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Old 05-24-2010, 05:55 PM   #131 (permalink)
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Ha ha, Liz, we have a lot in common!

I've put in bold the likes that we share. The only things from your "like" list that I'd definitely move to my "dislike" list are cooking and coffee (although I like coffee-flavored desserts). I prefer making mad-scientist kitchen creations and don't like following recipes. I don't know if that really counts as cooking!

Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
my daughter and son
my mom and sisters
my dad
nice people
melodic music
corny punning humor (very much so, ribbons)
vintage musical instruments (I have a violin from 1720 or so that I am afraid to play often for fear of damaging it!)
thrift shop stuff (you never know what you'll find! This is where my "hunter instincts" surface )
living simply
The Beatles
The Beach Boys
Indian spirituality and culture
the ocean
the beach at sunset
wooden boats
old movies
organic farming
iced coffee
spinach and broccoli di rabe
gnocchi with marinara sauce
having good eye-hand coordination
My additional Likes:
Bendy straws (and the sound they make when you stretch 'em fast)
Popping things (plastic bubble wrap, pimples, berries underfoot)
The Peculiar and quirky humor
Children's spontaneity and their playful and mischievous ways
Reddish earthy colors
Kindness to animals
Hearty whole grain bread that isn't squishy
Long attention spans
Picnics in the shade
Double entendres
Wading with little fish that dart against your feet and tickle you!
Wildflower walks in the woods
Laughing with people
Calling people by name
Hearing my name
The tilde aka "Squiggle" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (It is like half of an infinity sign. I just noticed that! Now I like it more. )

Looking at your *dislikes,* we share some, too:
Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
my oversensitivity
minute details of people’s private lives dissected in the media (especially when children are involved)
fixation on money/love of money
My additional dislikes:
Itchy Athlete's Foot
The whole concept of shaving body hair out of a fear of looking ugly
Things that encourage bad body image
Male and female genital cutting
Laws and customs based on gender
Lawn pesticides
Gigantic aquatic centers that waste a lot of water and energy
Board games, card games, and video games
My tendency to procrastinate (except it feels so goooood while I do it! )
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 05-24-2010 at 06:21 PM. Reason: How could I forget the tilde!?! ~ ~ ~
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Old 05-25-2010, 12:24 PM   #132 (permalink)
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ripped up jeans
lifted trucks
ford mustangs
chevy corvettes
and camaros
any kind of metal music
rock music
alternative music
Victoria's Secret
Verizon Wireless
monster and rockstar energy drinks
five finger death punch
bad boys
hot weather
juicy couture
metal mulisha
mini skirts
my baby
skin industries

rap/hip hop music
stupid people
cottage cheese
milet cyrus
britney spears
cold weather
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Old 05-25-2010, 12:49 PM   #133 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hissundaygirl09. View Post

rap/hip hop music
stupid people
cottage cheese
milet cyrus
britney spears

cold weather
Same, except I love the winter, and Rap/Hip Hop is too general of a statement.
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Old 05-25-2010, 01:27 PM   #134 (permalink)
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Looks like we have some more Likes & Dislikes in common, Erica.
Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
My additional Likes:
Bendy straws (and the sound they make when you stretch 'em fast)
Popping things (plastic bubble wrap, pimples, berries underfoot)
The Peculiar and quirky humor
Children's spontaneity and their playful and mischievous ways
Reddish earthy colors (and Brownish too)
Daydreaming (too often!)
Kindness to animals
Hearty whole grain bread that isn't squishy
Long attention spans (I wish I had one. My attention span has deteriorated a bit in the past couple of years.)
Picnics in the shade
Double entendres (unless I don't understand what they mean! I can be dense sometimes.)
Wading with little fish that dart against your feet and tickle you! (yes, I love that sensation!)
Wildflower walks in the woods (have never done this, but I'm sure I'd love it)
Laughing with people
Calling people by name (Yes, Erica. I like this too, Erica.)
Hearing my name (Erica. And Erica again. )
The tilde aka "Squiggle" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (It is like half of an infinity sign. I just noticed that! Now I like it more. ) (This is called a tilde? You learn something new every day on Musicbanter.)

Looking at your *dislikes,* we share some, too:
My additional dislikes:
Itchy Athlete's Foot (fortunately, I've never had it, but I'm sure I'd dislike it!)
Superficiality (although I'm sure I'm guilty of this to some degree)
The whole concept of shaving body hair out of a fear of looking ugly
Things that encourage bad body image
Male and female genital cutting
Laws and customs based on gender (I think some customs based on gender are OK, though)
Lawn pesticides
Menstruation (Tell me about it. I can't wait for menopause!)
Gigantic aquatic centers that waste a lot of water and energy
Regrets (...I've had a few....)
Board games, card games, and video games (Wii Sports is OK!)
My tendency to procrastinate (except it feels so goooood while I do it! )
Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
How could I forget the tilde!?! ~ ~ ~
Now we'll remember it tilde end of time.

