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Scarlett O'Hara 04-07-2009 07:24 PM

The Sexual Experience Thread
This is a thread where you can discuss topics related to sexual intercourse. For example, crazy past sexual experiences, using members as an portal of knowledge for those less experienced and so on. It might be suggested to keep it relatively clean (if possible).

I'm interested to know about people's open mindedness to trying to different things with a partner, how far will you really go?

Also what are the expectations of someone you sleep with? For example do guys expect girls to be making an effort rather than flat as a starfish, or do either gender expect lot's of variety of positions during a first time together?

under 04-07-2009 07:58 PM

This seems like it would be a very weird thing to talk about ...=/

Freebase Dali 04-07-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by under (Post 632153)
This seems like it would be a very weird thing to talk about ...=/

Either that or the thread will be filled with rubbish tales by all the 17 year old kids lurking around.

Janszoon 04-07-2009 08:11 PM

One time, at band camp...

Blue 04-07-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by under (Post 632153)
This seems like it would be a very weird thing to talk about ...=/

It doesn't have to be if you approach it as such.

Freebase Dali 04-07-2009 08:19 PM

By the way, Vanilla, in response to part of your original post...

I don't like starfish girls.
I mean, I don't expect a woman to ruin the paint on the walls with scratch marks and eat holes in my pillows.. but if I feel like I'm fvcking a corpse, obviously it's a turn off.

I understand that you get out what you put in. I'm fully aware of the quality of d!ck I'm giving a woman. Most respond appropriately, but you get some women who're much too far on either end of the spectrum.

Once I had this girl who wanted me to choke her until she passed out while we were at it. It was pretty strange...

The Unfan 04-07-2009 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 632136)
how far will you really go?

7.5 inches.

Roygbiv 04-07-2009 09:11 PM

I'm not a big fan of sex. Too much work.

BJs and handjobs = awesome.

I'm selfish - though I'm open to the idea of a 69 : D

Schizotypic 04-07-2009 09:11 PM

HAHAHAHA. I'm going to keep an eye on this thread... maybe I can get my girlfriend to post something on here.

under 04-07-2009 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 632160)
One time, at band camp...

Yes, we all know Janszoon goes to band camp to get laid by 45 year old girls. :thumb:

understood the reference btw

Roygbiv 04-07-2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Schizotypic (Post 632219)
HAHAHAHA. I'm going to keep an eye on this thread... maybe I can get my girlfriend to post something on here.

you mean she doesn't already tell you what she needs?

Scarlett O'Hara 04-07-2009 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 632209)
7.5 inches.


My flatmates are gonna start thinking I'm a freaking weirdo I'm always laughing to myself in my room.


Originally Posted by Roygbiv (Post 632230)
you mean she doesn't already tell you what she needs?

Do you actually think most girls will say what they really want? It can be really daunting telling a guy to do something different in case they get really offended or think you are weird/sick. Some of my dark fantasy's I think would be too much for most people.

Roygbiv 04-07-2009 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 632262)

My flatmates are gonna start thinking I'm a freaking weirdo I'm always laughing to myself in my room.

Do you actually think most girls will say what they really want? It can be really daunting telling a guy to do something different in case they get really offended or think you are weird/sick. Some of my dark fantasy's I think would be too much for most people.

Yes, I do, because that's how it's happened for all my sexual life :P.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-07-2009 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Roygbiv (Post 632264)
Yes, I do, because that's how it's happened for all my sexual life :P.

I'm guessing you must be someone girls get very comfortable talking to?

Roygbiv 04-07-2009 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 632265)
I'm guessing you must be someone girls get very comfortable talking to?

yeah. i'm not very non-threatening.

Surell 04-07-2009 11:25 PM

You guys are sick, excuse me while I masturbate to Daniel Day Lewis.

Roygbiv 04-07-2009 11:32 PM

^ i like your style.

Bane of your existence 04-07-2009 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 632262)
Do you actually think most girls will say what they really want?

I've always found it was pretty easy to get even shy girls to share what they want. If they don't, it's on them, bet I'm still gonna get mine.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-08-2009 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Bane of your existence (Post 632274)
I've always found it was pretty easy to get even shy girls to share what they want. If they don't, it's on them, bet I'm still gonna get mine.

Haha I wish the guys I've been with had just asked me. Even after going out with a guy for a while I still am too chicken to ask. But sometimes I might pop comments in there. I seem to get some guys though that really already have the style of sex I like and bam I'm a happy girl.

Freebase Dali 04-08-2009 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 632288)
Haha I wish the guys I've been with had just asked me. Even after going out with a guy for a while I still am too chicken to ask. But sometimes I might pop comments in there. I seem to get some guys though that really already have the style of sex I like and bam I'm a happy girl.

It's usually a situation to where both people are like "I dun wanna freak this person out". And it's also usually a situation where both people would get exactly what they want if they gave it a shot.

In all actuality, anything you throw at a dude will be acceptable as long as your cooch is involved. (reasonably speaking, of course. No 2girls1Cup references)

Thrice 04-08-2009 12:39 AM

Well in my sexual world theres 2 different kinds of women.

-The jump off in which there is no emotional attachment to, so let the sexual requests fly.

-The wifey in which things should be kept a bit more conservative in the sack.

But on the other hand it does seem that I would marry up the perfect combo...

well i guess i could have summed this all up into.

'A lady on the street and a freak in the bed'

Had I been sober and written this it would be non existant because I rode the train of thought and lost all concentration and actually have no effin idea what Im trying to say anymore. Some one pick this up and roll.

