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bulbasaur 10-18-2017 08:50 PM

looks like i won this argument

Frownland 10-18-2017 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885509)
you can literally pinpoint where i made every one of those arguments in the posts above. Batlord is drunk, i dunno what you're excuse is Frown.

if i have to use the ****ing deck of cards analogy one more time i might actually smash my computer

I can literally pinpoint where your wording sucks. I already have actually.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 10-18-2017 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1885511)
Alright I guess I just give up cause you can't use "your" correctly. Bitch.


i'm forever doomed to mediocrity now

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 10-18-2017 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1885515)
I can literally pinpoint where your wording sucks.

pls do. and don't just post them with a . like you do in every other argument. make the effort to tell me why you think i failed to convey my point properly and how you interrupted it. if you mean the original post about batlord's situation than i guess i could've been a little clearer. but again i was talking about his situation at this current time so i think you should've been able to get the gist of it, and if not i've clarified plenty of times since then.

Frownland 10-18-2017 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885518)
pls do. and don't just post them with a . like you do in every other argument. make the effort to tell me why you think i failed to convey my point properly and how you interrupted it. if you mean the original post about batlord's situation than i guess i could've been a little clearer. but again i was talking about his situation at this current time so i think you should've been able to get the gist of it, and if not i've clarified plenty of times since then.

So you're just not reading my posts then? Ok.


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885441)
but yeah, i'm grateful for what i have, but don't chalk up your working at burger king and living at home as some life is hard bs. you and i both know it's down to your own laziness and general inability to actually commit to something that isn't alcoholism.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1885507)
Also this post makes it sound like you're discussing what got Batlord into his situation, not what can get him out.

After that point we were basically just arguing different premises.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 10-18-2017 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885463)
what's not an either/or? making the most out of your life or complaining? i never said it was. but i'm saying i would rather do the former than the latter as it's sure to help you in the long run.


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885470)
yes but his environment isn't going to fix his problems for him, that's on his own shoulders. you can't control your environment, you can control your own actions. this is like the 3rd or 4th time i've said this.

yeah i still don't understand where you're going with this. i brought up student loans as evidence that i'm not any more dependent on my parents than batlord is. sorry you can't repay your student loans, i'm safe to say you aren't in the minority on that one either. i never said hard work will instantly fix all of your problems and you'll live happily ever after. i said all you can do to try and improve your situation is work your hardest. whether or not it works isn't my point, you can take that one up with Goofle or some other capitalist.


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885473)
no, and i didn't say i was. there are people who are in situations they are in because life as stacked the deck against them, as i've mentioned. there are also people who are in situations they are in because they're unmotivated or just don't strive to get any further. as frownland is sure to hop on my dick about, there are people dealing with both as well. you took an argument i was aiming directly at you and exclusively you and just applied it to an entire class of people.

agree or disagree, the only realistic way batlord is going to get out of his current situation is through working hard? now before you say something irrelevant about your student loans again, i'm not saying a week of hard work will make Batlord a millionaire. i'm saying is it or is it not the most reasonable answer to his situation in his life.


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885484)
i mean in batlord's situation (which is the exact situation we were discussing) he could work hard and save his money, try to move up within the BK ladder, work and attend school part time.

Elphenor is literally doing exactly that atm btw, man has no student loans, pays for school out of pocket by working hard at a ****ty job.

but yes frown, please tell me again how hard it is to pay off student loans, i have no idea about how that works and need to be enlightened.

i know exactly what this has to do with class and i'm quite sure i've explained that multiple times at this point.

dude, seriously?

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 10-18-2017 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1885520)
After that point we were basically just arguing different premises.

or i was clarifying what i meant? however you wanna interrupt it that allows you to dismiss the fact that you just spent this whole time dwelling on one sentence that i clarified multiple times after.

The Batlord 10-18-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885513)
i'm more than willing to discuss this further btw. i feel like batlord and i have come to some sort of understanding, and i think he just took my sentiments to his situation as a general feeling that i have which isn't the case. i also was trying to rebut the idea that i'm close minded or ignorant to class based issues simply because of my parents income.

frownland, if you want to actually tell me what you're arguing then yeah, i'm down as well. but up to this point all i've got was student loans suck and some sarcasm.

Nah, not to sound like a condescending douche but I think you just need a bit of time in the real world with people other than the middle class or college kids to get a real feel for the lower class. I guess I can't sound like not a condescending douche with that but I think it probably took that with me. I've been working with these people for years and I know full well that "overcoming" the lower class mindset is not just an idea of doing your best with what you've got and that what you're saying may not be heartless meritocracy, but it does ultimately amount to heartless meritocracy that isn't even a meritocracy. I honestly don't think I know what else to say. Maybe Elph has something better to say as much as it makes me want to stab myself in the leg to say that.

Or maybe I'll think of something when I sober up, but it won't be something that agrees with you.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 10-18-2017 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1885526)
Nah, not to sound like a condescending douche but I think you just need a bit of time in the real world with people other than the middle class or college kids to get a real feel for the lower class. I guess I can't sound like not a condescending douche with that but I think it probably took that with me. I've been working with these people for years and I know full well that "overcoming" the lower class mindset is not just an idea of doing your best with what you've got and that what you're saying may not be heartless meritocracy, but it does ultimately amount to heartless meritocracy that isn't even a meritocracy. I honestly don't think I know what else to say. Maybe Elph has something better to say as much as it makes me want to stab myself in the leg to say that.


i'm not saying it's easy to overcome the lower class mindset. our society is essentially designed to keep poor people poorer. my arguement this whole goddamn ****ing cock sucking time was that the best way to get out of the situation is making the most of your ****ty situation and working hard. is it easy to do that? no. is that guaranteed to fix your problems? no. does poverty breed poverty? yes. are there situations that make you physically unable to work any harder because of where you are in life? hell yes. i don't know how i can clarify any further than this. i'm 100% sure you guys gave up reading my walls of text or something.

Frownland 10-18-2017 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885523)
or i was clarifying what i meant? however you wanna interrupt it that allows you to dismiss the fact that you just spent this whole time dwelling on one sentence that i clarified multiple times after.

Bolded: Two times in a row?

So for the rest of the conversation regarding student loans, early on you pointed to the fact that you have student loans are a useful tool that you are using to improve your situation. That really really really really really really sounds like advice to get student loans which is ****ty advice in Batlord's situation. You never clarified that unless you think that calling something irrelevant is clarification.


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1885527)

i'm not saying it's easy to overcome the lower class mindset. our society is essentially designed to keep poor people poorer. my arguement this whole goddamn ****ing cock sucking time was that the best way to get out of the situation is making the most of your ****ty situation and working hard. is it easy to do that? no. is that guaranteed to fix your problems? no. does poverty breed poverty? yes. are there situations that make you physically unable to work any harder because of where you are in life? hell yes. i don't know how i can clarify any further than this. i'm 100% sure you guys gave up reading my walls of text or something.

Maybe if you worked on your wording a bit this wouldn't be such an issue.

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