Last edited by ribbons; 05-25-2010 at 01:56 PM.
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Old 05-25-2010, 01:59 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Old 05-26-2010, 10:05 AM   #136 (permalink)
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New music
Funny people
My dog Brutus
Walking in the rain

Miley Cyrus
Jeffree Starr
Audrey Kitching
Justin Bieber
Justin Timberlake
David Archuleta
Burnt Hair

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Old 05-26-2010, 10:10 AM   #137 (permalink)
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My Son and my Little Lady
Slow & Soulful basslines
Comedy Documentaries
Martial Arts films
Free Porn
Lie Ins
Heroes, Fringe
Bad Eurovision Entries


Sex in the city
Wedding Speeches
American Comedy
Lembit Orpick
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Old 05-26-2010, 11:32 AM   #138 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by xEMGx View Post
Same, except I love the winter, and Rap/Hip Hop is too general of a statement.
yeah and i also hate it when who cant even sing sing the most annoying songs bad sun burns hannah montanna lady gaga and when desperate irls try to get on my man
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Old 05-26-2010, 03:12 PM   #139 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
Looks like we have some more Likes & Dislikes in common, Erica.

Now we'll remember it tilde end of time.
Liz, Liz, Liz! I think you may just be my long-lost (Internet) sister I always wanted but never had...Liz.

I'm glad you and I won't forget the tilde again. Now we will remember it tilde end of time, like you wrote, you punster, you.

I was pleased you know the tickly feeling of fish bumping into your feet while you're wading. I like brown, too, and I look forward to menopause (it will be nice to finally have some underwear that won't get bloody, though I don't look forward to osteoporosis!). I forgot about Wii Sports. I play Wii Sports myself (I bet your son likes it, too. Mine beats me almost all the time in the dogfights!). In fact I'm going to play Wii Sports in about 10 minutes! I don't like playing it an awful lot...but I like playing it because my son enjoys it.

I'm curious about more likes/dislikes we have in common or don't. For example, which are some of the gender-based customs you like? Maybe I'm overlooking some good ones? Here are more of my Likes and Dislikes, Liz, so we can compare them:

More of My Likes:

*Bubbles that float up from a bottle of dishsoap (when you squeeze the bottle just slightly, this sometimes happens by accident. I get very excited!)
*The first hint of pale green leaves emerging from trees in spring. (You see them as a pale green haze when you overlook a deciduous tree grove.)
*The scent of linden tree flowers. Mmmm! Heavenly.
*Dipping graham crackers into (rice) milk (until half is so soggy that it threatens to tear off as you lift it, dangling, up to your mouth.)
*Oreo-type cookies
* least the small kind. (I used to put them in the freezer as a kid.)
*Birds...parakeets, for example...and their small warm feet on my finger.
*Rats and mice and their little sniffing noses
*When muscles ache after exercising (kind of a good pain)
*When driving, I like stopping to let pedestrians cross at walkways (I think this may be the only opportunity in life to feel magnanimous. I always enjoy letting pedestrians cross, because they are so happy and appreciative even though it is such a simple little thing you are doing, really.)
*The song "Scarlet Ribbons" (I loved loved loved this song as a child, ribbons! Somehow, you made me think of this song. I don't know why. ;-) When I was a girl, the song let me imagine that there is a kindly being watching out for me...something I've never believed in, but I think you do. It was a lovely idea to think that magically a little girl might get the ribbons that she wanted, like a gift from the universe.)YouTube - Jim Reeves: Scarlet Ribbons

More of My Dislikes:

*Blind patriotism
*Nasty comments such as malicious sarcasm
*Cigarette smoke (it makes me aunt is so addicted she can't quit despite having breast cancer; also, I don't want to get secondhand smoke)
*When drivers speed and don't bother signalling
*Watching sports (except gymnastics and ice skating) <--Eegads, I think I fit the female stereotype here!

Originally Posted by Dea-Destruction View Post
Dislikes: Burnt Hair
Oh, yes, Dea, the smell of burnt hair is very disturbing. Acrid. Pungent. I dislike it, too.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 05-26-2010 at 03:17 PM.
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Old 05-26-2010, 03:53 PM   #140 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hissundaygirl09. View Post
yeah and i also hate it when who cant even sing sing the most annoying songs bad sun burns hannah montanna lady gaga and when desperate irls try to get on my man
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