Originally Posted by WWWP
(Post 2230259)
This is a bit outside the scope of what this thread is intended for, but I do have a question I’m hoping MB can help with.
A client (17m) has been put on video-game restriction, which began Monday. Today, I found that he had moved his PS4 console into his bedroom, plugged it in to power, and hid it in a dresser drawer.
He doesn’t have a monitor in his room, or any other electronics, except for an Alexa speaker.
Is it possible he’s connecting his console to the Alexa in order to access the online features and communicate online through the speaker? Is there any other way he could be using this that hasn’t occurred to me?
Please help, the youngsters got one over on me.
If he's got a computer/laptop, it's very possible he's connecting to it over the internet through something called PS Remote Play. Plug the controller in your computer, connect to the console remotely, and play using the laptop/computer monitor.
I don't know about connecting it to an Alexa though - not sure what the point would be if his primary purpose is to play video games.
You could check his computer if you have that capability for PS Remote Play. If he has an apple computer, just do CMD+Spacebar to open up Spotlight Search and type in "PS Remote Play". On windows, just click the windows key, and search for it. If it's installed, it should pop up. He could be using his phone or tablet to do this also
edit: Sorry Steph, didn't read your post thoroughly - so no other electronic devices besides Alexa? It appears he could connect it to a PS4, but it's not exactly simple - looks like it'd require an additional hub.