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LoathsomePete 08-01-2010 03:45 PM

sexy... I need to get me a Tom Waits shirt, they're like Johnny Cash shirts, no matter how many times you see then you can still respect the man.

Anyhow my last purchases was:

A pair of Carhaart blue jeans that will probably last me the next three years. Seriously Carhaart is the best quality clothing I can find.

Dr.Seussicide 08-01-2010 03:49 PM

Guess jeans are the best I've ever worn

CanwllCorfe 08-02-2010 06:02 PM

My first 2 band shirts! I'll probably get more later.

debaserr 08-02-2010 06:08 PM
from goodwill with the stickers / tags still on them(shorts), but in grey. not a bad $4 spent.

Dr.Seussicide 08-02-2010 11:26 PM

Because I'm a pretentious twat, I wear shirts like these.

glastonelle 08-02-2010 11:36 PM

^ I always see my office job friends wearing those sort of shirts. Though they do look a wee bit pretentious at times, espescially when they wear decorated tie's :/

Dr.Seussicide 08-02-2010 11:38 PM

They're amazing, and of course, decorated ties are a must :p: Your office friends have good tastes. I mean, they're a tad expensive though

glastonelle 08-02-2010 11:40 PM

Ohh dear, not the decorated tie's. My old maths lecturer had a tie with an ice cream with about 10 different coloured scoops of ice cream on it that he used to wear to every assembly. It was horrible :(

Dr.Seussicide 08-02-2010 11:44 PM

Well, you wouldn't expect me to wear ties with ice cream on it now wouldn't you? Or is that how you think of me?! :O Just another ice cream tie wearing math teacher! Well now I am appalled.

But no, fuck decorated ties, stripes do it for me just fine :)

bannister 08-03-2010 12:24 AM

A 99c pack of ranch sunflower seeds.


glastonelle 08-03-2010 12:25 AM

I'd sure hope not, theyre hideous :laughing:

No no no, your much more of a striped tie kind of person, I see it now :) Although if you ever happen to buy a ice cream decorated tie I may have to disown you.

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by glastonelle (Post 911798)
I'd sure hope not, theyre hideous :laughing:

No no no, your much more of a striped tie kind of person, I see it now :) Although if you ever happen to buy a ice cream decorated tie I may have to disown you.

Well, we wouldn't want that now would we :p: So I guess just to be safe, I'll be sticking with stripes, and the occasional musical notes tie that I have :)

glastonelle 08-03-2010 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 911801)
Well, we wouldn't want that now would we :p: So I guess just to be safe, I'll be sticking with stripes, and the occasional musical notes tie that I have :)

Stripes is good, but musical notes? I'll just smile and nod :laughing:

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by glastonelle (Post 911802)
Stripes is good, but musical notes? I'll just smile and nod :laughing:

Only the cool kids wear it


You know you want a musical notes tie :laughing:

glastonelle 08-03-2010 12:45 AM

Did the perplexed looking guy in your avatar wear one? He looks a bit too down for that. In the photo it kind of looks like hes shooting daggers at the photographer. Or is it just his 'thoughful' face?

You got me: I really really want a musical notes tie :laughing:

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 12:50 AM

I was pointing at me actually! (yeah...I am the cool kid :laughing: ) Not pointing at Rufus :p: And btw, that's his vogue pose, because... well, he's gay.

