The Batlord |
06-04-2018 08:11 PM |
Originally Posted by MicShazam
(Post 1958449)
That's where the principle takes over. He will be given the benefit of the doubt until he's legal age. Then he's on his own and deserves to be squashed by the hammer of life if he continues inviting it.
I'd certainly never want to work with troubled youngsters myself, but I have a lot of respect for people who do manage to tap that endless well of patience.
Why would you give him the benefit of the doubt? Is there some reason you saw in him that made you think he had potential or are you just clinging to mindless liberalism that says you should never touch a child under any circumstances because physical discipline against children by parents has been shown to be ineffective?
That kid looked about five years from everyone on Earth, liberal or not, deciding that he was a waste of skin. I'm just being proactive.