Cant watch vids til tmrw but my blood still boils a lil bit
10-26-2013 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by butthead aka 216
(Post 1377567)
Cant watch vids til tmrw but
They're gifs mate.
my blood still boils a lil bit
Why :D
10-28-2013 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by YHBand
(Post 1377677)
Is this considered a spam?
Nope. Try harder.
butthead aka 216
10-28-2013 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Christian Benteke
(Post 1377624)
They're gifs mate.
Why :D
well i was on my phone, hard to do stuff on here with my phone and honestly im a pretty chilled out brah, pretty relaxed and never really get angry but literally seein the words 'internet feminists' send my blood to boil becaus ei hate those ppl so much
10-28-2013 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by butthead aka 216
(Post 1378047)
well i was on my phone, hard to do stuff on here with my phone and honestly im a pretty chilled out brah, pretty relaxed and never really get angry but literally seein the words 'internet feminists' send my blood to boil becaus ei hate those ppl so much
I hate that some people see the word "feminist" and automatically envision a bunch of bra-burning, man-hating sociopaths. That's what makes my blood boil.