Plankton |
08-04-2016 11:40 AM |
From a guitar competition I entered my cover of Mr. Crowley in:
Great metal tone, really close to Rhodes, lots of gain but that same high end he has. Wow lead is awesome!
Planky : Ozzy would be proud with this take on Mr. Crowley what a war.
Plankton.. One of my favorite songs, and you have done it justice. Killer work!
Plankton - Well an Ozzy cover is always going to go down well, very nice guitar tones and fantastic lead work, great tribute to Randy and certainly not easy to play but you did it with style
Plank: Bold choice to cover a RR song. It was smoking though. You have to be a great player to even come close to Randy's stuff! Kudos!
... massive props for taking this badboy on. Your fuzzy tone is perfect here sounds very authentic lots of bite on there too. You nail down the ryhthm parts with ease. Leads are bang on the money mate a darn fine job done indeed. The outro solo was smoking mate
Plankton - not an easy song to cover - nailed it!!! that tone is superb
Plankton, great work on this tune man, Randy is always tough. Great work bringing all the elements together, I couldn't even tell it wasn't a completely premade track. You really nailed the tone, especially the rhythm. Really raunchy sounding fuzz. Top work on the lead here, you absolutely killed it.
Here's the track:
I lost out to a cover of Foghats I Just Wanna Make Love To You, btw.
That's my spam quota for the year.