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What's the stupidest thing anyone has ever said to you/asked you?
mine: "Who is hitler?" yours? |
Friend of mine has a phone which has a small flashing green light on the top, and while we were out at the pub one night his sister looked at the little light for a while and said:
"does that light tell a deaf person if the phone is ringing?" |
oh, I have another, my friend asked her dad if he had ever met Abe Lincoln
A girl in math class asking about a comma:
"what's that wierd squiggly dot thing?" A guy on the lift with me watching my friend ski switch (backwards) down the hill: "Oh my god what the hell is that kid doing!! You're not supposed to ski backwards! What is he doing-wait, he's gonna go off that jump, how does he expect to be able to go off that jum- huh...he landed it..." I really get annoyed with stupid people who are completely ignorant of skiers in the park, so it's always fun to watch them make complete idiots of themselves, like in this next scenario: My friend and I were filming in the park, and this old guy and his little kid decide to take a nice leisure run through the park, which is annoying enough since they always cut across the landning and piss us all off. So I'm standing next to this dad and his kid waiting to film my buddy hitting the rail, and we see a boarder hit it first. so overhear the kid ask his dad, "dad, can skiers go on rails too?" the dad, being the ignorant fool that he is, says, "of course not son, rails are only made for snowboarders" Now I'd caught this whole exchange on camera, and my buddy decided that was his cue to hit the rail, perfect technique on the down-flat-down rail, and an unbelievably smooth, stylie 270 off. I turned my camera on to the dad and said, "so what was that about skiers not being able to hit rails?" then switched off the camera, and skied down to get ready to film the next hit. I love it when we can do things like that. |
"Didn't hairet tubman invent the bathtub?" I don't know if the kid was joking when he said this or not, but knowing him he wasn't. |
A bunch of us are sitting around in class waiting for the bell to ring:
dumb kid: ya know guys, one day, I'm just gonna sell all my sh*t for a hippy van, and take a raod trip all the way to china the rest of us: *laughing* dumb kid: what? you don't think I'd sell all my sh*t and take a road trip to china? I could easily do it, i don't need all this extra sh*t to live me: well no, you couldn't do it because there's a f*cking ocean in between canada and china you retard dumb kid: shut up stupid quotes from a girl in my social studies class last year: "hey guys, india is like above china right?" dumb girl: "Are there seriously countries that don't have enough food for everyone?!" me: "uhhh, yeah, lots." dumb girl: "oh my god that's horrible! But, like, what happens to them if they don't have enough food?!" me: "uh, they die." dumb girl: "so like, does the sun revolve around the earth, or like how does that work?" |
We'd been doing Romeo and Juliet for a week or so in our English Lit class, and one day, she turns to her friend and goes "Hey, did that Shakee-speare guy or whatever he's called write this?" There's too many stories of her to tell, and to be honest, you'd think I was making it up. The amount of times Ive heard the words "I dont get iiiiiiit" though... Un-f*cking-believable. |
^yep, then she gets out her mirror and reapplies all her makeup in class. Once she actually got out this little battery powered curling iron and started curling her hair in he middle of class. Ahh how I'm going to miss high school.
Ha yes!! Oh wow its the same person.. Except now she gets out her straighteners. She actually asked the teacher once if she could go out and fill up the water in it. *Sigh* Poor lass... Never quite there really.
^haha, yes and there are always such a large group of them, basically all clones of eachother.
Yup.. None of them have two brain cells to rub together to be quite honest.
^ haha, always good for a laugh though. Another pretty good one just popped into my head, our math teacher always likes to tell some pretty lame jokes, one of which went as follows:
Two canibals are eating a clown. One canibal turns to the other and asks, "does this taste funny to you?" so, this intelectually challenged girl gets a puzzled look upon her face and says, "I don't get it." I was feeling in a good mood that day, so I patiently explained it to her. "The canibals are eating a clown, and clowns are supposed to be funny, so the one canibal asks the other one if it tastes FUNNY." The girl sat there with a blank expression on her face, then came out with "EEEWWWW! why would you eat a clown!" |
^Ha that was great.
I remembered another thing that happened... Someone was talking about grunge, and this girl interrupts their conversation with a huge: "HA WHAT THE HELL IS 'GRUNGE'?! WHAT KIND OF STUPID WORD IS THAT? I BET ITS LIKE A CAT FOOD OR SOMETHING---" She looked so proud of herself for that comment aswell.. Even when someone threw a shoe at her face she didnt catch on. |
A group of girls from my school are known for their stupidity:
When was Jesus born Is australia a place, 'cause i've never been there There are more I just cant think of them right now. |
oo i have one, girl says, 'no stupid, helsinki's not the capital of spain (yes imagine the conversation they were having)... it's the capital of germany...'
"Green Day is 100% punk"
"BLINK 182 IS NOT POPPUNK BRITNEY SPEARS IS BLINK IS NOT" ..haha! "Do you like the Rancids?" "i am a dip ****" "I turned punk right after i left Old Town!" |
oh, and this one girl was talking to me and she's all "Whats your favorite band?" So I told her, and three days later she's like "I got a new favorite band did you get one yet?"
