap today

Far out

expect redirects.

RVCA 12-06-2010 08:41 PM

Studies apparently show that taking a 15 minute break for every hour spent studying/writing is very beneficial.

savannah 12-06-2010 08:47 PM


SATCHMO 12-06-2010 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 965981)

Freedom Rock

CanwllCorfe 12-06-2010 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 965973)
Studies apparently show that taking a 15 minute break for every hour spent studying/writing is very beneficial.

Indeed! Makes sense. It tends not to work so well with ADD. "Oh I love this show. Maybe I should check Facebook. I haven't been on YouTube for awhile. I wonder who's on MB. I wonder if anyone has managed to anger Janszoon. Oh damn my e-mail" and so on.

Freebase Dali 12-06-2010 09:34 PM

Jesus Christ, woman... go study and do school work.
Try wanting to do it. That works quite well. :)

savannah 12-06-2010 09:38 PM

i'm taking the nudists approach and wanting for nothing.

dac 12-06-2010 09:46 PM

If it makes you feel better, I'm sitting here on MB after months of absence avoiding my research projects on the implementation and design of roundabouts in the United States and the design of the sludge treatment process of a wastewater treatment plant.


savannah 12-06-2010 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 966021)
If it makes you feel better, I'm sitting here on MB after months of absence avoiding my research projects on the implementation and design of roundabouts in the United States and the design of the sludge treatment process of a wastewater treatment plant.


it does, really does,...make me feel so much better

solidarity in procrastination

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 966021)
If it makes you feel better, I'm sitting here on MB after months of absence avoiding my research projects on the implementation and design of roundabouts in the United States and the design of the sludge treatment process of a wastewater treatment plant.



Originally Posted by savannah (Post 966024)
it does, really does,...make me feel so much better

solidarity in procrastination

Sludge & White Elephants await.

savannah 12-06-2010 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 966027)
Sludge & White Elephants await.

you should read the sludge i'm writing,....sludge sludge sludge, much sludge that i'm wondering if a disclaimer about what sludge it is would be included in the word count

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 966030)
you should read the sludge i'm writing,....sludge sludge sludge, much sludge that i'm wondering if a disclaimer about what sludge it is would be included in the word count

I'm sorry you ran out of Bob Marley quotes.

savannah 12-06-2010 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 966032)
I'm sorry you ran out of Bob Marley quotes.

hey man,...i passed that test,....if a professor wants to accept my answers solely in the words of my man bob,.....then you can bet your ass i'm not gonna feel bad about it

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 966037)
hey man,...i passed that test,....if a professor wants to accept my answers solely in the words of my man bob,.....then you can bet your ass i'm not gonna feel bad about it

The one good thing about music is when you pass you feel okay?

savannah 12-06-2010 10:11 PM


the good thing about a passing grade is i am them absolved from feeling bad about spewing bull**** instead of learning the material like i should

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 966045)

the good thing about a passing grade is i am them absolved from feeling bad about spewing bull**** instead of learning the material like i should

Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold

savannah 12-06-2010 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 966046)
Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold

and here i am writing about a couple in a strained relationship about to embark on a train journey

to the bridge ohhh ohhh

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 10:24 PM

Praise Fari

savannah 12-06-2010 10:28 PM

forget fari

praise the research paper fairy

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 966061)
forget fari

praise the research paper fairy

Ain't no fairy gonna' help you. Best start rattlin' them keys.

savannah 12-06-2010 10:40 PM

oddly enough, i think the only thing i have to do is write a conclusion!!!!!!!!

and then i'm gonna pray

SATCHMO 12-06-2010 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 966074)
oddly enough, i think the only thing i have to do is write a conclusion!!!!!!!!

and then i'm gonna pray

Just regurgitate the introduction and sacrifice the sausage, onion, and green pepper pizza to the gods.

savannah 12-06-2010 10:46 PM

man that pizza is long gone, is my last package of pop tarts

i'm outa coffee and had to bust out some foldgers (gross)

and i'm tryin to decide if i'm gonna stay up and study for that zoo test in the morning, or if i'm just gonna smoke, go to sleep, and lie to myself by promising to get up at 5 to study

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