I fought the law and did they win? (ticket, pop) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 02-28-2005, 08:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
punk rock mommy
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Default I fought the law and did they win?

I was just posting this to talk about the pigs...or cops if you will....
let's pos some stories here where we rebelled against authority...
I got alot, but I will give you an example of one....
One time I had a girl cop search us and bully us(some friends and myself) and she found nothing, when she got back up in there, she decided that she would get tough.
I back chatted her, and she punched me in the mouth and gave me a gut shot, dropped me....
I got back up as she was getting in her car and looked her in the eye and then spit the mouthful of blood all over the side door of her car.
She just looked at me like I was crazy, then my friends started flicking cigarette butts and yelling things as she drove away.The next time I got stopped, it was her again, she was still all tough, but when she left, she said that she never saw that kind of guts in a long time,and that she would have arrested me for assault, but I was not worth the trouble...

here is another one....One time my husband and I were completely intoxicated, and heading home, when we were stoped because we were recognized and the both of us were beaten by 5 or 6 officers, he ended up with a broken hand, and 3 stitches above hs eye, I was bruised and beaten and coughed up some blood but for the most part was fine...
But when I checked my jacket for damage and blood the next day, I saw that there was a Peel Regional Police Official pin that came off of a cops u-conform and embedded itself in my jacket, with the serial # and all, we called the 22 Division, and they ran, and got all the badges of these officers attending on duty and made a strike on their reports for lying about their whereabouts and they were all fined....hahahaa....
Now let's here some of yours...
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Old 03-01-2005, 06:28 AM   #2 (permalink)
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My favorite one

I was headed home with some friends one night and we kept noticing this same cop following us. So We stopped and got gas and sure enough he filled up right behind us. So we got in the car and drove away and about 4 minuites later sure enough the cop pulled us over. He walks up to the door.
cop "do you know why I pulled you over"
me "no, not really. I noticed you following me all night but I didnt know we did anything wrong"
cop "Not yet technically but Im puling you over for suspicion"
me "suspicious of what"
Cop " I saw you pull into the gas statoin parking lot and turn around I think you might hav been ditching something"
me "I was getting gas"
cop "after that"
me "after that i left"
cop "thats enough get out of the car and pop your trunk, the rest of you guys can get out too"

Well i think you get the idea after that he kept us around and searched us all for abou an hour questioning us trying to find anything to peg us with. he ran the plates on the car whih was my sisters and tried to accuse me of stealing it so we had to call her. About an hour of putting up with the cops crap he finally pulled out a pen and started writing a ticket. I asked him what for and he said it was bacause I was wearing sunglases at night while driving. I just wanted to get out of there so I took the crap ticket and left. I argued the ticket in courrt a couple weeks later and easily won but the whole thing still pissed me off. By the way the ticket was suppose to be like $170 for driving with and obstrustion or something.
If I cant dance I dont want to be part of your revolution.

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Old 03-01-2005, 06:55 AM   #3 (permalink)
punk rock mommy
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what a jerk....rookie right?
well, I remember my ex's dada got a ticket once and he was guilty of whatever it was, but since the cop wrote F120 truck as opposed to F150(thats what it was) he got off, cuz there is no way to LEGALLY prove that was his truck...course Laws are different here in Canada
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Old 03-01-2005, 03:19 PM   #4 (permalink)
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cant say ive been in trouble with the law too much. the only times i really have is when we've been caught underage drinking, had to run away once or twice...no once. hmm, rebellious me.
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Old 03-01-2005, 07:26 PM   #5 (permalink)
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i have no serious stories really. on schoolies i got arrested for drunk and disorderly for being a "ring leader" in going nuts at the cops for punching a guy talking to a girl. no reason really, but with 500 kids drunk on the foreshore they were understandably uptight. still no reason to to punch someone. i got busted throwing bottles at the ute by a cop in the crowd...the other 50 guys didnt, just me. spent 7 hours in a cell.
i think the best stories are all teenage attempts to avoid the cops. they are the best. with 3 panel vans looking for us -me and 3 friends were hiding in the bushes. one guy was passed out, one was boffing-very loudly and one was staring at his fone while it was ringing. the cops were walking around looking for us and he's just staring at it. it was fun trying to get away that night. ahh to be 16 again.

whoa...i quoted atreyu, that means im hardcore. look how hardcore i am!! thats hardcore...XXX
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Old 03-02-2005, 09:31 AM   #6 (permalink)
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I was front row center at the Rolling Stones concert, and I blew pot smoke in a cops face patrolling the front and gave him a coy smile.....with a crowd of 40,000 ppl, what was he gonna do? Come get me? LOL!
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