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Janszoon 04-13-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 637112)
Weird. His avatar does have rapist glasses. Watch your 6.


boo boo 04-13-2009 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 637114)
I thought mods were badass mother ****ers who didnt take **** from no one?

Dammit everyone says that, you think I'm being too nice?

Because I CAN be an assh*le, but is that what you really want? I'm not as restrained on the other forums I visit as I am here, and lets see I'm not well liked in those parts.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-13-2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 637090)
Or how about you for trolling every one of my threads for no valid reason?

He did that to me too. What's his game at?

boo boo 04-13-2009 05:59 PM

Not a lot of inductees so far, keep em coming.

I got one.

Satan. His aliases include The Devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, The Prince of Darkness, Iblis and Rupert Murdoch. He is the main cause of evil, death and suffering in the world, but he's most recently known for singlehandedly destroying American journalism. He is a $6.7 billion propagonda machine, he also keeps Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly's souls in little jars under his bathroom sink. Favorite hobbies include stomping kittens and drinking children's tears.

The Unfan 04-13-2009 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 637090)
Or how about you for trolling every one of my threads for no valid reason?

Maybe if you'd quit making **** threads he wouldn't have to.

boo boo 04-13-2009 06:14 PM

That's it, you have been stalking me this whole damn time, every last several posts of yours have been unprovoked attacks against me and you better f*cking cut it out.

No one has had a problem with this thread, NO ONE, except you and wayfayer and that's because you're trolls and you wont get off my d*ck. I'm warning you, seriously.

Sparky 04-13-2009 06:18 PM

This is like that pizza/anime thread all over again...

boo boo 04-13-2009 06:21 PM

The difference is that now I'm a mod, these guys are stalking me for no goddamn reason, I haven't done anything to them.

The real reason of course is that they are under the impression that compared to the other mods, I'm the biggest pushover, so they can get away with bullying me, but they don't know who they're pissing off here, I AM a mod and I can ban them if they don't cut it out, and if they say they don't care (and of course that's exactly what they will say) then all the more reason to do it.

Sparky 04-13-2009 06:23 PM

Bring out the guns boo boo!

jackhammer 04-13-2009 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 637230)
Maybe if you'd quit making **** threads he wouldn't have to.

If you don't like the thread then don't post in it. Simple really.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-13-2009 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 637230)
Maybe if you'd quit making **** threads he wouldn't have to.

Just cool it bro. There's nothing wrong with this thread. Like Jackhammer said, don't like it, don't post in it.

I feel like everyone upset needs to get laid.

Dr_Rez 04-13-2009 08:05 PM

Dr_Rez 04-13-2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 637260)

I feel like everyone upset needs to get laid.

You seem to think that is the answer for all problems.

boo boo 04-13-2009 08:22 PM

That's because it is, in some cases.

Dr_Rez 04-13-2009 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 637328)
That's because it is, in some cases.

Except for the many times it just creates them.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-13-2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 637330)
Except for the many times it just creates them.

How can getting laid create problems?

Cheese 04-13-2009 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 636323)
I use retard...which is seriously not intended to be saying there is something wrong with those naturally impaired but more or less aimed at those who are supposedly normal which don't act so.

Retard went out of fashion 10 years ago.

Cheese 04-13-2009 09:07 PM

Has anyone suggested Mr Lars Ulrich?

Scarlett O'Hara 04-13-2009 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cheese (Post 637360)
Retard went out of fashion 10 years ago.

It's in fashion with me. :D

Cheese 04-13-2009 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 637369)
It's in fashion with me. :D

Fair enough. Nowdays it's all muppet, nutbar, flip, and maroon(pisstake ala bugs bunny on moron)

Terrible Lizard 04-13-2009 09:27 PM

I'll go ahead and nominate ****face Robertson.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-13-2009 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Cheese (Post 637372)
Fair enough. Nowdays it's all muppet, nutbar, flip, and maroon(pisstake ala bugs bunny on moron)

Lol I'm getting old if that's all the rage insults wise.

The Unfan 04-13-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 637235)
The real reason of course is that they are under the impression that compared to the other mods, I'm the biggest pushover,

This has nothing to do with you being a pushover. Compared to other mods I honestly have no clue. I've never had any problems with the other mods personally so I'd have no way of possibly knowing.

so they can get away with bullying me, but they don't know who they're pissing off here,
I know pricesly that I'm pissing off a fat weeaboo ***got who spends his days crying in mommy's basement while he masturbates to pictures of nude catgirls and listening to Yes. Or are catgirls not bald enough for you?

I AM a mod and I can ban them if they don't cut it out, and if they say they don't care (and of course that's exactly what they will say) then all the more reason to do it.
Do it. If you ban me than it further confirms that I'm right.

Janszoon 04-13-2009 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 637384)
This has nothing to do with you being a pushover. Compared to other mods I honestly have no clue. I've never had any problems with the other mods personally so I'd have no way of possibly knowing.
I know pricesly that I'm pissing off a fat weeaboo ***got who spends his days crying in mommy's basement while he masturbates to pictures of nude catgirls and listening to Yes. Or are catgirls not bald enough for you?
Do it. If you ban me than it further confirms that I'm right.

