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Old 08-21-2013, 12:31 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Here, you're not even allowed to ride you bike on the sidewalk. If there is no pavement or trail beside it, then you need to go on the road.
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Old 08-21-2013, 12:36 PM   #22 (permalink)
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As you should. A bike is just as capable of running someone over as a car, you know --- dammit! I think I just gave the Batlord an idea!
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Old 08-21-2013, 12:39 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Burning Down View Post
Here, you're not even allowed to ride you bike on the sidewalk. If there is no pavement or trail beside it, then you need to go on the road.
Same here. Still ride on the pavement though, I've been in the road and don't feel safe at all, would rather ride on the pavement and take a fine than in the road and get hit and killed.
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Old 08-21-2013, 12:45 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Well like I said before, the road is for bikes. I agree the guy was an ******* but if anyone comes at me on their bike on the path (sidewalk) I too would stand in front of them, or at least not get out of the way. Hey, do I stand in the ROAD when you decide to use it once in a while? No I don't, so why do you get to use whichever you choose? Pavement's for pedestrians pal. That's why your bike has wheels.

Unless of course you were on a bicycle path, in which case ignore all the above.
still, it wasnt like he was ridin up behind them. dude was just bein a douche about it

personally i like when bikers are on the sidewalk. dont like driving with them on the road
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Old 08-21-2013, 01:10 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Yeah well I don't drive, so I don't appreciate it when someone comes flying along on a bike listening to their ipod or looking to one side while I have to dart out of the way. My belief is the road is the place for vehicles, so they should use it. As I say, I can't walk out in traffic, so why can bikes use the footpath? What if they run some kid down cos they're not looking, and nobody expects a bike to be on the path, although it happens way too often?

But yes, I agreed already: the guy was just being a knob.

Thing is, Fluff (I can't call you Christian, seriously man!) it's more a case of if you want to feel safe you get the choice of using road or path; pedestrians don't get that option, so it seems unfairly weighted on the side of the cyclist.

Question for ya, or other cyclists: do you stop at red lights or do you just sail through, and if the latter, why?
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Old 08-21-2013, 01:13 PM   #26 (permalink)
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As long as you don't ride like a bell-end then I don't see the problem, if you hit a pedestrian you're not really gonna kill them. Get hit by a car when you're on a bicycle and you're much more likely to die.
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Old 08-21-2013, 05:40 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Meh, I've had this argument before. It goes nowhere. Unless you're a pedestrian who has to keep moving out of the way of cyclists you're not gonna get the annoyance factor, so there's no point in my trying to convince you. I'll just leave it at that.
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Old 08-21-2013, 11:17 PM   #28 (permalink)
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The fact is that, unless there's a designated bike path, a bike really belongs in neither place. I think that sidewalks are for pedestrians, but nothing pisses me off quite like a bicyclist acting like a car, e.g. getting in the left turn signal lane with heavy traffic. That is a time I believe the cyclist shout get in the crosswalk with pedestrians and walk their bike in the crosswalk obeying the walk/don't walk signals. That's what I did for the many years I biked to and from work.
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Basically you're David Hasselhoff.
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Old 08-22-2013, 12:22 AM   #29 (permalink)
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A couple. One is, naturally in elementary school. I was the lead in our school Thanksgiving play, and totally spaced it on a line. There was an awkward silence, my teacher trying to mouth the line: The men all built long tables to me, but her gesticulations were even more confusingm . I decided, "The men were loooooong," arms outstretched, was the appropriate line. The audience erupted in laughter.

I was at an awards banquet my junior year, had accepted the two awards I knew I won, and slipped my shoes off for comforts sake. I ended up winning an art award, had to get my shoes back on and make my way to the stage. The principal apparently thought I wasn't coming and turned his back, right as I got to the edge of the stage. I turned to the audience, in an inadvertently comedic and exaggerated arms out shrug, which resulted in hysterical laughter.

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Old 08-22-2013, 12:35 AM   #30 (permalink)
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I ooze embarrassing moments, and I suck at recoveries, I'm a walking awkward automaton, but anyway. I'm just going to go with one moment in my life that was embarrassing, not terribly so, but embarrassing.

So, last new years I tagged along with a group of co-workers to another co-worker's new apartment. It was decided we were to get shitfaced that night, which I was cool with. We all got into the tiny one room apartment with some other chick (whom I barely know) I work with who is fairly quiet, and I suck at breaking the ice, so I stand around barefoot with my hands in my pockets chiming in only when necessary. Everyone except me and quiet girl goes out for a smoke (I'm not a smoker, keep this in mind) so it was just the two of us, so I semi-awkwardly go outside and bum a cig to escape an awkward silence. We go back in, and my friend (who I work with and have known for 6 years) starts making mixed drinks, in plastic cups no less (classy as shit right there). I enjoy my screwdriver, and then comes the wine, it was that kind of wine that didn't have any hint of dryness at all, it was almost like some sort of alcoholic fruit punch. We're sitting around drinking, yucking it up, waiting for the new year (I think I remember a board game too?). I'm starting to get pretty wasted, but I said to myself "Hey man, it's okay to get fucked up tonight, don't worry about shit, just enjoy things". We're drinking the rest of the wine (I had a bottle and a half), and I think I had 3-4 screwdrivers at that time too. At this point, we're all talking about relationships, and I bring up this chick I really had a thing for, but this girl and I never got together (even though we went out a few times), they tried to convince me to drunk dial her. I don't care how messed up I am, I'm never, ever drunk calling some poor girl in the middle of the night. In comes co-worker's boyfriend, he decides to swing by and see what's up, and at that point I'm completely fucked up, so I'm laughing like an idiot chatting up co-worker's boyfriend about how glad we are that he came (I'm a stupidly happy drunk, and I absolutely love everyone and everything). We all decided to go out and smoke, and I decide to bum another cig, so there I am with a lit cigeratte in my hand swaying back in forth having a laughapocalypse, and BAM!, it hits me. I feel like my stomach was just punched by the mighty allah himself. I say calmly whilst swaying back in forth "Hey guys, I'm gonna be sick" and I stumble over to the hill near the patio of the apartment with a still lit cigarette and roll backwards, stand up briefly, collapse to my hands, and puke out my guts. I black out, and come to my co-workers helping me into the apartment, give me a blanket, and ask me to lay down. So there I am, by myself, smelling like puke, on my co-worker's floor. They come back in, and I ask what happened, apparently the boyfriend left because he thought I was underage and I apologized profusely to my co-worker to she replied "Eh whatever, this kind of says to me I don't really want to date him anyway". Quiet girl also left for the night, as she planned on leaving when we all went to bed (not exactly sure how to explain that, but she planned on leaving that night before she even arrived). The rest of them get ready for bed, and the night pretty much ends. I ended up being the last one to fall asleep, mainly due to making a complete ass out of myself.
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"check yr fucking posable limbs privilege you ****s"
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