12-10-2009 03:02 PM |
Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
(Post 782210)
Hey guys i'm an champion!
Yes, you *is* the champion, WWWP! :) I is the nazi grammar.
Originally Posted by ToeAndno
(Post 782198)
Actually, if you're going to be anal about it, both 'are' and 'is' can be applied equally in that sentence.
Now, back to writing generic hippy songs.
Originally Posted by ToeAndno
(Post 782207)
Both are correct. There is no 'more correct'.
Wait, ToeAndno, don't you mean "both is correct?" ;)
Hey! Are you *also* writing generic hippy songs like I am? I couldn't tell if you meant *I* am going back to writing them or *you* are going back to writing them.