They had to extend the show because of so many calls.
Sorry but Tommy >>>>>
Handles himself well.
Nobody can tell him why he's racist, embarrassing. He actually tweeted the host after the show to ask for the clip where he allegedly uses 'paki' and the host didn't reply, lol.
I saw this on Free Speech on the bbc and he made a couple of valid points, that was all ignored however and the woman on the panel just shouted 'racist' at him every single time (even though nothing he said was even slightly racist) and everyone applauded, woop wooped and beat their chests in victory without countering anything he said. Tommy comes in at 11:00, the woman at 13:44, the white one, talks pure shit and hasn't got a clue.
He tweeted Saira Khan after and asked how he was racist, again, ignored.
Robinson is quite "good value", I saw the programme, I watched it objectively, I don't support the EDL. The points he was making were nothing to do with race at all and they just shouted him down as a racist.