The Batlord |
04-07-2018 10:26 AM |
OMFG black women are the worst customers by ten miles. Black men are fine, black kids are fine, women in general are fine. But black women are like a minefield of being ****heads when they get the chance to lord over people in the service industry. They're the most demanding, the most entitled, the most rude, the most indifferent to any customers waiting behind them, and the most likely to complain over nonsense.
First time I got a customer complaint in forever cause some bitch wanted to make sure the cheese on her sandwiches was melted, which was relayed to me by a coworker, and I told her that the sandwiches on the heat chute already had melted cheese. I was then informed that she wanted her sandwiches fresh, and so I did so.
Later found out she bitched at my manager because she didn't like my lip or something. I hadn't even been rude. Of all the times I've been absolutely deserving of a customer complaint it's the time I did nothing that I get in trouble? **** off. Black women will be the death of me.