Here's an update on me if anyone gives two ****s:
I've spent the past few months social media free, and I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it is not feeling like I have to check my phone every 10 minutes. It's allowed me to open my eyes to more things in the world, and just seeing it for what it is. On top of that, my depression has steadily been getting worse, and I really just don't care anymore. I don't think I'd ever get to the point where I feel it's the end of the road, but embracing it and being aware of it is half the battle, if not more. Been working 40+ hours every week and my bank is flourishing to the point where even big purchases don't hinder me.
On that note, I recently bought myself a brand new gaming PC. My old PC was literally a piece of trash i comparison. Here it is if you're interested in models, specs, etc.
On top of that, I've been playing a **** ton of games lately. Playerunknowns Battlegrounds, The Witcher III, Divinity Original Sin 2 (2nd playthrough), Subnautica, Slay The Spire, Fallout 4 (modded), and CS:GO, and every single game I play has literally 0 issues running it. I've been getting a consistent 60fps and ultra high settings are my defaults for all games.
If you've been holding off on buying yourself a gaming PC, do yourself a favor and splurge on one. Mine cost around $1600-$1700 after tax. Worth every penny.