Flower Child |
12-06-2009 06:19 PM |
Originally Posted by pourmeanother
(Post 779006)
Rezz- I know price varies depending on style because each wine uses different kinds of grapes, but as a whole I wouldn't say white or red is more expensive. You're basically paying for quality- the older the wine or smaller/more prestigious the winery, the more expensive.
Neopolitan- I endorse your suggestion of Portoguese Port! Some of the best stuff around.
Pete- cheap wine, have you dabbled in the Two-Buck Chuck? $2 merlot, and it's actually not bad (and in a bottle, not a box).
Wifey- Coppola is a good recommendation. I liked his Zin, it was so leathery it was like licking a cowgirl.
I've had this too, it is quite good.
I'll warn you before you read this, this is the opinion of a 17 year old that has grown up with people who will drink rubbing alcohol and think its passable.
Just skimming through the thread, looks like some very good names and grapes have already been mentioned. I've heard a few people say that most wines taste the same. They won't if you taste different wines back to back, then the differences are evident.
In my opinion red tops white by a mile.
My favorite I've ever had was a South African called Pinotage. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone though, its extremely dry.
I think a Chianti is best with a meal, though. It can be pretty cheap too, since it is a mixture of grapes.
As for white, a Reisling is usually my choice, although you need to spend a bit to get a decent one. Eroica is a good, its really bold and fruity.
For my graduation, I've been hounding my grandpa to open up this ancient Ice Wine from Germany that is supposed to be top of the line. He's been saving it forever, but I think I'll talk him into it. I'm just hoping the cork hasn't rotted by now. Has anyone ever had one?