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Old 02-11-2013, 11:27 PM   #2581 (permalink)
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Was it the real stuff, like the kind that makes you hallucinate? I'm thinking I need to have a long talk with my subconscious and I don't like psychedelic drugs so I'm kind of pressed on options.
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Old 02-11-2013, 11:28 PM   #2582 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
Was it the real stuff, like the kind that makes you hallucinate? I'm thinking I need to have a long talk with my subconscious and I don't like psychedelic drugs so I'm kind of pressed on options.
It was the real stuff, but I didn't have enough to hallucinate. I think you have to drink kind of a lot to get to that point.
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Old 02-11-2013, 11:32 PM   #2583 (permalink)
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Maybe I'll just stick to whisky then, I have been misled by television and the anecdotes of others.
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Old 02-12-2013, 03:58 PM   #2584 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
I'm starting to think I need something stronger than whiskey, would anybody recommend absinthe?
I would. Only had it the once, but it was pretty kick ass. It's got this sort of stimulant in it that kills the depressant quality that makes you feel all woozy when you're drunk. So you can be totally ****ed up but be completely lucid.
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There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 02-15-2013, 06:00 PM   #2585 (permalink)
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Got a six pack of Bent Nail IPA from Red Lodge Ales. It's.... it's not stupidly bitter.
Have mercy on the poor.
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Old 02-19-2013, 12:25 AM   #2586 (permalink)
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Got a make-your-own-six-pack type deal. Decided to snag some brews I've never tried, and saw they had Thirsty Dog Old Leghumper, and grabbed one of those too - even though I've had it, it's tasty and I was actually kind of wanting some of that a few weeks ago.

So, since I've got those, I'll go ahead and review them, so if you may not have tried 'em either, you might have some ideas of something new to check out - or avoid. Or something.

Hofbrau Munchen - Hofbrau Original - 5.1% ABV

I was actually proud of myself with the pour on this one. I also have to admit that for the most part, lagers aren't my bag, and I don't have much experience with them. I'm more of an ale type o' lass. Anyway, very aromatic in a pleasant way. The taste is the best I've had of a lager, and that also may be showing my lager ignorance. There's a great deal of honey to the taste, very little in the way of hops until the finish, but the honey flavor is very present. It's also quite grainy, and the finish is very pleasant. The honey notes still linger, but the honey remains. And no, I'm not being all, "It reminds me of honey, so I'm going to use that word to describe the flavor." It really ****ing tastes like honey. Seriously. Try it. It doesn't taste boozey at all to me, and you could easily drink a very large amount of these and get dangerously tipsy before you knew what happened. I'll give it - eh - 3.8 / 5.0. It was pretty close to four, but it really didn't make me go, "Holy ****, I must have more of this right now." Very pleasant, drinkable, and nice flavor. About a finger and a half of ocean foam-esque head in the lovely golden amber drink, and nice lacing throughout as well, for those who like to ogle their pours.

Christian Moerlein Fifth & Vine Oktoberfest Marzen - 5.7% ABV

For starters, very little in the way of aroma. Very vague sweetness present in the aroma, a little caramel, with just the hint of malt and floral hops. The pour itself is a really lovely rusty copper, with a finger of...almost light caramel head. Held up to the light, it's an even more gorgeous color. This is also the sort of brew that leaves...I don't think you can really even call it a lace anymore...but yeah, it has HELLA lacing. In short, I think this beer is kind of sexy. Not in the way that I'd totally hit it and never call it again...but kind of in the, "I'd hit it and make it breakfast the morning after," kinda way. Anyhow, I enjoyed the fullness of the taste. A very rich, malty hit from the get-go, in-your-face caramel and more subtle fruity sweetness going on, and a light hop finish. This is the kind of beer I'd like to have at a small gathering with friends, doing some sort of creative collaboration. Really, it's fantastically drinkable, but it's the kind of rich taste you want to savor and not get ****ty drunk off of. I really dig it. I'll give it a 4.2/5.0 - it doesn't smell like much of anything, and I almost want a little more hops in the finish, but it's tasty as all get-out.

