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Waynegrow 01-10-2005 05:39 AM

Why Satan loves you more than Jesus.
Satan doesn't descriminate heal except everything. Jesus will only except believers. Your Thought's l

[MERIT] 01-10-2005 08:17 AM

but satan wants you to suffer for eternity. and thats not fun at all.

hookers with machineguns 01-10-2005 09:47 AM

What if the "god" that people are worshipping is satan?

Molasses 01-10-2005 12:01 PM

What if satan took over heaven and has jesus tied to a pipe?

Fenixpunk 01-10-2005 12:10 PM

What if there is no such thing as either it was all a story to get kids to behave and keep some sort of "order" in the world. what am i saying, that would just be absurd now wouldnt it?

SwitchFootRocks! 01-10-2005 12:45 PM

I am so fricking sick of the religion posts.

hookers with machineguns 01-10-2005 01:43 PM

^ Then quit posting in them :thumb:

[MERIT] 01-10-2005 01:44 PM


spearmint 01-10-2005 01:59 PM

I'm not a cristian but...doesn't jesus and god love all living things?! oh andn I don't really think either are good =) or they exist

MUSE girl 01-10-2005 02:24 PM

i spose its away people live so i cant really judge that. i dnt really believe in it all myself, but its still weird to think that it could be possible

jesus 01-10-2005 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
What if there is no such thing as either it was all a story to get kids to behave and keep some sort of "order" in the world. what am i saying, that would just be absurd now wouldnt it?


IamAlejo 01-10-2005 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by FenixPunk
What if there is no such thing as either it was all a story to get kids to behave and keep some sort of "order" in the world. what am i saying, that would just be absurd now wouldnt it?

That's why it is quoted throughout our history and has been apart of Earth since written records showed up? I have a hard time believing it, but it would make a great story.

Waynegrow 01-11-2005 06:53 PM

****ty i thought people would beak me about this thread. Ionly believe in Mother Nature.

jesus 01-11-2005 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by IamAlejo
That's why it is quoted throughout our history and has been apart of Earth since written records showed up? I have a hard time believing it, but it would make a great story.

or maybe he was just stating the fact that neither of them are real. Sure you could say they are, but it depends on your beliefs. blah blah.

sleepy jack 01-11-2005 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
What if there is no such thing as either it was all a story to get kids to behave and keep some sort of "order" in the world. what am i saying, that would just be absurd now wouldnt it?

:beer: oh wait we have to add jesus
:beer: whos the 4th guy? oh yea Oi To the world gotta love that guy

jibber 01-11-2005 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Waynegrow
Satan doesn't descriminate heal except everything. Jesus will only except believers. Your Thought's l

The way I see it, if heaven and hell truly exist, the only logical conclusion to be drawn is that after death, every single person will go to hell, and here's why. Heaven only accepts believers of a certain faith. Of the people living on earth, some of them don't believe in any religion, therefore condeming them to hell. Now comes the tricky part, according to your statement, non-christians will be going to hell, but, there are also a number of other religions that say non-believers of THIER religion will go to hell. So, even if you do believe in one faith, there will be another faith that you don't believe in, automatically damning you to hell for all eternity. So, unless anyone here is a believer of every single religion known to man, I'll see you all in hell! :)

This scenario is of course utterly rediculous, which is why I find it baffling that anyone can actually take the idea of eternal pain and suffering of anyone not sharing their specific religious views serious.

blackTshirt 01-12-2005 02:23 AM

^ nah, i see it this way:
if you are a believer of one faith, that's enough, it's not possible to believe in every religion, God wouldn't ask us to do so, plus you should believe only because you agree with what that religion says, not because that's the way to go to Heaven.

jibber 01-12-2005 02:26 AM

meh, I just think it's incredibly closedminded to actually believe that anyone who doesn't believe in religion will be subject to eternal pain and suffering after death. I can easily understand people being religious or believing in god, but the whole heaven and hell aspect of it just seems completely ludicrous to me.

covle 01-12-2005 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Molasses
What if satan took over heaven and has jesus tied to a pipe?

he tried that. he was once st lucifer but he led the rebellion against heaven. for a thousand years the war was waged, but he and his followers were defeated and cast into hell.

Waynegrow 01-12-2005 06:28 AM

And again the Bible blow's all the book's away with it's stories. Everyone should read it it's quite interesting.

Fenixpunk 01-12-2005 10:16 AM

i agree its interesting and has some good stories in it..Dr. Seuss wrote some good ones as well.
by the way - Jesus loves soccer

jesus 01-12-2005 01:43 PM

Jesus was in the newspaper today, my whole school was talking about him.

hookers with machineguns 01-12-2005 02:34 PM

I can't believe Jesus even wears sandals when playing soccer. Ugh, hasn't the son of God ever heard of kleets?

Greg 01-12-2005 04:39 PM

It's not soccer it's football. We invented it. With those sandals he's gonna stub his toe, nasty. Not gonna hurt as bad as being nailed to a cross tho'.

jibber 01-12-2005 10:32 PM

haha, completely going off on a tangent, I have a jesus bobble head, it's sitting on my desk.

covle 01-14-2005 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Greg
It's not soccer it's football. We invented it. With those sandals he's gonna stub his toe, nasty. Not gonna hurt as bad as being nailed to a cross tho'.

no, its soccer. football is afl.