I'll definitely get you a musical notes tie if you ever come to Trinidad :)

glastonelle 08-03-2010 12:53 AM

Oh you, riiight... your a cool kid too :D

Hey, so thats the famous Rufus Wainwright? Doesnt look at all how I expected him to. Strange :/ I didnt expect him to be *** either. But thats cool, I sort of see it now. You dont usually see straight men on the streets with nice coats like that :D

More reason to go to Trinidad then :laughing:

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by glastonelle (Post 911822)
Oh you, riiight... your a cool kid too

Hey, so thats the famous Rufus Wainwright? Doesnt look at all how I expected him to. Strange :/ I didnt expect him to be *** either. But thats cool, I sort of see it now. You dont usually see straight men on the streets with nice coats like that

More reason to go to Trinidad then

If that isn't sarcasm...then I dunno what is :D

And yes, that is the Rufus Wainwright. How'd you expect him to look? Lol, and yeah, he's gay too, I think he has a boyfriend as well =/ And now that you mention it, is a pretty nice coat :laughing:

And that last sentence...more sarcasm?! :p:

glastonelle 08-03-2010 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 911824)
If that isn't sarcasm...then I dunno what is :D

And yes, that is the Rufus Wainwright. How'd you expect him to look? Lol, and yeah, he's gay too, I think he has a boyfriend as well And now that you mention it, is a pretty nice coat

And that last sentence...more sarcasm?!

No no no lol, I just have an uncanny ability to sound sarcastic all the time. I swear! :D You are a cool kid and Trinidad looks amazingly gorgeous so definitely no sarcasm there. I'd love to go the Caribbean :(

I was expecting an oldish guy with hair like James on Top Gear. Kind of the oppisite of Jeff Buckley. Maybe with a perpetual scowl? Thats cute, I've got friends who are boyfriends. Theyre both called David :laughing:

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by glastonelle (Post 911826)
No no no lol, I just have an uncanny ability to sound sarcastic all the time. I swear! You are a cool kid and Trinidad looks amazingly gorgeous so definitely no sarcasm there. I'd love to go the Caribbean

I was expecting an oldish guy with hair like James on Top Gear. Kind of the oppisite of Jeff Buckley. Maybe with a perpetual scowl? Thats cute, I've got friends who are boyfriends. Theyre both called David :laughing:

Well, it must be uncanny then! Although, I'm sure it's intentional :p: And don't worry, I'm sure you'd actually get to visit someday, you won't regret it :)

Well, he's old now I think! That was a younger picture. And LOL @ that last part. They're both named David? That is just win :laughing:

Oh and I just noticed, but your sig is what I'm going to get tattooed on my forearm at the end of this month =|

glastonelle 08-03-2010 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 911836)
Well, it must be uncanny then! Although, I'm sure it's intentional :p: And don't worry, I'm sure you'd actually get to visit someday, you won't regret it :)

Well, he's old now I think! That was a younger picture. And LOL @ that last part. They're both named David? That is just win :laughing:

Oh and I just noticed, but your sig is what I'm going to get tattooed on my forearm at the end of this month =|

Hell yea I will. The Tropics always sound good, no matter where you are. Probably even in the tropics aswell.

We call them the David's now. Partially because of the names, and also because theyre always together - like those irritating 'we're so in love and we've only been dating 2 days' couples, except much more chic :D

Really? The Smiths? That is very cool. I watched 500 Days of Summer again the other day to fully understand what I didnt like about it and ended up falling in love with the music, the film, and obviously, JGL. The problem is Summer :/ Anyway, back to your tattoo. I heard this song in the movie and liked the line, therefore became my new sig. But thats great, why this lyric?

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by glastonelle (Post 911843)
Hell yea I will. The Tropics always sound good, no matter where you are. Probably even in the tropics aswell.

We call them the David's now. Partially because of the names, and also because theyre always together - like those irritating 'we're so in love and we've only been dating 2 days' couples, except much more chic :D

Really? The Smiths? That is very cool. I watched 500 Days of Summer again the other day to fully understand what I didnt like about it and ended up falling in love with the music, the film, and obviously, JGL. The problem is Summer :/ Anyway, back to your tattoo. I heard this song in the movie and liked the line, therefore became my new sig. But thats great, why this lyric?

