im pretty guilty of having a fringe similar, nothing as big as them, my fringe never goes in my eyes, or over my face. i look like a total retard with a middle shed so a side fringe for me is my only option

even though i quite like it
Originally Posted by Wayfarer
What, you mean the type of emo pussy tempted towards shy girls because he can't get a woman with self-confidence to talk to him?
im not singling you out here, but why does everyone feel the need to pick on Boo Boo just because hes not as confident as everyone else perhaps? and not to be funny, hasnt particuarly pulled yet? i think its unfair. yet again i can feel that you will take this as me singling you out.. its not.
Originally Posted by Wayfarer
It's not even that women wear the things to improve their appearance and fail, it's that they're willing to completely sacrifice all comfort to look a certain way. And don't even try to tell me that those things don't ****ing hurt. They radiate pain. I tried a pair of my mom's on the other day, went for a stroll downtown and at least six people walking with small children raced to the other side of the street just before crossing paths with me. Can't blame them one bit.
i couldnt go out without high heels (meaning to the dancing). i would feel like a reject, they give me some confidence, since shock horror, i dont have that much. a good pair of heels does wonders for me
