Have you ever been in a fight? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 03-17-2010, 08:19 AM   #81 (permalink)
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In terms of "real" fights, i haven't really been in many. I would also never start a fight. But things happen. The times i can think of are as follows.

1) I had a bit of a shoving contest with someone in school that never really escalated into anything else. We were friends so it was never likely to, we just roughed each other up a little and made up later the same day.

2) When i was either 17 or 18 me and some friends got beat up a bit after a sixth form college party. We were waiting for a taxi and so one of my mates was with his girlfriend and then there was me and another mate sat down on the step outside of the pub. So we never really had a chance. We took a few kicks to the head but when you're sat down, you can't really do much about it other than take it. This group of lads were clearly gonna start something with us anyway the way i see it, but my big mouth when ive been drinking didn't help matters. It wasn't funny at the time but looking back on it, it was a costume party so when a couple of lads had my mate with the girlfriend on the floor giving him a few kicks to the ribs they were begging Batman to get up which we laugh about now.

3) I was also once walking home with the same mate i was sat on the step with when a group of charvers (chavs) blocked our path so we expected something to happen there. It was a very weird experience though as only one of them broke away from the group, took a swing at me and bust my lip but the next thing i knew is every single one of his friends pinned him to the floor, gave him a kicking and told us to keep walking. So that didn't escalate either.

I've also managed to come out on the losing end of a couple of fights on nights out because i'm usually the one trying to break it up. Fighting is pretty stupid but one day i'll learn when a fight can be broken up and when it can't. Once you end up taking the first punch it's not always gonna work out well for you.

Whenever i've come out on top it also hasn't really been a fight, it's been a single punch and it was all over. I don't mean because it was such a good punch that they ran or anything, more it just seemed to end any possible conflict. It takes alot for me to hit someone.

4) I hit someone once when i was younger for saying something about my niece who was very young at the time. He didn't live far from me, so i knocked on his door, asked if he was in, when he came to the door i hit him and left.

5) There was a complete waste of space, excuse of a guy i once saw go up to a complete stranger in the street and scream something directly into her face. I'm not gonna repeat it but she was a black girl, i'm sure you can join the dots. I hit him too and i think he may have just been too drunk to get back to his feet again so i just let her get far enough away and walked away.

Those last 2 examples are the only reasons I have for knowing i can do something when i have to though, i'm soft as shit really.

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Old 03-17-2010, 01:33 PM   #82 (permalink)
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I never fight, I have been in fights but nothing major. I try and avoid confrontation on the basis that somebody might break my nose.

This is my biggest fear. If it ever happens I'll be sure to throw myself off the nearest building.
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Old 03-17-2010, 01:53 PM   #83 (permalink)
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A few. CBA going into detal though.
Belligerent ghouls run Manchester schools, spineless swines, cemented minds...
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Old 03-19-2010, 12:55 AM   #84 (permalink)
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My girlfriend gets back from Chicago Friday night.

Thats when I plan on beating up the pussy
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Old 03-19-2010, 06:05 PM   #85 (permalink)
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I have never been in a real fight per say, but have punched two different guys in the face for being stupid/insulting.
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Old 03-20-2010, 11:22 AM   #86 (permalink)
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It's odd how you work all your life to be able to defend yourself and it only happens only once or twice during our lifetime..just seems like a waste of energy. And besides..you can always run
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Old 03-22-2010, 10:21 AM   #87 (permalink)
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Maybe my town is just full of situations, or maybe I just need to let things go. Example, today I'm cruisin through a construction zone were road work is being done. I needed to merge, and the d-bag wouldn't let me over, but I had no choice, so I cut in front of him. Next thing I know, the man flies by me and throws a handful of change at the car. I think that deserves a good fist in the mouth. Maybe its just me, but even my pops taught me to stand up for my property.

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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Old 03-22-2010, 11:39 AM   #88 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thrice View Post
Maybe my town is just full of situations, or maybe I just need to let things go. Example, today I'm cruisin through a construction zone were road work is being done. I needed to merge, and the d-bag wouldn't let me over, but I had no choice, so I cut in front of him. Next thing I know, the man flies by me and throws a handful of change at the car. I think that deserves a good fist in the mouth. Maybe its just me, but even my pops taught me to stand up for my property.
Oh damn.
At the very least, you should keep some lose change of your own.
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Old 03-22-2010, 11:43 AM   #89 (permalink)
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I've only really been in one real fight, which was actually more of a brawl. Three friends of mine and I were hanging out on a Friday night, this was my last Friday before I had to go back to work so we decided to make the most of it. We started doing a pub crawl and after we hit the third one, my buddy Harrison got a call from another one of my friends telling us to meet him way across the bridge in West Vancouver for an awesome party. We decided that it would probably be cheaper, so we pooled our money together and were able to get a bottle of brandy (don't ask), and a six pack of Lucky. We catch a bus, make it over the bridge, then get a ride up to this party and then we realize it's a god damn high school party. I wasn't that happy and really wanted to leave, but my friends were determined to get some action so I reluctantly stayed.

My buddy Harrison was sharing his bottle of brandy with a bunch of kids and I was just sort of sitting in the back with my Lucky. At around 12ish the girl throwing the party came down with a headache and wanted everyone to leave, so we started filing out. It was at this point that we noticed the bottle of brandy was gone along with the hostess' cell phone. We see some of the kids Harrison was sharing the brandy with and ask them if they saw anyone take the bottle and they start to get very very defensive. I had already called a cab so I just told my three friends to forget about it, let the little ****s have their night of fun and lets just meet the cab. As we're walking down this street, the kids start following us, taunting us, throwing **** at us, and what have you. Luckily the cab started approaching and I go up to the driver who's looking very nervous and asks how many people are coming and I tell him just 4 (including myself). Well it's at that point where someone tries to hit my buddy Alex behind the back and it just turns into an all out brawl. The taxi driver ****s it and leaves us stranded and I'm trying to break it up. Someone hits me in the jaw and I go back a little bit, he turns around to hit my friend Taylor, I tap his shoulder and just sock him as hard as I can in the nose. I felt it slide between my index and middle finger, and twist. Lots of blood came out and it ended the fight. By that point they started going down the road, the kid had a jacket pretty much wrapped around his face and we headed back up to the house and explained the situation.

Yep... that was a pretty interesting night. I feel ****ty for breaking that kid's nose, but I really did everything in my power to avoid a fight and only fought back after I had been attacked. I really don't condone violence as a way of solving disputes, and have done my best to avoid fights altogether. Though it seems whenever I get invited to a house party some kind of fight always breaks out and kills the entire mood, which is why I very seldom go to them anymore.
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Old 03-22-2010, 03:59 PM   #90 (permalink)
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Well my fist fight was when I was in 4th grade, I ran across the street and shoved a kid that was talking s***. I would say I won but this girl broke the fight up.
The next one I was about 12 years old, I slapped a 16 year old kid and got my ass kicked in one punch. It was all because he wouldn't get out of my chair.
The last fight I have been in was in a laundry mat, this could was joking around and closing the door on me, so I decided to ram the door, than I pushed him. He grabbed me by the shirt and said "Never touch me again", so I punched him a couple of times, made him cry.
And a bunch of other fights in between that really are just plain stupid.
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