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Scarlett O'Hara 04-16-2009 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by 333 (Post 639200)
So now that we've posted a few pages about darkness' virginity, let's get back to business.

DP: yes or no?

**** yes. :tramp:

Barnard17 04-16-2009 04:20 AM

(Catching up, catching up)


Originally Posted by 333 (Post 639183)
Just to clarify this for you, darkest. I don't know what veridical means when he says 'dive in', but when I said it, I meant the muff, my friend, the muff. ;) That's the true way to a girls heart.

Just ... find the clit Darkest. This is the best piece of advice for muff diving is to find the clit. Don't spend all your time there (play around with the general sensitive areas) but if you're trying to tongue **** her vagina it will a) taste bad and b) do nothing (or very little) for her. Once she's warmed up staying clear of that and focussing on the clit will a) get her off and b) mean you don't have to taste pussy juice the rest of the evening. Hell I've done down on a girl during her period and would do again because it really doesn't matter - I won't be going there with my mouth anyway.


Originally Posted by Veridical Fiction (Post 639195)
I think his whole hang-up is that the girl probably knows what she likes and he thinks he's not able to provide it.

No man will ever be able to provide it. The first stage is acceptance.


Originally Posted by 333 (Post 639200)
DP: yes or no?

Conceptually yes. I just take issue with the whole other-man-during-sex thing. Been there, done that, bring on the FFM thankyouverymuch.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-16-2009 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Fal (Post 639241)
(Catching up, catching up)

Just ... find the clit Darkest. This is the best piece of advice for muff diving is to find the clit. Don't spend all your time there (play around with the general sensitive areas) but if you're trying to tongue **** her vagina it will a) taste bad and b) do nothing (or very little) for her. Once she's warmed up staying clear of that and focussing on the clit will a) get her off and b) mean you don't have to taste pussy juice the rest of the evening. Hell I've done down on a girl during her period and would do again because it really doesn't matter - I won't be going there with my mouth anyway.

I'm yet to find a man that can satisfy me with oral. It's so boring. I'm not sure if my clit has dead nerves or the guys are just useless at finding it but it's never ever worked. I've only once come off oral but I was high on weed and I was being fingered as well. So. Tell me how it can get any better.

I think that's why I desire sex all the time as its an instant turn on for me and actually gets me to come more often than not. :D

Barnard17 04-16-2009 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 639244)
I'm yet to find a man that can satisfy me with oral. It's so boring. I'm not sure if my clit has dead nerves or the guys are just useless at finding it but it's never ever worked. I've only once come off oral but I was high on weed and I was being fingered as well. So. Tell me how it can get any better.

I think that's why I desire sex all the time as its an instant turn on for me and actually gets me to come more often than not. :D

When I go down on a girl, they say they come. Whether they do or not is a different matter. I quite enjoy giving oral, as long as basic hygiene is observed and I don't have half a bush going up my nostrils. But then some people only really get off from penetrative so I guess you could be one of those.

And hey ... if it leads to you desiring more sex I think most men really wouldn't complain too much ... :P

Janszoon 04-16-2009 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Fal (Post 639239)
No, you ignored the point. That and you're both wrong in your understanding of the word fetish.

fetish noun (fetishes) 1 in primitive societies: an object worshipped for its perceived magical powers. 2 a procedure or ritual followed obsessively, or an object of obsessive devotion. 3 a an object other than the sexual organs that is handled or visualized as an aid to sexual stimulation; b a person's attachment to such an object.

Fetish has nothing to do with popularity.

Look, I can quote definitions too:

Sexual fetishism, or erotic fetishism, is the sexual attraction to objects, situations or body parts not conventionally viewed as being sexual in nature.

Looks like there is a relationship to popularity after all.

Guybrush 04-16-2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by 333 (Post 639200)
So now that we've posted a few pages about darkness' virginity, let's get back to business.

DP: yes or no?

Another guy? I'd rather get another girl in on the action. ;)

Actually, I'm quite satisfied with a 2 people separate gender setup.

crash_override 04-16-2009 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by 333 (Post 639200)
So now that we've posted a few pages about darkness' virginity, let's get back to business.

DP: yes or no?

Wow you MB girls are freaks!!!

But yes, I have done the DP thing once or twice.

Guybrush 04-16-2009 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 639335)
Wow you MB girls are freaks!!!

But yes, I have done the DP thing once or twice.

Didn't it hurt for you? ;)

Janszoon 04-16-2009 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 639337)
Didn't it hurt for you? ;)


Blue 04-16-2009 10:13 AM

In terms of being "afraid" about things, I don't think you can be, or at least, I don't think you should be. It just seems so illogical to me. Just give it what you have, and be who you are because that is all that you have, and it is what it is. If something embarrassing happens, have a little humility and laugh at yourself. You're only doing yourself harm by being afraid. Just act and let the chips fall where they may. Whatever happens, happens, just keep moving and going with it. Besides, most women, or men, don't want to sleep with someone who lacks complete confidence in themselves and is afraid of making a mistake. Confidence will get you an incredibly long ways, and what reason do we have to not believe in ourselves anyways? Just accept things for what they are. We all have that in us, and the only ones stopping us are ourselves.

I think this applies to all of life too, not just sex. Don't be afraid, just do it, because otherwise you're only holding yourself back. You'd be surprised at what you can do with life if you aren't afraid to reach out your hand.

I think we all have to remember we all fail at times, and the best have failed more then anyone else; that is what gets them to that level. (sorry I think I'm getting somewhat off-topic here now)


Originally Posted by Darkest Hour
dude, i don't look like the typical virgin type. I'm not weird looking, nerdy, or anything like that, i'm just shy when it comes to girls. How i even managed to nearly **** 3 hot chicks is beyond me. I set my standards pretty high for girls, and i'm not going to have sex with a girl who is mediocre ever. There's like no way around it, other than taking my chances with some chick and hoping i don't totally suck. It's a freaking embarrassment just to admit i am a virgin to people. Not that i really care personally, but jesus christ, who waits this long to lose their virginity these days?

What is "mediocre," to you? If you're just looking to **** some completely plastic, fake, "hot," broad, you're always going to come up empty (in a number of ways) in my opinion. I think you're looking at this whole thing from a kind of skewed perspective (though I guess what perspective isn't?). If your basis for a "hot" woman is someone that looks like they're from a magazine, then you have unrealistic standards, and the intentions behind what you're looking for I don't really agree with (not that you're wrong, but I suppose that's just not for me). Sex isn't just about ****ing "hot" girls in my opinion, and that whole game created by our society is completely trite if you ask me. I'm not saying anyone's wrong for doing it, it's your life, do as you please, but I suppose I never want to get myself wrapped up in that and I think a lot of people may attach themselves to it because that's the perspective they've been fed since they were young. Also, in a lot of social circles, it's "cool" to do "hot" woman/men, and it's "cool" (at least for men, I can't say for women) to do a number of them as if it's a check list; I think that's all complete ****.

This whole approach that "this person has to meet a certain set of physical requirements before I'm willing to **** them," completely baffles me I suppose because for a lot of people that seems to be the only basis for it. I'm not saying you shouldn't be attracted to the person you involve yourself with, but the fact that people treat potential sexual partners as a checklist of physical traits and qualities is unreal to me. I realize I'm the minority, but I just don't approach sex like that; people aren't just objects that I'm going to deem "****able."

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