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crash_override 04-15-2009 04:11 PM

Eh sometimes the butt is ok, I've only done it to one girl though. So I wouldn't ssay i'm an expert.

Kevorkian Logic 04-15-2009 04:37 PM

yesterday I fractured my tailbone and my ass hurts all the ****ing time now, like I can't sleep because every time my bf moves in bed it sends a fresh wave of pain up my ass. Anyhow, I was walking past one of the pit preachers today bitching to my friend how sore my ass was from last night. Apparently the pit preacher heard me and thought I was saying my ass was sore from having butt sex last night.

He proceeded to tell me in a very loud voice in front of the huge crowd that was watching (pit preachers are considered very entertaining where I go to college) about how I was going to hell for having butt sex because only whores do that, then started questioning me about things like masturbation, incest, coke, and lesbianism.

The whole situation was extremely traumatizing.

WWWP 04-15-2009 04:39 PM

I did a sympathetic headshake for you.

Kevorkian Logic 04-15-2009 04:48 PM

lol, thanks.

it's more just another reason that religious people are bat**** ****ing crazy and only have respect for promoting their own ideals.

333 04-15-2009 04:56 PM

Damn, Kevorkian, I'm sorry you had to deal with bull****. What do you expect in the south, though, right?

As for anal, I can take it or leave. It's never an OK thing if he does it without asking, but I enjoy it from time to time. I must admit, it took a week of binge drinking in Dublin before I had the guts to try it.

midnight rain 04-15-2009 08:48 PM

Sorry to jump in late on a topic that run it's course, but I prefer girls to have no hair anywhere on their bodies except their head. Whether society's standards contributed to this or not, I don't know, but it is what it is.

boo boo 04-15-2009 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by zzz (Post 639061)
Sorry to jump in late on a topic that run it's course, but I prefer girls to have no hair anywhere on their bodies except their head. Whether society's standards contributed to this or not, I don't know, but it is what it is.

It is kind of weird, even silly, when you take the time to think about it.

I've tried the best I can to explain to people why I have this fetish, and they still seem to think I'm f*cking nuts.

Though I have never shared it with anyone outside of the internet. And I think that's stupid because I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of, it's a sexual preference therefore a part of my personality and I should embrace it, there's nothing immoral about it at all, it's just not consistant with the traditional standard of female beauty, but who cares about that?

Those standards change, there was a time when fat chicks were in and skinny chicks were out (fatness symbolized weath and power), and since the 60s more people have been free to dress however they want, and today anyone can dress how they want, that should be embraced, not mocked.

And so what if the fashion industry capitalizes on it? That's bound to happen, there's no way to dress anymore that doesn't already have a fashion chain, so it's retarded to criticize goth kids or punks or whatever for following a fashion trend, because we ALL are. We're conformists, yet at the same time we're not, every generation dresses differently from the last. New looks always emerge, the standards of beauty always changes. And that alone should tell you that beauty is a very personal subjective thing and it's what you make it. So if someone laughs at me because I think bald women can be really beautiful, then I'll probably tell that person he's a douchebag, and I'd also inform him on how the supermodels he wanks to would have been considered ugly 100 years ago.

New fashion trends always start with somebody being different, and I don't like to mock people for how they dress, it's a reflection of themselves, you may say "yeah but they're buying mass marketed corporate products", well so what? YOU do to, and you weren't forced to. You chose to f*cking buy what you wear, no one points a goddamn gun to your head, there's a variety of fashion choices, and no one forces you to pick one or the other. It's a choice and it's about time guys like Yukon realise that. People are different, that should be accepted.

I think traditions are made to be broken, the world would be an awfully boring place if everyone looked the same and liked the same things, especially on the topic of sex.

Freebase Dali 04-15-2009 09:21 PM

Women that shave isn't exactly what I'd call a fetish...

Barnard17 04-15-2009 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Veridical Fiction (Post 639078)
Women that shave isn't exactly what I'd call a fetish...

Define fetish. At one point it was considered very odd to shave, and a fetish to like it. Hair everywhere would've been the norm. Why is it no longer a fetish just because a larger a majority of people like it?

Janszoon 04-15-2009 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Fal (Post 639087)
Why is it no longer a fetish just because a larger a majority of people like it?

You just answered your own question. Because a majority of people like it.

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