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Old 02-07-2005, 07:49 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default American Dad

anybody see the preview episode after the superbowl?
for those not in the know, it's seth macfarlane from Family Guy, and it's basically the same humor and analagous characters.
anyway, for the pilot episode, they did a pretty good job with character development. it was good enuff for me to look forward to the may 1st family guy/american dad new seasons.
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Old 02-07-2005, 10:11 PM   #2 (permalink)
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yeah it wasn't bad, but I dunno, it just seemed like they milked the whole steriotypical conservative military dad role way too much, it just seemed kind of predictable.
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Old 02-07-2005, 10:25 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Um..i was at a friends house i ahd no clue this was going on damn.
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Old 02-08-2005, 06:22 AM   #4 (permalink)
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I liked what I saw. Especially the leftist daughter with dreadlocks. But as funny as I think the show was i dont thikn it'll stay on for more than 1 season for a few resons.

1. Fox hates good ratings so they pull all the good shows after a season or two. I.e. Freakylinks,Freaks and geeks, Familey guy on and off, pulled futurama etc etc.

2. Too conterversial, the right wing will get there panties in a bunch. Im honestly suprised fox put it one seeing as they are notoriaously conservative. Speaking of contreverst anyone remember the Colin Quin show that aired 2 episodes? Wasnt that on fox?

3. As funny as I thought it was I think the story line was pretty poor and it relies alot on snipits of pointless humor rather than acctuially having a plot.

4. People will complain its baisically familey guy meets Michael Moore.
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Old 02-08-2005, 06:24 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Um..i was at a friends house i ahd no clue this was going on damn.
well it didnt really start yet it was just kind of a short previw to get you hooked. I think it really starts in may.
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Old 02-08-2005, 08:23 AM   #6 (permalink)
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For a pilot episode I thought they did a good job with plot/character etc. (much better than the Family Guy pilot) I think the biggest lag was in the beginning, I swear I was thinking to myself "When the hell are they gonna get outta the kitchen? I think because it's the second round of Seth Macfarlane people are skeptical, and American Dad seems unoriginal. I remember when Futurama came out and everyone was saying how dull it was compared to the Simpsons. When Family Guy came out, they were saying it was a ripoff of the Simpsons (well, it really was). I think Seth shoulda resisted the Fox contract and released AD on Cartoon Network, more than likely it probably would draw more viewers on the adult swim block than on the random and unpredictable Fox schedules.
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Old 02-08-2005, 11:22 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Awww man, I heard about this show coming out, and I really wanna see it but I don't think we'll get it over here for a while. We're always miles behind you guys in American tv shows, (we're still showing Futurama) plus anything too close to the bone for American tv is unlikely to be welcomed over here! I remember family guy being shown one night, but it was after 4am!
I love family guy, looking forward to seeing some more stuff from Seth MacFarlane. Less talkie, more producie.
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Old 02-08-2005, 02:56 PM   #8 (permalink)
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^ There's some good to that. Futurama, out of all the animated shows discussed thus far, had the best plots and stories. I really think groening had alot more he coulda done with Futurama, but from what I hear, they have no intentions of doing any more shows, and even if they did, it wouldnt be for probably another two years before we'd see it on television. Either way, they needa bring it back cause the fanbase is still growing, and considering the simpsons are milking every last drop of their limited options.
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