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VeggieLover 11-15-2009 11:42 PM

ahh 2009 you went so fast! One of the better years considering a) I did not once go to counceling or cut myself b) I fell in love (and acted on that love) for the first time c) I was one of 2 lead singers in a band and through that experiance made some of the best friends i've ever had and d) am one year closer to being an independant adult free to make all the stupid mistakes I please

bad year considering a)all of my new friends graduated and went to college and all my old friends are either squares or have been corrupted as bad or worse than myself and no longer desire to talk with me b)got chewed out for some dumb things c)school is school and i still have 7 quarters of it left

2010 is REALLY close to 2011 and then im out of here bitches! huzzah! *throws pirate hat into air and dances a jig* but its gonna be a tough year because I already have major senioritis and i am only a Junior :(

Mojo 11-16-2009 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by VeggieLover (Post 767936)
One of the better years considering a) I did not once go to counceling or cut myself

Well, i know nothing about you but good on you. That's harder than a lot of people would give you credit for.

Bane of your existence 11-16-2009 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by music_phantom13 (Post 767732)
I ship out to boot camp on January 4th.

Sucks to be you.

Bulldog 11-16-2009 07:43 AM

2009 was ok I guess. Nowhere near as memorable or exciting as 2007 or 2008 were for me, but nowhere near boring.

New Year's on the other hand probably will be a bit of a drag. The only plans I've got so far are working on various stuff for uni.

IYT 11-16-2009 08:31 AM

This year has gone past very fast. I don't really have any plans for New Years though. Most likely going to stay home with the women.

FETCHER. 11-16-2009 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 767880)
I'll be spending new years eve in the company of my fellow "mean machine" crew members, most of whom will be coming back from college. They'll be bringing obscene amounts of weed, boomers, pills (which I will be staying away from), and alcohol up from down south that should last us the weekend. Probably end up in my slippers and sweats all night while a party rages in my house, during which I will be smoking around 40 or so pre-rolled blunts with the boys, and eventually smash a pretty girl in my own bed before falling asleep around noon the next day.

Can I come :(?

the year in general at the start was alright, but its getting shitter and shitter as the months go by.
January 'til June I was still in high school, but on study leave from the Academy, it was awesome. Used to go down to a place called Millheugh on free periods from school, and sit on the big hill with all my friends getting wasted in the sunshine, it was awesome. Or when we were in the Common Room, playing poker on free periods etc. I miss school so much. Also turned 18 this year, which hasn't been as exciting as I always thought, haven't been into Town (Glasgow) since my birthday, which is amazingly shit that I haven't. Havn't had many shifts at work so I'm ****ing skint. My driving instructors ripping the pish out of me, just so many small bad things like that have happened. 2007 was the best year.. ever. In terms of music this year has been good, had many good albums out :)

edit: new year should be pretty awesome. I plan to get wasted beyond belief in some club, I think I'm going to an event called Back To The Future, NYE. Which should be amazing. Heres hoping.

sidewinder 11-16-2009 11:37 AM

Where is my flying automobile?! Where is my hoverboard?! Where is my automated home?! They said this was the future!

VeggieLover 11-16-2009 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 767977)
Well, i know nothing about you but good on you. That's harder than a lot of people would give you credit for.

Thank You.

MURDER JUNKIE 11-16-2009 04:54 PM

for the first time in my life I think I can truly say that I'm happy, I rarely go out New Years Eve and I don't expect this year to be any different. I reserve getting completely legless for the other 364 days a year

2009 has been good to me and I will look back on it fondly

Freebase Dali 11-16-2009 05:44 PM

It's nearing the point in time where my collection of my current year's complaints, annoyances, grievances, objections, resentments, dissatisfactions, gripes, and criticisms get consolidated into an annual super-blog and posted all over the internet.

So much work to be done.

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