Oriphiel |
05-02-2015 08:22 PM |
Originally Posted by ladyislingering
(Post 1585178)
I'm talking about shit that's so completely boring and predictable that you'd rather go deaf than have to deal with it a second more.
That's kind of subjective, though. I'm sure that back in the seventies there were plenty of people who thought that Disco Duck was an incredibly generic, mindless and safe song, and they wouldn't be entirely wrong. The only difference between the cheesy/bad songs of yesteryear and today is that the modern songs are the ones that we get borderline assaulted with every five seconds, while the retro ones seem more charming because they crimped off of a style that modern people aren't as constantly exposed to (making them seem more "original" or "good" than they really are).
My favorite example of this is Bon Jovi. His songs were just as generic as plenty of modern artists today (Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, etc., take your pick), sticking very closely to the Hair Metal/Rock formula of the times. Almost all of his hits were about sex, fun, and riding free (sound familiar?), and yet plenty of people use him as prime example of how the music of the past is "better" than music today.
Just throwing out some food for thought.