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Old 05-16-2010, 10:28 AM   #61 (permalink)
أمهاتك[وهور]Aura Euphoria
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Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide View Post

Have you seen Blue Sky Noise? Pretty weird.

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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Old 05-16-2010, 10:32 PM   #62 (permalink)
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My favourite album Tough choice, but this one has stuck with me for years since I 1st heard it, no matter what and that's the DRESDEN DOLLS album....every song on it is absolute brilliance to me.

My favourite lyric: Another TOUGH one, but....

concerned (but powerless), an empowered and informed member of society
(pragmatism not idealism), will not cry in public, less chance of illness,
tires that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat), a good memory, still cries at a good film, still kisses with saliva, no longer empty and frantic like a cat tied to a stick, that's driven into frozen winter **** (the ability to laugh at weakness), calm, fitter, healthier and more productive a pig
in a cage on antibiotics.

My first gig: Spice Girls 11 years ago?

The book that changed me: Easily.....

My favourite painting: I'm not a big art person, but an artist who I have always liked is Rene Magritte. Probably my overall favorite....

My style icon: I don't have a specific style icon.
My favourite place: I haven't found a genuine 'favorite place', but for now I'll say my bedroom...
My favourite album artwork: Easily.... I don't know why but I'm just in love with the whole image

My idol: I have always been an absolute fangirl of Lucille Ball.....

My alter ego: Catwoman! Lol, I'm aware this is a silly answer, but the question was silly, and so I decided to take the opportunity to express my love of Catwoman, and indirectly, Batman......
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Old 05-16-2010, 10:52 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thrice View Post
Have you seen Blue Sky Noise? Pretty weird.
It is pretty fucking weird, but I think I much prefer On Letting Go... music wise as well
I'll stay if I ever could, and pick up your pieces babe, because there's never a perfect day.

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Old 05-16-2010, 11:51 PM   #64 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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Originally Posted by kayleigh. View Post
My style icon
Can't think.
why it never dawned on me before, i dont know.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 05-20-2010, 03:13 AM   #65 (permalink)
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Hello - a total newbie here
just thought I'd say hi and get to know some of you and what's what around here.

Favorite Album:
[recent] Gil Scott Heron - I am new Here

First gig:
party at Uni last summer, where i was kinda pushed to DJ by my mate, with no real clue. I loved it.

The book that changed me:
Catch 22

Favorite Place:
I just love traveling. I am now a student so i dont get to travel too often. but i have got big plans for the summer - follow the music !!!
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Old 05-21-2010, 04:16 PM   #66 (permalink)
Take it easy, but take it
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My Favorite Album; My favorite album is probably Hank Williams - Alone With His Guitar. Mostly because I enjoy everything the man done, but also because this particular album just sends chills down my spine when listening to it. The track 'Alone and Forsaken' just gets me every time. The Velvet Underground and Nico almost had the title of my favorite album, but I changed my mind. Honestly though, I think its unfair to narrow it down to one particular album. I would rather make a list of favorites. haha.

My Favorite Lyric; Because I can so relate to this a lot of times.
Hank Williams - I'll Never Get Out Of This World Alive
Now you're lookin' at a man that's gettin' kinda mad
I've had a lots of luck but it's all be bad
No matter how I struggle and strive I'll never get out of this world alive
My fishin' pole is broke the creek is full of sand
My woman ran away with another man
No matter how I struggle abd strive I'll never get out of this world alive
A distant uncle passed away and left me quite a batch
And I was livin' high until that fatal day
A lawyer proved I wasn't born I was only hatched
Everythin's again' me and it's got me down
If I jumped in the river I would probly drown
No matter how I struggle and strive I'll never get out of this world alive
These shabby shoe I'm wearin' all the time is full of holes and nails
And brother if I stopped on a worn out dime
I bet a nickeI I could tell if it was heads or tails
I'm not gonna worry wrinkles in my brow
Cause nothing's ever gonna be alright no how
No matter how I struggle and strive I'll never get out of this world alive

My First Gig; Some small time local country act while I was younger, and Weird Al at a theme park once. Haven't gotten to a show I really wanted to attend yet though, sadly.

The Book that Changed Me; American Psycho. I can no longer sleep with the lights out in my house. Honestly though, its between American Psycho by Ellis, and Junky by Burroughs. AP because of the shock value. Junky because it was one of the first novels I read. lol.

My Favorite Painting; I'm clueless on painting.

My Style Icon; Hmm, I dunno, whoever wears hoodies/t shirt/jeans daily. LOL.

My Favorite Place; Anywhere I can relax and just listen to music. I don't have one particular place I enjoy doing this. Just so there is nobody bothering me.

My Favourite Album Artwork; Bongzilla's Gateway is the one that always comes to mind. Not because its related to smoking weed, its just cool looking.

My Idol; Hank Williams. I know it seems I worship him, but this is my honest answer. The man was so amazing with a pen. Plus he had a great voice and was a major influence on A LOT of musicians. Basically, I would like to be able to write 1/100 as good as him.

My Alter Ego;I have no idea.
“If a song can't be written in 20 minutes, it ain't worth writing.” - Hank Williams
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Old 05-21-2010, 06:07 PM   #67 (permalink)
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My favourite album
First Impressions of Earth by The Strokes. Loads of their followers wigged out cos their sound was a bit different than their original album... I, however, embraced it fully and truly appreciate it even more than the first! Every song they've in there tends to be able to describe an aspect of my life in some way... and the guitar riffs are flawless, as usual.

My favourite lyric
"Don't worry about it, honey, I never needed anybody" (The Strokes- 'Between Love & Hate) More or less my state of mind after my last ex, and my view on 'love' entirely. Was fine before it, will be fine after it.