Freebase Dali 04-08-2009 12:47 AM

^^^ You have just been accepted as a septic pool truck transport assistant.

mr dave 04-08-2009 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Veridical Fiction (Post 632170)
I don't like starfish girls.
I mean, I don't expect a woman to ruin the paint on the walls with scratch marks and eat holes in my pillows.. but if I feel like I'm fvcking a corpse, obviously it's a turn off.

yes, absolutely. the worse is when they're aggressive during foreplay and then turn into a starfish once they hit the mattress.

as for the complaints other posters had about guys not being assertive enough i think it's a reflection of the sexism in the legal system and how it can be abused. i know for myself back in high school in the 90s any guy being sexually aggressive in any fashion resulted in cries of rape and harassment.

i am NOT condoning rape or abuse, but at the same time if some girl gets herself all liquored up and then sluts out a bit then feels shame in the morning and turns around and charges the dude she picked up with rape then his reputation is destroyed even if the charges get dropped. once the word hits the street the stigma is on you regardless of how it plays out.

so yeah, women need to get used to the idea that more and more 'good' guys will not be making the first move.

also, never EVER do it with a co-worker. EVER. if you don't poop where you sleep then you don't **** where you work.

Janszoon 04-08-2009 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 632322)
also, never EVER do it with a co-worker. EVER. if you don't poop where you sleep then you don't **** where you work.

Haha. Seconded. I got involved with a coworker once who was also sort of one of my bosses. It's a bad scene that should be avoided at all costs.

shoegazer 04-08-2009 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Veridical Fiction (Post 632155)
Either that or the thread will be filled with rubbish tales by all the 17 year old kids lurking around.

Does that mean I can't add anything?

pourmeanother 04-08-2009 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 632322)
at the same time if some girl gets herself all liquored up and then sluts out a bit then feels shame in the morning and turns around and charges the dude she picked up with rape then his reputation is destroyed even if the charges get dropped.

Duke Lacrosse.

jackhammer 04-08-2009 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 632262)

My flatmates are gonna start thinking I'm a freaking weirdo I'm always laughing to myself in my room.

Do you actually think most girls will say what they really want? It can be really daunting telling a guy to do something different in case they get really offended or think you are weird/sick. Some of my dark fantasy's I think would be too much for most people.

When will women realise that this is EXACTLY what men want them to do? A sexually confident woman is a fantastic turn on. Although some of you youngsters should not be reading this :D

shoegazer 04-08-2009 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 632368)
When will women realise that this is EXACTLY what men want them to do? A sexually confident woman is a fantastic turn on. Although some of you youngsters should not be reading this :D

Hahaha:rofl:. Right..

jackhammer 04-08-2009 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by shoegazer (Post 632369)
Hahaha:rofl:. Right..

Yeah I could just delete it and read it myself :D

shoegazer 04-08-2009 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 632371)
Yeah I could just delete it and read it myself :D

You misinterpreted my right..It wasn't intended in a smart-ass kind of way.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-08-2009 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 632368)
When will women realise that this is EXACTLY what men want them to do? A sexually confident woman is a fantastic turn on. Although some of you youngsters should not be reading this :D

It's not that I'm not confident in the bedroom, I mean trust me, I can be wild, but there's the things that's not pc to discuss with most "normal" people that I wouldn't mind getting involved with. This is getting into seriously kinky territory. Do you guys get what I mean?

Haha youngesters need good education, we can give this to them :D

SydMM 04-08-2009 06:25 AM

Sex is awesome but it shouldn't be with just anyone since there are so many diseases out there.

coryallen2 04-08-2009 06:27 AM

anyone ever had a slip out goes to door number two LOL


Originally Posted by SydMM (Post 632387)
Sex is awesome but it shouldn't be with just anyone since there are so many diseases out there.

Yeah remember when driving was dangerous and sex was safe?

djchameleon 04-08-2009 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 632381)
It's not that I'm not confident in the bedroom, I mean trust me, I can be wild, but there's the things that's not pc to discuss with most "normal" people that I wouldn't mind getting involved with. This is getting into seriously kinky territory. Do you guys get what I mean?

Haha youngesters need good education, we can give this to them :D

lol oh just come out and say's clearly a part of your name :P

I can already tell what you are talking about. There are people that are into Vanilla sex and then there are people that are into BD/SM and other kinky stuff....not that hard to talk about :P

maybe I should read back a few pages though but w/e

Janszoon 04-08-2009 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by coryallen2 (Post 632389)
Yeah remember when driving was dangerous and sex was safe?

No. Do you?

Roygbiv 04-08-2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 632322)
also, never EVER do it with a co-worker. EVER. if you don't poop where you sleep then you don't **** where you work.

uh oh....:shycouch:

savannah 04-08-2009 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 632136)

I'm interested to know about people's open mindedness to trying to different things with a partner, how far will you really go?

Also what are the expectations of someone you sleep with? For example do guys expect girls to be making an effort rather than flat as a starfish, or do either gender expect lot's of variety of positions during a first time together?

1) for the most part i'm pretty open as long as it does not involve waste
2) i think depends on the type of sex you are having,......

The Unfan 04-08-2009 10:48 AM

Murder Junkie hasn't posted here yet?

boo boo 04-08-2009 10:50 AM

My cherry has yet to be popped. So I got nothing to tell.

Unless you want to here some of my awkard masturbation stories, and I'm sure you don't.

ixtlan22 04-08-2009 10:57 AM

I think its safe to say that a good portion of the time, men initiate sex and women guide it. I've never been with a woman I didn't learn something from. It's easy to please a guy, but women are all different. I think honesty is always important in any kind of relationship so if either partner wants something then they should always be up front about it. Men, or at east most of the guys I know, are usually pretty willing to try new things if it will please their lady. And if they react in a defensive way, its probably some weirdo shame they've bottled up from having a similar kind of desire.

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