("...yay a spam thread, that'll do nicely..." went the goblin thinking here at last was somewhere he could spam away then)
repost from elsewhere
"...so one's
old age finally helps one to turn inwards..." said the goblin adding "...but why turn inwards only after one's
old age forces itself upon one...", somehow the goblin's battle for his mother against her slowly engulfing senility had shown him that much at least, that those who are ill prepared for their own retirement often suffered within that aimless freedom of it, where the goblin just remarked "...so the real question for me here is
how to turn inwards then, seeing that all on my outside is not mine to keep anyway, just that everything other than myself belongs to a dailylife that invariably takes back whatever it has offered without pity nor choice..."
repost from elsewhere
the goblin reminded himself of something, saying "...members come and go..." but the goblin himself didn't mind who came or went or stayed, or whatever, no, for him only
content mattered, "...selfish perhaps but as long as I am alive I will try for
content as each post is proof of how I relate to my life..." explained the goblin, continuing "...but let's see it for what it really is, in that each one of us is actually alone on forumland with an unspoken tally known only to ourselves of what one has done against the time that one has had to do it in, so now, how does one other member here, or a million other members for that matter, change this simple equation in some way, no, this tally just remains constant as some
benchmark of self doesn't it, simply, in life one might well be "whatever", fair enough, but on forumland one is ever what one posts pure and simple..."
50 1601 50490
repost from elsewhere
"...welcome to musicbanter forum, and to forumland in general then..." went the goblin, doing his bit to welcome those who had welcomed him, continuing "...where in fact for all its outward appearance of diversity you'll probably only ever meet four types of humans on forumland here, their being,
the ignorant who don't know of your posts,
the morons who ignore your posts,
the sheep who read your posts, and
the nutters who actually reply...", at which point the goblin, who felt that he had covered the topic of
forum readership to a tee here, asked "...so does this in-depth analysis get me the nobel prize for literature I wonder..."
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