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Old 08-01-2010, 07:17 AM   #191 (permalink)
Dr. Prunk
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I read your latest blog. Here's some of my thoughts on it.

Is it abnormal to be attracted to bald women?

Sure it is.

Don’t be shocked by that. The best definition I’ve ever heard for “normal” (and I hate to keep going back to Star Trek) was “what everyone else is and you are not.” Acomophiles are different from most people who are going to prefer long hair or at least some hair on women. At best, the normal folks, or at least those who don’t share our particular abnormality, might not have strong feelings one way or the other when it comes to female baldness.

It’s not normal. But lots of great things aren’t normal. It’s only when sex is involved that people start to get weirded out by it. You can deliberately seek out and watch movies that most people would consider too badly made to be watchable. A small segment of the population finds them fun for that very reason. They’re abnormal in much the same way as the acomophile, there just isn’t a sexual urge involved. That is where the line is drawn between an interesting and amusing hobby and “you wouldn’t believe what that guy is into.”
Everybody has their own interests, but when they involve sexual attraction that's when you're really vulnerable to ridicule. Many people make logical fallacies, causing corelation with cause. Because a lot of rapists and serial killers have weird sexual quirks, I must be a potential rapist/serial killer because I have weird sexual quirks.

An attraction to bald women is not a normal thing, but does it really matter? Not if it doesn’t harm anyone. Really, people don’t even need hair, and we do all kinds of things with it to suit any way we might want to look. Hair doesn’t really do anything. We wear hats for warmth and sun protection. The value of human hair is purely aesthetic. If you want to shave your head bald, or anyone, male or female goes bald, it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. In that sense, acomophilia is just a matter of taste in hairstyles. Guys can identify as a boob man or a butt man. I’m a head man, or maybe a scalp man. I like to see a little skin, same as any guy. I just like to see a little more than most.
Well put lol.

It's socially acceptable for guys to drool over a woman's tits and even women accept it, but when guys are more attracted to other parts of her instead they're crying psychopath. Most guys just react to weird fetishes by poking fun of them, women tend to be much more harsh about it.

Where acomophilia or any fetish becomes a problem is when people are harmed, including yourself. You can become obsessed with shaving women’s heads, sacrificing real pleasure in favor of a fantasy, surfing the web daily for pictures of bald women, spending too much money on head shaving videos and too much time whacking off to them. It can happen and it does happen, if the number of sites offering this kind of stuff is any indication. It can lead to insensitive behavior, making sex objects of women, including those who are not bald of their own free will and maybe not too happy about it, or pressuring your own wife or girlfriend into a haircut she doesn’t want. And God forbid you cross any of the more serious lines, into practices that are justifiably illegal, and repugnant enough that I don’t care to talk about them here.

But is the fetish to blame, or does it come down to your own personality and your own character? A fetish is an urge. What you do with it is up to you. Yes, there are some people who are mentally ill and cannot control their urges so easily, but that is a separate issue. Ultimately, whether you choose to care about the bald head or the woman herself is up to you. Whether you make distinctions between a simple urge and a deeper emotional connection is up to you. Whether you apply the same moral and ethical boundaries as any responsible person would with any attractive woman, with regard to marriage, age, familial relations and plain old respect, is up to you. Whether you find a safe outlet for your acomophile urges is up to you. And whether your acomophilia is something you’re ashamed of or something you accept as part of who you are is also up to you.
Well I don't surf daily but at least once a week heh. I used to keep bald girl pictures in my main picture folder but since people sometimes wanted to brouse through it and I didn't want them to see them I put them into their own folder, at the moment theres over 2600 files lol. I don't save every bald girl picture I see just the best ones heh.

I definitely can't get off on cancer patients. I did creep out some members for finding an alopecian woman attractive though. Why is it wrong to find an alopecian attractive if she's not uncomfortable with it enough to want to hide it? The ones who don't wear wigs accept it as a part of who they are, some of them get so use to it that they'll keep shaving it even when it starts growing back.

The torture headshaves and stuff I don't get off on. And I don't buy headshave videos or anything that extreme.

And how other people view you depends more on the cues you give them than you might think. Here’s a scenario I’m sure most acomos are familiar with, and if it hasn’t happened to you, chances are it will.

Somebody – your wife, your boss, your kids, your mom, whoever – sits down at your computer to perform some casual task and stumbles across your bald chick stash. If you have a fetish, chances are you have a stash. It might not be on the computer, but somewhere you have a (hopefully small) collection of pictures, videos, magazines and whatnot, all pertaining to your particular kink. Or the unsuspecting individual starts typing in a URL and a list of your frequently visited sites drops down. You’re extremely embarrassed, they’re completely weirded out, and you are trying to come up with a logical explanation for having that many high-resolution images of bald women, or just why you’re visiting the loverbald site so much.
Yeah I've totally been here.

Sometimes when talking to people they will bring headshaving into the conversation, sometimes I think about bringing it up but I never do.