Me: "No" Her: "Why not?" So stupid...saying you like music a lot and changing your favorite band ever week... |
"Do snakes have lungs?"
"So I know abstinence is the best way to prevent getting pregnent, but what if you want to have a baby? Can you be abstinent and have a baby?" "why would you lay in the sun if your cold blooded, your going to be cold anyway." Friend:did you like the godfather trilogy me: Yea its awsome I love the godfather. dumb kid: The godfather sucks my favorite wrestler is HHH "Boxing is fake wwf is real" "I took my jet ski for a ride yesterday" <---In the missle of January he contested he could ride a jetski on snow. The same kid said he was a powerful wiccan though...... Theeres loads more but Im tired and cant think of them now. |
O yea my sig is a pretty good one too.
After my friend lost the first two matches we had played..."Let's play best out of 3"
Joking with my dumb friend, I asked him where the state Las Vegas was. He replied "I'm not that dumb, I know that's not a state." I think asked him which state was Nevada. He replied "I told you I'm not falling for that." |
haha, that nevada thing is great
once I told someone that every time they lied seven minutes were taken off the end of their life, and they believed me. Person: yeah I know but i'm not lying! This was the same person who asked me who hitler was. they're really dumb. |
Once in class my teacher was talking about homosexuality..and shes like "Yes, we should all accept *** people"
And then one of my friend is like "Ya i accept ***s..but what about the lesbians??" |
haha, these are great. At this party I was at last year, my friend (who is deathly allergic to milk) was talking to a girl. He managed to convince her that if he poured milk on his knee, that his kneecap would dissolve. We were sitting there watching him tell her that that's why he has knee problems, and even when we were all doubled over laughing she didn't catch on.
well one of the stupidest things i've ever heard was on this forum...i can't remember who said it but i think it was pretty much like "wasn't the Bible written by God?" (and i don't think he/she meant like written by God with the help of man's hand)
and another thing, it was in my class (God, it's really like we're all in the same class and never noticed) "what does <pro-> mean" ( as you might know, it means the opposite of "anti-") and the <15-year-old girl who's in the literature class and should know the meaning of "pro" since we were in our latin class> said : "contra" |
we were watching a video in science about space, and the girl next to me turns and says, 'wow, is that a real black hole?'. then a picture of einstein comes up and she says, 'that guy's really old, isn't he the one that invented the E squared thingy?'... i mean what do you say to that?
Ha wow this is fun.. I got another one.
"I always thought Nirvana was just a make of t-shirts"- a 16 year old girl by the way. |
one time in my history class some stupid chick asked my teacher who the vice president is...
and then another time the same girl says "How come we dont just print off tons of money and give it to the tsunami people." ... last year in health some girl asked my health teacher "How do turtles have sex?" :laughing: |
this has to be the most hilarious and pathetic comment I've ever heard...
In History in 7th grade we were watching this video on Neanderthals, and this stupid girl asks "How did they find this video" or something like that and then my teacher goes "They didn't tape this there wasn't cameras back then" and then she had like this dumbfounded look on her face and goes "oh" |
Whats the holocaust? - a SIXTEEN year old.
(Only english tv-watcher will understand this) Some new guy at school called Nigel asked if Elvis made and owned Kingsmill bread!!!!!!!!!! Mum: the fishman came earlier Me and bro: what does he sell? (keeping straight faces, just) mum: oh....fish. Me and bro: *dont stop laughing till mutha leaves the room* |
I live in this small german town and there are still people here that deny that the holocaust ever happened. Which is actually more depressing than it is stupid.
Then there's the girl I happened to over hear one day. Some guys were talking about strip clubs they wanted to go to (even though they were only 14-15) and upon listing one this dumb blonde yells out "OH! That's the one my sister works at!! I can get you in sometime!"...so young, so dumb. |
my friend was listening to the casualties and talking to this stupid person on the phone. Here is their conversation:
friend: I love this song! idiot: what song? friend: *tells her song* idiot: oh, I don't really like that song friend: I love Meggers! idiot: Oh, I don't really like that song either friend: Meggers is the drummer.... |
argh, nigel doesnt like his chair being taken, we do get some shakes of the head.
Ha, I only just read that... |
2 things..."wow, your name? So you were named after Eminem's daughter right?"
and also...."what do you think a blind person dreams of?" |
^ c'mon...the last one's horrible!!
like last week we were talking about Treasure Island (because we are reading it in English class) and we were talking about how the main character Jim wrote the story or whatever. and i asked the teacher why Stevenson was the author when Jim wrote the book, my friends laughed at me. although it was a rather stupid question.
Today, in science...
"How would you try and steal a snowman, like? Wouldnt it, just , like... Melt kinda?" This is the same girl Ive been quoting for this entire thread.. Hehe shes an endless source of amusement :D |
theres a couple:
"whats a holocaust?" "Q. wheres the lake district? A. Somalia" "is new zealand bigger than Australia?" |
I had "My finger isn't broken it's fractured" bearing in mind they mean the same thing it's pretty stupid
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