The David's! :laughing: That is class, I wish I had 2 gay friends who shared the same name :( I have only one gay guy friend, and he isn't even openly gay (we had to figure it out). Definitely chic though, lmao

Didn't you love the movie? I knew if you watched it again you would. And I really liked her in the beginning, like immensely, but I have no idea why the fuck she left JGL for that guy, I wish they expanded on their relationship more, because honestly her and JGL seemed, well... really good together. (I was going to say perfect). I loved the ending though, because Autumn Definitely amazing :)

I love that Smiths lyric, I think more than a lot of lyrics I've heard, I think it's perfect. I'm definitely getting it tattooed on my forearm.

glastonelle 08-03-2010 01:31 AM

Yeah, theyre cute. I love gay guys, at least the ones I know, aswell as my hairdresser. They always seem so cheerful, and I sound so gay right now, but gay. :laughing: Your friend should come out the closet, its so much fun to have an openly gay friend :D Hmm... that sounds a bit strange outloud.

Your right. I'm not quite sure why I didnt like it at first, but I think it was the character of Summer that I never really warmed to. I dont see it either though. Tom was basically perfect :confused: I'm kind of happy they broke it off though, Autumn seemed so much lovelier than Summer :) Prettier too.

Good luck with the tattoo then. Send me a pic when you've had it done!

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 01:38 AM

Hahaha, he should come out of the closet! I'll inform you that you think that it's much more fun :laughing:

Well of course to you Tom is perfect, it's JGL :p: But yes, Autumn was much more gorgeous :) I think I fell in love with her for the 5minutes that she was on screen.

I'll definitely send it your way when it gets done :)

glastonelle 08-03-2010 01:48 AM

JGL aside, Tom was a perfectly lovely boyfriend. He did basically everything right, except get his hopes to high really. God, I'd do anything to have a boyfriend like Tom. Espescially if he looked like him too ;) Autumn seemed great. I hope theyre happy together :laughing: But not too happy. He should be with me.

Please do, I'm contemplating getting a tattoo but its much less scary when its not me :D

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 01:51 AM

Getting his hopes to high - the downfall of every guy, lol. Well, that last bit you said there sounded a bit...psychotic, but I'll let it slide since it's you and JGL :p:

You should get one with a friend though, definitely. I'm going with one of my really good friends and she's a girl, and she's more excited than I am!

glastonelle 08-03-2010 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 911872)
Getting his hopes to high - the downfall of every guy, lol. Well, that last bit you said there sounded a bit...psychotic, but I'll let it slide since it's you and JGL :p:

You should get one with a friend though, definitely. I'm going with one of my really good friends and she's a girl, and she's more excited than I am!

Yeah, I was a bit afraid of that. I was considering putting a smiley next to it but thought it might be overkill. So you see my dilemma :laughing:

I got a bit drunk once and promised with two friends of mine that one day we'll get a tattoo of the word 'gargoyle' somewhere really unexpected on our bodies. I really hope it never comes up again. Its a cool word and all, but the last thing you want if for someone to ask you whats its about :p: I wanted a quote from Trainspotting too, but 'Choose life' made me sound like a bit of a pretentious bastard :/

Sounds like a cool chick :) Are you getting the same one?

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 02:01 AM

The smile, would have been massive overkill, glad you re-thought it :laughing:

Gargoyle? Well isn't that just plain strange. I recommend that if you do get a tattoo, however, please don't get gargoyle :) And I love that idea! Choose life would be nice to get, maybe around your neck.

She's getting 46 & 2 and I think the "eye of horus". Yeah, she's pretty cool :) Amazing taste in music too.

glastonelle 08-03-2010 02:06 AM

Dont worry, gargoyle is long forgotten from my possible tattoo list. It may be a bit obnoxious around my neck, but when I suggested getting a Trainspotting quote my mate just said "How about 'choose a big f*cking television?" Me: -.-. He's a bit of a fucker :laughing:

46 & 2? I think I'm missing something here. I had a blank moment and searched the eye of horus. Seriously cool stuff man. I take it she likes Lydia and Rufus Wainwright too then? :D