Worst part is when people want to use my computer. I do not want them to stumble upon the folder I have or the links in my favorites page, in the latter case I need to take those links and put them in a folder.

But I think how people react will be largely influenced by how you react. The more you freak out when someone does uncover your little secret, the more concerned they will be. So if someone finds out about it I'll try to be laid back about it. "Yeah I like bald chicks it's just a thing, you know?".

Congratulations, you’re a pervert.

Why? Because these people weren’t expecting this. It’s obviously something you were trying to hide, and you reacted like someone caught doing something wrong. You’d better believe there’s guilt written all over your face. And if you are generally a nice, normal person, it’s all going to seem so unlike you.

That’s where we have to perform something of a cost-benefit analysis of how we handle our bald woman fetish. Confiding in people close to you means sticking your neck out, opening up and exposing yourself to any reaction they might have, but it also means you can share this part of yourself, explain it on your terms and let people get comfortable with it. Keeping your acomophilia to yourself will protect you in the short term, but it also means isolation, fear of discovery and almost certain embarrassment down the road.

And I think one of the things that allows fetishes to get out of hand for a few people is that we don’t talk about them. My feeling has always been that everybody, to some degree, is into something a little bit unusual, which is great. We just don’t like to talk about it, even to people we should confide in. And not being aware of the diversity of kinks around us serves to make us that much more embarrassed and reluctant to reveal our own fetish. Catch 22. But sharing this part of yourself with someone you trust can give you an outside perspective, reassuring you when you do feel ashamed, and warning you if you’re getting a little bit carried away with the whole female head shaving thing. Unusual urges and isolation are a potentially bad mix, and unwarranted shame about our fetishes can too easily lead us to isolate ourselves.
This is especially true. I think little sexual quirks are normal, everyone is different. But the more ashamed people are to admit it and the more conflicted they feel about it the more obsessive they can be. One reason things become isolated obsessions is because people are afraid to share their interests with others and they feel rejected from the rest of the world. I think if more people accepted these strange fetishes you'd have less weirdos stealing shoes and going fap happy.

I think I've done the right thing by being open about it, and letting people make their jokes. I'm still in the stage though where I'm too nervous to bring it up to people IRL. The jokes and opinions of strangers is one thing, what my friends or family would think is another.

My first thought is to say that most fetishists are no different from you or me, but I’m a fetishist and chances are you’re one as well. So I’ll just say we’re no different from most people. And those of us who get excited by bald women or the thought of shaving a woman’s head really have nothing to be ashamed of, at least not from our fetish alone. Why are we so afraid to share it?
Yeah, I don't feel like I'm a pervert. There's a difference between just being really really into something and it taking too much control of your life and decisions.

I get nervous around attractive women in genera,l I would just be more so if she was you know. But I'm not gonna start licking her head against her will or anything. <_<
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.

Last edited by boo boo; 08-01-2010 at 05:33 PM.
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Old 08-01-2010, 10:21 AM   #192 (permalink)
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Well I don't surf daily but at least once a week heh. I used to keep bald girl pictures in my main picture folder but since people sometimes wanted to brouse thread it and I didn't want them to see them I put them into their own folder, at the moment theres over 2600 files lol. I don't save every bald girl picture I see just the best ones heh.
My problem was that I didn't want to spend a lot of time perusing this stuff online, so I found some add-ons for Firefox that allowed me to right click and pretty much harvest the images from entire sites to look at later, then toss out what I didn't want. Most of the time, I just forgot about them, until my wife stumbled across the folder where they were getting dumped and let me know just how much was in there. At least that was the result of an automated process making it too easy to accumulate material, and not because I was obsessively downloading it.

I think I'm actually more uncomfortable with having that stuff than my wife is. She doesn't make any moral judgements on acomophilia. It is what it is, and as long as there are boundaries, it's OK. On one level, I know it's just an itch that needs to be scratched, and keeping some images and videos was fine when I was single, but now, it just doesn't feel quite right to me.

And actually, I get a bigger thrill when I can enjoy the fetish with my wife. You'd be surprised how much you can enjoy a woman talking about shaving her head even when she doesn't actually do it. Combine that with running her hands all over my head, and who needs pictures?

Sometimes when talking to people they will bring headshaving into the conversation, sometimes I think about bringing it up but I never do.
I've definitely been there. I did once make a brief comment to some friends many years ago, when we were all drunk and sharing little secrets. It just got lost in all the drunken ramblings, most of which were forgotten by morning.

Probably the closest I've come to announcing it was to hang a picture of Persis Khambatta on my wall. Can't remember what prompted it. I think it's just natural, when you have a picture you think is beautiful, that you want to display it. I think it was, in part, just not wanting to enjoy a beautiful picture alone. This was maybe ten years ago. It was a fold-out magazine poster of her with the butterfly painted on her head. I got it plaqued (the woman at the store commented on how stunning Persis looked), and put it on the wall. I figured since it had science fiction connections and it was a very artistic retro-70s photo, it could be justified without admitting anything. But it was also an outright invitation to ask questions. I was asking people to start putting two and two together.

