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A month ago I ran out of milk when I wanted to have a bowl of oatmeal, so I poured water in instead. It was the least exciting cereal bowl I've ever had, but not inedible.
Brown sugar improves most things. I've actually never eaten cream of wheat in my life, though. Cream of wheat is a little too wild and crazy for me, I guess.
A month ago I ran out of milk when I wanted to have a bowl of oatmeal, so I poured water in instead. It was the least exciting cereal bowl I've ever had, but not inedible.
the second ingredient said milk so i tried it, it wasnt so bad..i was lit asf after though, about 1/3 can maybe in the granola.. i should have use a bit of water too
stomach was upset but it was a condensed type of milk i think.. :/