MUSE girl 01-14-2005 09:14 AM

we call it football over here, doesnt really matter though, its means the same thing. amricans call what we call rugby, football.
anyway back on topic, what i dont understand is that, if god was real why is there all these natural disarsters and killing in the world?

hookers with machineguns 01-14-2005 10:06 AM

america's football is your rugby? are you sure about that?

franscar 01-14-2005 10:14 AM

America's football over here is known as American Football.

Our football is called soccer over there, and technically should be called soccer over here, but it's not, it's called football.

Football rocks. Now, God doesn't rock.

Here's my major beef: if God is all powerful, why does he need everyone to tell him how great he is and dedicate their life to him? Sounds like a bit of an attention whore to me.

franscar 01-14-2005 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by spearmint
doesn't jesus and god love all living things?!

Nope, they love the ones that dedicate their entire lives to praising them. And if you read the New Testament, then basically to get into Heaven you have to wipe out all other religions, through conversion or through death.


Fenixpunk 01-14-2005 10:18 AM

hookers with machineguns 01-14-2005 10:20 AM

Religion is the root of all evil. The "god" people worship is actually satan, and what the hell happened to Pele?

franscar 01-14-2005 10:37 AM

Pele retired after a brief stint in the woefully poor NASL, the North American Soccer League. He was recently voted the joint number one footballer of all time alongside Diego Maradona, and he can currently be seen advertising male erection problem advice. Fair play to Pele.

Fenixpunk 01-14-2005 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
Religion is the root of all evil. The "god" people worship is actually satan, and what the hell happened to Pele?

im not a fan of religion, but im gonna have to disagree. religion helps alot of ppl deal with their problems just as drugs, alcohol, puppy dogs, even music help other ppl. The "god" they worship, to me is themselves. The "voice of god" is really their own telling them what to do. when its good you can give god credit if you want, and when its bad, you can blame satan, the truth is, its all you making the decision. The real "satan" in my eyes are the corrupted evil doers that do everything to keep people down so they can seem superior in their own eyes.

hookers with machineguns 01-14-2005 10:48 AM

Yeah, that post was supposed to be a joke, my main interest was with Pele.
I think religion is good for children, because it puts a meaning to everything and gives them something to believe in. But, I don't agree in principle, because these religions seem like a guideline for people to not think and come up with their own ideas. I still cannot grasp the idea that one religion is claimed to be right, and the others claimed wrong. When you assert something to be correct based on faith alone, can you really discredit other people's ideologies?

riseagainstrocks 01-15-2005 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by franscar
Nope, they love the ones that dedicate their entire lives to praising them. And if you read the New Testament, then basically to get into Heaven you have to wipe out all other religions, through conversion or through death.


What New Testament are you reading? I'm pretty sure (and by pretty I mean very) that the only requirements are:

1. Confess that you are a sinner and are not perfect.
2. Believe that Jesus Christ is God's son and died for you so that you may have eternal life

Nowhere does it say kill kill kill and you'll go to Heaven. I understand very few people here are religious, but don't knock something you don't understand. That would be acting like Bush remember? Hypocrites.

hookers with machineguns 01-15-2005 10:45 AM

^Uh....what? I don't understand the Bush analogy. What did he "knock" that he did not understand?
Also I don't remember anyone connecting killing and going to heaven. We were talking about God's established characteristic flaws: can he really be all-mighty and all-good, if so, why does he not prevent mass deaths just as the recent tsunami? I don't really want to see a cheesy religious explanation saying that God wanted this to happen, because I'm sorry, that is bullsh*t.
But, seriously man, who really understands anything about life, the galaxies, our purpose, etc? Religion is speculation, not fact. What we are saying right now is speculation, not fact. So your "don't knock something you don't understand" comment should really be applied to everyone including yourself.

riseagainstrocks 01-15-2005 02:06 PM

My Bush analogy (looking back it wasn't wise) was about how many people are criticiszing Christians as a whole when you don't want people to do that to America as a whole cause not everyone is supposedly self-righteous.

And if you'll read the quote all the way through notice how franscar says "And if you read the New Testament, then basically to get into Heaven you have to wipe out all other religions, through conversion or through death. (emphasis added)"

I'm confused as to what I don't understand? I am comming across as too indignate and I'm sorry. I'll tone down my words.

Why did the tsunami happen? I have no clue. I'm not going to attempt to understand it. I have no will to. It happened. Thats the end.

The why would I believe in something that isn't fact? Because once its fact, you no longer have belief but rather blind obediance. You believe cause you have to, not cause you want to. I believe because of personal experiances and because I want to. I trust in something. Don't criticize my trust. I'm merely telling you about my faith. Sorry if your offened. I'll stop if you guys want me too, but I'd think you'd want a differing opinion.

by the way, no where does it say that God is all-good. He is described as omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and just. Good and Evil is arbitrary to God's nature.

franscar 01-15-2005 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
What New Testament are you reading? I'm pretty sure (and by pretty I mean very) that the only requirements are:

1. Confess that you are a sinner and are not perfect.
2. Believe that Jesus Christ is God's son and died for you so that you may have eternal life

Nowhere does it say kill kill kill and you'll go to Heaven. I understand very few people here are religious, but don't knock something you don't understand. That would be acting like Bush remember? Hypocrites.

The only way to bring about Heaven on Earth is by uniting all the people of the world under Christendom. That was used by numerous Popes as justification for the Crusades, where a lot of Christians went over to the Holy Land, and started knocking seven bells out of a lot of Muslims. A little bit like today.

dog 01-16-2005 05:44 AM

meh i don believe in god or anythn. evolution explains everythn is a more logical way.

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