This is the douchebag hall of fame thread not the douchebag how-to thread. Time to wrap up your demonstration.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-13-2009 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 637384)
This has nothing to do with you being a pushover. Compared to other mods I honestly have no clue. I've never had any problems with the other mods personally so I'd have no way of possibly knowing.
I know pricesly that I'm pissing off a fat weeaboo ***got who spends his days crying in mommy's basement while he masturbates to pictures of nude catgirls and listening to Yes. Or are catgirls not bald enough for you?
Do it. If you ban me than it further confirms that I'm a douche.

Better follow orders boo boo. :laughing:

Aww no lets all be nice to eachother, there's no need for personal attacks, it just shows your insecurity. Boo boo can like/be whoever he wants.

Dr_Rez 04-13-2009 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 637396)
Better follow orders boo boo. :laughing:

Aww no lets all be nice to eachother, there's no need for personal attacks, it just shows your insecurity. Boo boo can like/be whoever he wants.

Yea, I never quite got why people resort to that on an internet forum of all places. Considering you dont have any idea about the person whatsoever.

Cheese 04-13-2009 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 637396)
Better follow orders boo boo. :laughing:

Aww no lets all be nice to eachother, there's no need for personal attacks, it just shows your insecurity. Boo boo can like/be whoever he wants.

Am I missing something here? Booboo's one of the few i've never had any issues with

Scarlett O'Hara 04-13-2009 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 637399)
Yea, I never quite got why people resort to that on an internet forum of all places. Considering you dont have any idea about the person whatsoever.

As far am I am concerned, it's the person making the personal attacks that ends up looking like the sore loser. I'm not taking sides though, I like boo boo, don't really know unfan but think the only heated discussions should be intelligent ones. :)

333 04-13-2009 09:55 PM

We all knew this was coming, didn't we?

boo boo, kudos on R. murdoch. I forgot about that one.

Janszoon 04-13-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by 333 (Post 637416)
We all knew this was coming, didn't we?

boo boo, kudos on R. murdoch. I forgot about that one.

It's the smirk that does it for me. He's a horrible person regardless but the perpetual smirk makes him a douchebag.

boo boo 04-13-2009 09:59 PM

Sure I like Yes, anime and bald chicks.

But I'm not a furrie, I don't know where the hell you got that from. And if you're gonna stoop to personal attacks, at least have the common decency not to make sh*t up.

333 04-13-2009 10:02 PM

Aw, can't we drop this already? I really thought Dick was going to cheer you up.

boo boo 04-13-2009 10:03 PM

Oh it did, don't worry.

Janszoon 04-13-2009 10:04 PM

Nothing like throwing a little dick in the mix to lighten the mood.

333 04-13-2009 10:12 PM

I wish what I post wasn't censored. I had to search around for an image of D.C without the word "dick" in the url so the picture would show up. :( Can't you guys control what's censored?

Janszoon 04-13-2009 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by 333 (Post 637444)
I wish what I post wasn't censored. I had to search around for an image of D.C without the word "dick" in the url so the picture would show up. :( Can't you guys control what's censored?

Unfortunately the mods have no control over it, but I'm pretty sure most of us want to see it gone just as much as you do. Not only is the filter annoying but the words it censors are ridiculously arbitrary. For example "gay" gets censored even though it's a totally legit word in most contexts while "******" doesn't get censored despite being largely considered one of the most objectionable words in the english language.

333 04-13-2009 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 637459)
Unfortunately the mods have no control over it, but I'm pretty sure most of us want to see it gone just as much as you do. Not only is the filter annoying but the words it censors are ridiculously arbitrary. For example "gay" gets censored even though it's a totally legit word in most contexts while "******" doesn't get censored despite being largely considered one of the most objectionable words in the english language.

That's balls. I don't really want to start talking about objectionable words in the English language, though. It gets touchy with some people. I agree, though. I don't think anyone should be censored. If you can't handle it, get out.

Janszoon 04-13-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by 333 (Post 637464)
That's balls. I don't really want to start talking about objectionable words in the English language, though. It gets touchy with some people. I agree, though. I don't think anyone should be censored. If you can't handle it, get out.

Yeah, I think it would be great if it was just gone, it's pretty annoying that you can't write the names of people like Marvin Gaye or Herbie Hancock or Dick Dale on a music forum without a bunch of dumb filter hassles. But if you're going to have a filter at least give it some kind of consistency.

LoathsomePete 04-13-2009 10:36 PM

Ryan Adams.

Most people are aware of my opinion on modern country music (at least the more popular stuff and you're aware if you read my Gothic Country Thread) but this man is truly a douche to it's most literal meaning. I was reading in my Spin Magazine book on him and there's four quotes in particular that I just felt the need to share, so enjoy!

"**** you! I make more money in two days than you do in a year"

"I did the Gap ad because who says no to $30,000 an hour? I don't! I'm sorry if that's selling out, so be it. Yes, I sell out. I do Gap ads so that I don't have to work in a factory. Also, I don't mind their clothes"

"I turned 'Cold Mountain' down because they said, 'Well, you can come to Romania and you can have three or four lines and you get to play a banjo made out of a pumpkin.' I'm like, '**** you, I make that money in two gigs.'"

"I don't make a ton of money doing this; not that I care."

333 04-13-2009 10:37 PM

D. Dale ... I just picked up one of this albums recently. Tribal Thunder I don't really know what to think. I can't say I've ever been a big fan of surfer rock.

edit: I forgot how off topic we are, but I'm not saying D. Dales a douche bag.

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