kibbeh |
06-15-2016 11:31 AM |
you know what really hurt my feelings was being called a white person
i was in the UK studying for a while and there was a compulsory class that all international students had to take called 'COMMUNICATION AND LEARNING SKILLS' because non british people have to learn how to learn and communicate with the superior europeans. ANYWAY, the entire class was all africans, like 10 people from china, a pakistani guy, 2 arabs, an indian guy who was born in the middle east and could speak better arabic than me and yeah that was it.
there were two african dudes, one from nigeria and one from uganda who would always sit next to me and we would just talk ok and ONE DAY the guy from uganda was all "IF YOU COME TO AFRICA MAN YOU BE SHOT, WHITE BOY" so i was like.... "i'm not white." so he goes "MAN YOU WHITE AS ****" i was like "obviously you don't know what white means I'M NOT WHITE." and he kept insisting that i was white. he thought of me as a white person. honestly it really hurt my feelings. CULTURAL APPROPRIATION. he ERASED my IDENTITY. i almost called THE PC POLICE.