"Just to lay with you, there's nothing that I wouldn't do, save lay my rifle down." (The Decemberists- 'Here I dreamt I was an Architect') Another philosophy on my outlook on others.

My first gig
Besides local ones, my first was The Decemberists. It was ace, Colin Meloy was proper hilarious, and the gig was really good.

The book that changed me
Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides By far, best book I've read in my lifetime. Outlines the parallel lives of prisoners in Cabanatuan and the daring rescue the U.S. military performed in WWII to save 'em. True story, too!

My favourite painting

Always been in love with The Temptation by Salvador Dali

It's a strange piece.

My style icon
i dinnae wot this is trying to mean, but if by who do i look to dress like, I suppose I try to keep it classy like Pete D!


My favourite place
How do you escape the great veils of pouring rain? Go to a foreign island or house in Spain! I don't like being at my flat, or even in Edinburgh or Glasgow (I go to uni there) at all. I much prefer being away, someplace... so basically, anywhere but here.

My favourite album artwork
Quite like this of The Cribs

My idol
Hmm.. I'd have to go with Carl Barat! The bloke is half deaf and still making astoundingly brilliant music!

Just look at him...

My alter ego
ehh.. I think I'm my own alter ego. There's business-like, ambitious, studious, intellectual university Harry who works at a bank and is studying molecular biology, and then there's junkie, musical, indie, pissed up bastard Harry who recently kicked shooting up in the arse, and likes to party and club. xD
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Old 05-26-2010, 03:31 AM   #68 (permalink)
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OK, I'll play:

As of right now-

My favourite album
Grateful Dead- American Beauty, Bob Marley-Legend, Dire Straights-Brothers in Arms. Touch the point/middle of my existence, point out truths, show needs that must be met, show flaws we all have, and have great rhythmic and stylistic music

My favourite lyric
"Am I the victim or the crime?"
"You did not desert me my brothers in arms"
"I can change the world, with my own two hands"

My first gig
played-In church when I was 13 playing with my parents as the music section
attended-Reggae on the River

The book that changed me
Friedrich Nietsche-The Dawn
Karl Jaspers-Philosophy and Existence
Spender Johnson-Who Moved my Cheese?

Nietsche and Jaspers, though may often disagree with them on points, were seminal existentialists that helped me understand that my experience was qualified by my ability to apprehend the world, and that my perceptions were largely created by myself as well as received by myself.
Given that, I still had to make a sandwich when I got hungry.
Johnson helped me see that I needed to be proactive in making sure I could always get a sandwich when I was busy worrying about Being and Nothingness and got hungry.

My favourite painting
meh. probably a Dali

My style icon
Billy Idol. I mean, Come on!

My favourite place
Sitting at my drumset at a big show
my new office
on the Hill behind Blue Lake,CA where I can see the ocean, town, and the river

My favourite album artwork
Sublime-40 Oz to freedom

My idol
My name's James I make up y own slang
and I aint got no heroes cause I do my own thang

My alter ego
Jeffy Jim, hahahaha
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Old 05-31-2010, 05:05 PM   #69 (permalink)
lets make a mess, lioness
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My favourite album: Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Grew up listening to it, as it was my brothers favourite album at the time. Still love it, and every song brings back great memories.

My favourite lyric: "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see" - Strawberry Fields Forever, The Beatles

My first gig: Roger Waters in concert. Amazing sound, and they let off a giant balloon pig at the end in honour of the album Animals.

The book that changed me: Fantastic Mr. Fox. Never have I loved anything more than that sneaky little fox.

My favourite painting: Massimo Meda, The Island. Take me there.

My style icon: Alexa Chung. Its On With Alexa Chung has some of the best clothes I've ever seen in my life.

My favourite place: Santa Margherita Ligure, in Italy. My hometown, love it. Plus, its beautiful. Or St. Tropez. Or Glastonbury festival?

My favourite album artwork: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles. I read the history behind this cover the other day and I loved it.

My idol: Mick Jagger. Enough said.

My alter ego: Harry Potter. I was made to be a wizard.

And explain why.

Its Harry Potter. Theres no need to explain.

Last edited by glastonelle; 06-02-2010 at 06:51 PM.
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Old 06-12-2010, 06:21 AM   #70 (permalink)
Like a fart in a trance
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I'll have a go on account of being the only person in a 15 mile radius not enjoying the sun and having nothing better to do today...

My favourite album
Ok, so I'm stuck on the first question. This is very difficult. I guess I'd have to go for 'Goodbye Country (hello nightclub) by Groove Armada, purely based on the fact that it's the album that holds most memories for me and, in my opinion, one of their best albums. It's mostly down to nostalgia though.

My favourite lyric
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Car parts, bottles and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around - Hyperballad by Bjork. I have no idea why.

My first gig
The Radio one Roadshow in Bournemouth (if that counts?) in 1996.

The book that changed me
'The Twits' by Roald Dahl

My favourite painting

My style icon
I'm too lazy for style frankly. I suppose if you mixed Kat Von D with Audrey Hepburn and threw in some Dolores O'Riordan then that would be the person my style would resemble most, I guess...

My favourite place

Upnor 'Beach'. Lame, but it was my little thinking spot as a kid and to this day, when things turn to sh*ite I end up walking down to the sad excuse for a beach, climbing up the brickworks and chilling out there.

My favourite album artwork

My idol
Kate Bush. I told my parents that's who I was going to be when I grew up. As a pianist (a term I use loosely) she was a big inspiration to me musically. And she's a loony cow.

My alter ego
Ermmm... She-Ra. Awesome.
'You got red on you...'
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