Trollheart |
12-11-2015 01:29 PM |
The thing about finales, obviously, is that no matter how good they are, how well they tie things up or answer questions, we're always going to hate them, as it means the end of your show, maybe your favourite show. I think the best you can hope for is that a) all questions are answered before the end and b) all loose ends are tied up.
What I hate is when a series ends mid-season (cancelled) or with questions still left as to how it might have turned out, if the network doesn't order the next season (cancelled too, but kind of in a different way). There's nothing worse than investing your time in a series, getting to know the characters, wondering how it's gonna turn out and then BAM! The big hammer of cancellation falls. Yeah, axe. I meant axe. The big axe of cancellation.