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Urban Hat€monger ? 10-11-2009 02:42 PM

What's The Most Tedious Off Topic Discussion On MusicBanter
Vote now....

Alfred 10-11-2009 02:45 PM

Jeez, this is pretty tough. I'll probably go with religion because there's a pretty small amount of people on here who are actually religious, and most of the debate is between fellow atheists. The American Political system would be next on the list.

SATCHMO 10-11-2009 02:46 PM

But they're discussions that take place in religion threads, so they can't be considered off topic.

Urban Hat€monger ? 10-11-2009 02:47 PM

I meant off topic as non music related rather than inside individual threads.

storymilo 10-11-2009 02:47 PM

Definitely the American Political system. On one side you have the Americans who are pretty much clueless, and on the other side you have the British people who are also clueless, but try to act like they know what they're talking about by just dissing our political system as much as possible. :)

SATCHMO 10-11-2009 02:48 PM

I think the sexual experience thread is the most disappointingly boring thread of the entire forum

Molecules 10-11-2009 03:07 PM

I dunnae come on here to talk about politics and would be out of my depth if i did, but it feels like some of the more popular lounge threads detract from the, er, music banter. Like when you are eating your fist with boredom and the only posting is going on in a thread about Kant's balls or Obama's peace prize - if i want that i'll go and read the corresponding Guardian article and watch the usual schisms form in the comments boxes. Current affairs (especially US politics) is available 24/7 at the push of a button, it's all anybody talks about in my real life (if you are british 'current affairs' principally means the f*cking weather) and nobody has a f*cking clue about music... this is the void that MB fills on good days.
Having said that it strengthens the community to have a diverse set of topics available and i like the film thread, so i shouldnt complain really =P But there are some prominent long-time members whose music tastes i still have not worked out which says something. you have yer lounge lizards and yer music people and that's always been the way

simplephysics 10-11-2009 03:11 PM

For awhile it seemed like the sexual experience thread was spilling out into half the threads in the lounge, so I'll go with that. I very rarely bother with the current events forum so I'm sure my opinion would be different if I actually chose to deal with that mess.

mr dave 10-11-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 750417)
I think the sexual experience thread is the most disappointingly boring thread of the entire forum

not to mention creepy as fuck considering the age of active members on this site.

right-track 10-11-2009 04:41 PM

Religion: This topic would be far more interesting if we had more religious (nutters) members on here.
Oojay springs to mind, although his religious rants usually took place in just about every thread they shouldn't have.
He'd have definitely spiced up the religion threads.
Always good for a laugh.

Sex (And Those Who Never Shut Up About It): There's enough sex in music without the need of a sex thread.
Best avoided unless for taking the piss out of those with interweb egos, tits and or, dicks bigger than the Albert Hall.

The American Political System: Like religion, arguing about politics is always a huge waste of time.
The church and the politicians never truly listen to real people in real life and anyone who thinks they can change the world by ranting in a music forum with people who, mostly, have only half an idea of what they are actually talking about is a bigger waste of time than arguing about religion.

Video Games Fanboys:

Other (Please Specify): The most tedious of topics on MusicBanter has to be the genre Nazis.
And there are non more mind numbingly tedious than the ones who argue over what bands are and or not, emo.

Emo elitists take the biscuit.

A question. Why does almost every emo thread title begin with a lower case letter?

Alfred 10-11-2009 04:43 PM

no punctuation is diy

anticipation 10-11-2009 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 750464)
Other (Please Specify): The most tedious of topics on MusicBanter has to be the genre Nazis.
And there are non more mind numbingly tedious than the ones who argue over what bands are and or not, emo.

Emo elitists take the biscuit.

A question. Why does almost every emo thread title begin with a lower case letter?

i don't know, would it be elitist if someone told you Alicia Keys was "true" soul and you got mad about it? how about if people constantly spammed the jazz forum with threads about how it's not really music? it's great to see people still haven't lost the admirable quality of not knowing **** about what they're talking about. metacriticism is a great way to take up thread space. here's an idea: quit crying about how tedious threads in the lounge are. that's what the lounge is for, why are you attacking it for serving it's purpose? stay out of the forums you don't approve of and let others live their lives.

right-track 10-11-2009 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 750474)
i don't know, would it be elitist if someone told you Alicia Keys was "true" soul and you got mad about it?

No. I'd laugh.


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 750474)
quit crying about how tedious threads in the lounge are. why are you attacking it for serving it's purpose?

I didn't start this thread. And it's a fun thread with tongue firmly in cheek. Why are you taking it seriously?
Who's crying now?


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 750474)
stay out of the forums you don't approve

I usually do, unless some bannings need to be done. :)

Dr.Seussicide 10-11-2009 05:20 PM

The worst are those sports fans... Man U isn't gonna be winning the premiership this season, which sucks, since Chelsea is taking it all the way :)

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 10-11-2009 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 750464)

Other (Please Specify): The most tedious of topics on MusicBanter has to be the genre Nazis.
And there are non more mind numbingly tedious than the ones who argue over what bands are and or not, emo.

Emo elitists take the biscuit.

A question. Why does almost every emo thread title begin with a lower case letter?

i find it funny how you seem to bitch about this often but it doesnt really happen as often as you complain about it...

and out of the 24 threads on the first page, only 6 had no capital at the beginning of the sentence. last time i checked 25% wasn't almost all. i flipped through the other pages and the majority of uncapitalized threads were started by either me or anticipation; both of us rarely use capitals.

i think you should find something new to whine about, haha

NSW 10-11-2009 05:23 PM

Voted for the American political system. Mostly because politics in general bore me to death, and because it seems like the alot of the people screaming the loudest (in general, and on MB) don't know **** about what they're talking about.

right-track 10-11-2009 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN (Post 750479)
i find it funny how you seem to bitch about this often but it doesnt really happen as often as you complain about it...

and out of the 24 threads on the first page, only 6 had no capital at the beginning of the sentence. last time i checked 25% wasn't almost all. i flipped through the other pages and the majority of uncapitalized threads were started by either me or anticipation; both of us rarely use capitals.

i think you should find something new to whine about, haha

That's because I got bored of capitalizing the thread titles after about two years of trying to make that place look respectable.


Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN (Post 750479)
i think you should find something new to whine about, haha

^ Touched a nerve much?

right-track 10-11-2009 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 750478)
Man U isn't gonna be winning the premiership this season, which sucks, since Chelsea is taking it all the way :)

In your dreams loser.

Dr.Seussicide 10-11-2009 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 750485)
In your dreams loser.

CR7 isn't there to help you guys. Get the coffin, these guys made their streak, let them die happily

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 10-11-2009 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 750484)
That's because I got bored of capitalizing the thread titles after about two years of trying to make that place look respectable.

have you ever noticed your username has no capitals?

you can have a few of mine if you want

right-track 10-11-2009 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN (Post 750489)
have you ever noticed your username has no capitals?

you can have a few of mine if you want

ooh...nice try.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 10-11-2009 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Right-Track (much better)
^ Touched a nerve much?

hardly, i don't really listen to much of that music any more

on topic: difficult choice, but probably video games, for which i blame one person

gunnels 10-11-2009 05:35 PM


anticipation 10-11-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 750475)
I didn't start this thread. And it's a fun thread with tongue firmly in cheek. Why are you taking it seriously?
Who's crying now?

it's not so much crying as having a legitimate concern. i take it seriously because the same old belittling of the subforum is regularly included in these idiotic threads, and i'm willing to call people out on their ignorance.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 10-11-2009 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by gunnels (Post 750493)


right-track 10-11-2009 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 750494)
it's not so much crying as having a legitimate concern. i take it seriously because the same old belittling of the subforum is regularly included in these idiotic threads, and i'm willing to call people out on their ignorance.

Thanks for proving my point.

Dr.Seussicide 10-11-2009 05:36 PM

I voted video games, don't get me wrong, I love video games, but the arguments fit the thread requirement and bore me to death

gunnels 10-11-2009 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 750497)
I voted video games, don't get me wrong, I love video games, but the arguments fit the thread requirement and bore me to death


right-track 10-11-2009 05:39 PM

We used to have a comic book thread, but it's not been posted in for ages. Dull as dishwater.

I forgot to include the drugs thread in my post. It's on a par with having to sit through somebody's holiday photos.

Molecules 10-11-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 750502)
I forgot to include the drugs thread in my post. It's on a par with having to sit through somebody's holiday photos.

empty posturing, i swear there is one guy who positively lives in there but couldnt name him. it's an age thing probably, certain people feel they have to prove their credentials (repeatedly)

Scarlett O'Hara 10-11-2009 05:46 PM

You could cut the tension with a knife. Chill guys :)

I think the sex thread, due to its completely randomness amoung other types of topics.

Arya Stark 10-11-2009 05:46 PM

I'm pretty sure there are a couple of people that live in most of the off-topic threads.

lucifer_sam 10-11-2009 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 750417)
I think the sexual experience thread is the most disappointingly boring thread of the entire forum

that's because nobody ever shares moments of actual intimacy, they're only there to either brag about their exploits or flirt with other members (which is pretty pathetic in itself).

someonecompletelyrandom 10-11-2009 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 750464)
Religion: This topic would be far more interesting if we had more religious (nutters) members on here.

Anytime you want to talk, man.

boo boo 10-11-2009 10:32 PM

Where's music? Because that has seriously become my least favorite topic to talk about here, period.

Yeah I know that's funny, this IS a music forum. But I've given up on it, hence why I haven't actually posted on a music thread in ages.

I honestly enjoy discussing most of the topics in the poll, except religion, so I choose that.

I know I constantly rant about it, but arguing with people about it is excruciating.


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 750497)
I voted video games, don't get me wrong, I love video games, but the arguments fit the thread requirement and bore me to death

Some of you just can't take my onslaught of video game threads, eh? ;)

You know, I'd think it would be a great idea if the media forum was split into different sections, including one for video game discussion, so people don't have to complain about too many threads dealing with the topic. Plus I think we have enough video game nerds to sustain it.

Plus it's pretty much the only topic I've talked about for the past 3 months.

Dr.Seussicide 10-11-2009 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 750642)
Where's music? Because that has seriously become my least favorite topic to talk about here, yeah I know it's a music forum. But I've given up on it, hence why I haven't actually posted on a music thread in ages.

I enjoy discussing most of these topics, except religion, so I choose that.

I know I constantly rant about it, but arguing with people about it is excruciating.

Some of you just can't take my onslaught of video game threads, eh? ;)

You know, I'd think it would be a great idea if the media forum was split into different sections, including one for video game discussion, so people don't have to complain about too many threads dealing with the topic.

You should petition for it, honestly speaking though. Not a bad idea

mr dave 10-11-2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 750642)
Some of you just can't take my onslaught of video game threads, eh? ;)

it's because you talk at people instead of with people in those threads.

boo boo 10-11-2009 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 750674)
it's because you talk at people instead of with people in those threads.

That's not true at all, I've had a lot of friendly discussions with people on the topic.

Just not you, because I hate you.

Arya Stark 10-11-2009 11:46 PM


right-track 10-12-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 750642)
You know, I'd think it would be a great idea if the media forum was split into different sections,

Like; 'Interesting', 'Not so Interesting' and 'Mind Numbingly Tedious'?

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