Chiomara |
05-07-2018 10:21 AM |
Some highlights from this weekend:
-Made some progress researching the whole cursed VHS tape mystery (ill explain some other time) but not a whole lot; the people (a married couple) who made it are presently living in Greensboro and running some sort of vaguely Jesus-y art related organization which has yet to really take off and is always described so cryptically on their websites. Pretty sure they were trying to start a cult in the early 2000s (prior to that they were traveling and performing godawful Christian comedy skits in tiny churches-- based on the tapes, their "comedy" was like Everybody Loves Raymond but 5000 times worse and also much creepier-- there was nothing overtly Christian about it aside from the bible quotes that showed between scenes) but failed and are now attempting a different, less obviously cult-y approach instead which is also failing. My friend and I may or may not have called the number listed on their cult's (?) website. Just got their voicemail unfortunately.
-stumbled across a large wooden crucifix in the woods by the river. Normal Louisiana stuff.
-Befriended new roommate's kitties who are both of course named after anime characters
-Finally ordered a bed frame and stuff on Amazon even though I really wanted to buy a banjo or sitar instead.