Frownland |
10-11-2018 06:41 PM |
Millennial old man rant preview (reliably sourced and tested):
People ask me why I don't like most mainstream music of today. The answer is simple. I like to listen to music with meaningful purpose. As someone who indulges himself in music and dissects every song bt playing it 100 times, a meaningful purpose is important to me. Whether it's in the music (instrumentation, format or how different sounds work together) or lyrics. Doesn't have to be in reggae music but most in more cases than not, it is not for me. Most music of today isn't HEARD, it's simply listened to as disposable white noise. Maybe my opinion will change but as of now, "lit music" is nothing but an annoying ring in my ears.
I want someone to give me a better answer than "because this song makes me want to party" when I ask them why I like a particular song.