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 02:11 AM

Haha, obnoxious? I'd hardly think so, well maybe just a bit... but there's nothing wrong with just a bit of it. And I'll take your word for him being a bit of fucker :p:

46 & 2 is a Tool song, one of my favourites from them too. She does like Lydia! I got her into them :) I haven't spoken to her about Rufus as yet, but she loves gays, so I'm sure she'll like him

downwardspiral 08-03-2010 02:12 AM

nandos garlic sauce
halloumi cheese
ben and jerry's cookie dough
lemon and lime flavoured 'this water'
pitta breads
and also:

glastonelle 08-03-2010 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 911890)
Haha, obnoxious? I'd hardly think so, well maybe just a bit... but there's nothing wrong with just a bit of it. And I'll take your word for him being a bit of fucker :p:

46 & 2 is a Tool song, one of my favourites from them too. She does like Lydia! I got her into them :) I haven't spoken to her about Rufus as yet, but she loves gays, so I'm sure she'll like him

I'd look like a bit of a 'Choose Life' humanitarian speaker tbh. Just a more edgy one than usual :laughing: Good on you. He's a funny guy, but seriously, no f*cking filter.

I dont think Ive heard anything by Tool.. What are they like? She loves gays? As in Freddie Mercury gay, or actually digs gay guys?

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 02:20 AM

Haha, you think it'd look good on me? I'm sure it would, no one would think I'm a humanitarian either way :laughing: and trust me, I know about the no filter thing ;)

Tool? Well, they're kind of hard to explain. The best way is to listen to them I guess? Maybe you could try that song 46 & 2 or H. both really good tracks from them. She likes the whole gay rights ordeal. She's bisexual as well, lol.

glastonelle 08-03-2010 02:24 AM

Oh sure, you should definitely get it :laughing: Do you have a complete f*cker of a friend with no filter too?

I'll give them a shot when I next think about it, but the first thing that comes to mind is metal and Tool Academy :/ Thats cool, I've got some bisexual mates that would love to have a hot Trinidad(ian?) girlfriend :D

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 09:45 AM

Of course I get it :) Now contrary to what you may think, and I may think, a lot of my friends would say that I'm that friend with no filter, but what the fuck would they know :rolleyes: I use discretion, lol.

Yes, it's Trinidadian :P and I never said she was hot! But, good guess though, she's gorgeous :laughing:

NSW 08-03-2010 07:02 PM

Papa John's pizza...numnum. Except mine has extra cheese, pepperoni, onions and jalapenos. A pizza party in my mouth.

glastonelle 08-03-2010 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 912059)
Of course I get it :) Now contrary to what you may think, and I may think, a lot of my friends would say that I'm that friend with no filter, but what the fuck would they know :rolleyes: I use discretion, lol.

Yes, it's Trinidadian :P and I never said she was hot! But, good guess though, she's gorgeous :laughing:

You seem to have a filter, but for all I know you may only be showing your filtered side... Ok, ignore that line, it makes no f*cking sense. But serioulsy, you see, very filtered and discrete to me :laughing:

Does she have an exotically cool name like you do?

debaserr 08-03-2010 10:32 PM
really good.

Dr.Seussicide 08-03-2010 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by glastonelle (Post 912491)
You seem to have a filter, but for all I know you may only be showing your filtered side... Ok, ignore that line, it makes no f*cking sense. But serioulsy, you see, very filtered and discrete to me :laughing:

Does she have an exotically cool name like you do?

I'll try to ignore it ;) Maybe I am filtered... or maybe not... maybe only God knows... or maybe he doesn't =|

If I typed her name, you wouldn't even be able to pronounce it :p:

glastonelle 08-03-2010 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 912517)
I'll try to ignore it ;) Maybe I am filtered... or maybe not... maybe only God knows... or maybe he doesn't =|

If I typed her name, you wouldn't even be able to pronounce it :p:

Try me. If its anything like Italian I'll say it like a pro :D

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