Chiomara |
03-14-2018 02:58 PM |
Well, speaking of unwanted/unruly hairs, one of my female friends once discovered a wayward black hair sprouting out of the center of her neck and, rather than cutting it, she let it grow and grow (and measured it once) until her husband forced her to pluck it out. A shame, truly.
Hrm let's see what else.. today I picked flowers in front of some office next to a gas station so that I can take obnoxious Tumblr-y selfies later (I just liked the idea of putting one flower over each eye + my gold glitter on my lips and then lying in the grass and taking pictures) and some lady gave me a stern look (likely because I was holding a knife in the other hand, which I didn't realize at the time. Just a pocket knife, but still) which was mildly embarrassing because here I am at age 29 stealing flowers. While wearing a flowered dress.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1933095)
making boring nonsense interesting
This is basically the only way I manage to stay sane despite my unbearably dull life. My nonsense (exhibit A: Ina Garten fanfiction in the conspiracy thread) is probably not interesting to others, but it keeps me fairly entertained most of the time so that's good enough I suppose.