The toughest thing is when you think you might know someone who is into the same things as you, but there's no way to be sure without sticking your neck out and revealing something about yourself. What if you're wrong?

Glad you're enjoying the blog, by the way. Any interest in writing some articles?

Last edited by baldy1138; 08-01-2010 at 01:02 PM.
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Old 08-01-2010, 05:51 PM   #193 (permalink)
Dr. Prunk
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Originally Posted by baldy1138 View Post
My problem was that I didn't want to spend a lot of time perusing this stuff online, so I found some add-ons for Firefox that allowed me to right click and pretty much harvest the images from entire sites to look at later, then toss out what I didn't want. Most of the time, I just forgot about them, until my wife stumbled across the folder where they were getting dumped and let me know just how much was in there. At least that was the result of an automated process making it too easy to accumulate material, and not because I was obsessively downloading it.

I think I'm actually more uncomfortable with having that stuff than my wife is. She doesn't make any moral judgements on acomophilia. It is what it is, and as long as there are boundaries, it's OK. On one level, I know it's just an itch that needs to be scratched, and keeping some images and videos was fine when I was single, but now, it just doesn't feel quite right to me.

And actually, I get a bigger thrill when I can enjoy the fetish with my wife. You'd be surprised how much you can enjoy a woman talking about shaving her head even when she doesn't actually do it. Combine that with running her hands all over my head, and who needs pictures?
I'm still single sooooooooooooooooo...........

I don't really see anything wrong with fantasizing about other women, if it's only fantasy. Then again I guess that depends on your religious beliefs and what not.

When you're not in a relationship then yeah self pleasing is your only alternative lol. And I'm not really ashamed of my little folder. A lot of guys have porn collections, I just have something a little weirder lol.

Yeah I don't want people to see it and think I have problems I don't have. But on the other hand I think the shocked reactions people would give would be more funny than hurtful to me. People already think I'm weird anyway.

I've definitely been there. I did once make a brief comment to some friends many years ago, when we were all drunk and sharing little secrets. It just got lost in all the drunken ramblings, most of which were forgotten by morning.

Probably the closest I've come to announcing it was to hang a picture of Persis Khambatta on my wall. Can't remember what prompted it. I think it's just natural, when you have a picture you think is beautiful, that you want to display it. I think it was, in part, just not wanting to enjoy a beautiful picture alone. This was maybe ten years ago. It was a fold-out magazine poster of her with the butterfly painted on her head. I got it plaqued (the woman at the store commented on how stunning Persis looked), and put it on the wall. I figured since it had science fiction connections and it was a very artistic retro-70s photo, it could be justified without admitting anything. But it was also an outright invitation to ask questions. I was asking people to start putting two and two together.

The toughest thing is when you think you might know someone who is into the same things as you, but there's no way to be sure without sticking your neck out and revealing something about yourself. What if you're wrong?
I imagine one day I will be comfortable enough to bring it up to family/friends if a topic ever comes up where it would be relevant.

I would be more nervous to tell girls about it than guys. Guys would just call me a weirdo and joke about it and sh*t and I've gotten used to that. Girls would end up thinking I'm a crazy rapist guy or whatever.

Glad you're enjoying the blog, by the way. Any interest in writing some articles?
Hmm, I've been meaning to start a blog that covers a wide range of subjects but you mean write articles for your blog? Sure, why not?

If you had more than one contributor it would get updated more often. We can also share ideas for articles and such. So that sounds great. I'm up for it.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 08-01-2010, 06:57 PM   #194 (permalink)
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I don't really see anything wrong with fantasizing about other women, if it's only fantasy. Then again I guess that depends on your religious beliefs and what not.
More my own personal ethics. My religious beliefs are pretty liberal. I suppose if I feel a little bit guilty about getting occasional relief with a picture of a complete stranger, that probably makes me more loyal than a lot of guys.

And yeah, if you want to contribute to the blog, that would be great.
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Old 08-10-2010, 02:14 AM   #195 (permalink)
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natalie portman in V 4 Vendetta is the only one i found hot
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Old 08-10-2010, 09:33 AM   #196 (permalink)
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It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 09-29-2010, 02:28 PM   #197 (permalink)
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for Boo Boo upon his return.

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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Old 01-01-2011, 06:12 PM   #198 (permalink)
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Hey booboo,

Just wanted to say that, almost word for word, I could of wrote the opening post of this thread. I tried to post a few times about the subject but it never took off. Glad to have found out this thread.

Thanks for sharing.
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Old 01-01-2011, 09:48 PM   #199 (permalink)
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Let's so not reuse this thread. Is there actually any member here aside from boo boo who's banned that likes bald chicks?
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Old 01-01-2011, 11:15 PM   #200 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
Let's so not reuse this thread. Is there actually any member here aside from boo boo who's banned that likes bald chicks?
I like bald chicks!
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