Rivertown Brewing Co - Hop Bomber Pale Ale - 5.5% ABV

I must say, this is nice packaging. Then again, never judge a brew by its' packaging, I don't guess. I mean, Mendocino, Erie, and the previous brew have kind of amateurish packaging, but the product is wondrous. The pour alarmed me with this one. Almost two fingers of head, and heavy lacing from the get-go. It's really dark for a pale ale, too. It's a deep coppery color, which left me scratching my head. Also, the aroma wasn't what I expected. It didn't kick me in the face with that, "You're drinking a pale ale, mother-****er!" that I'm used to. Also. Just, 5.5% ABV? This had better taste awesome, or this beer has pissed me off. Okay, so. It doesn't really taste like a pale ale to me. It's the finish. It's rich and warm, kind of malty from the get-go, with a lot of caramel going on. Maybe a hint of fruit. There's something there. There's a little bite at the end, but it' doesn't taste like an APA to me. It tastes kind of like a porter infused with an APA, if that makes any sense? Kind of like I had 3/4 of a glass of porter, and then poured in a strong APA to fill the glass. Kind of looks and smells like that, too. I do kind of like that the aftertaste is more of the sweetness and richness of the brew, and I applaud that they've made it drinkable for even APA haters...but they've made it unrecognizable for APA lovers! Now, I don't hate it. I really don't. It tastes good, it looks all right. The aroma is weak, but, hell, it's drinkable. I never once considered pouring it down the sink, grabbing another glass, and testing the next brew. I just feel kind of cheated. Like it was false advertising or some such. Damn you. Anyway, I'll give it a 2.9 / 5.0. If I didn't feel so cheated, it would probably have gotten a 3 - 3.2.

Thirsty Dog - Old Leghumper - 6.7% ABV
The pour is my fave. About half a finger of beige head, dissipating moderately slowly and leaving a light, light layer of head on the drink pretty much all the way through. The beer itself is black as a moonless night, but when held up to the light, there were hints of red at the top of the glass. But it's black. Coffee black. And the lacing - I swear, I saw the face of Jesus in the lacing. I should have taken a picture. The taste is hella boozey. Think, Irish coffee. It kind of reminds me of that, in an odd way. There's definitely some weird whiskey hints going on. But it's good. It''s like, there's definitely chocolate hitting me up, but some richness and bitterness which brings coffee to mind. So it reminds me of...maybe pouring a little whiskey in a mocha latte? But seriously. More than most beers I've had, this tastes like there's straight up liquor in it, which is odd. I'm not sure if that's why I loved it the first time I had it or not. Anyway, looks nice, I dig the taste, the aroma's all right...I'll give this'n a...4.4/5.0. I mean, it may be a little TOO boozey, in the grand scheme of things. The alcohol in this is not subtle. This is the brew I'd like before, say, I have to give my "best man's" speech in August. It's still low enough ABV that I wouldn't be a blathering idiot, but rich and high enough that I'd be feeling pretty all right.

Annheiser Busch - Shock Top Honeycrisp Apple Wheat - 5.8% ABV

The pour was meh, the colour almost a cloudy urine-type colour, and there's about a quarter finger head that dissipates quickly. It also smells like you're being raped by apples. Seriously. Very apple-y. I have it set down about three feet away from me, and I can smell apples. I also want to mention that I've never tried any Shock Top before because it looks cheesy and is just an Annheiser Busch product, so I never expected greatness. The lady at the booze store just recommended it to me, and the lady at the booze store is really sweet, so I acted like I was actually interested in trying it. Anyway. To the taste. If it tastes like apple juice, I'm going to kick someone in the face. Okay, no, I'm not a huge fan. It tastes like someone mixed apple cider with King Cobra, and that is not okay. I mean, Annheiser Busch also produces King Cobra, so it's a very real possibility. Way too much apple going on, and way, way, way too much carbonation. I'm belching like a truck driver. Oh, dear God. When will it end? I mean, it really, REALLY tastes like King Cobra and apple cider. Ever had King Cobra? If not, DON'T. Relatively high ABV, so, I guess you can get drunk enough that it doesn't matter how dismal this really is.

O'Fallon Brewing Company - Black Hemp Black Ale - 5.8% ABV

The pour was a'ight. Fairly dense tan head and crazy lacing. As you drink, it looks like the sides of the glass are made of foam. This is also absolutely the darkest of black. No light can pierce it. The aroma is malty, and, GASP caramely. More coffee in this than even Old Leghumper, though. I must have been in the mood for caramel and coffee today. The taste is pretty damn awesome. I'm not quite sure what all of the flavor notes are. I really tried to pin it down, but it was really hard to do so. There's a lot happening, but it's not bad. Just confusing, I guess, if you're trying to describe it. It's like, it feels somewhere between malts and hops that isn't easy to distinguish. There's a tartness to it, but it feels more fruity than hoppy, although there are definitely hops in the finish. There's a lot of malts going on. It's pretty yummy, truth be told. I can't quite pin down WHAT it tastes like, but it tastes good. 4.5/5.0.

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Old 02-19-2013, 05:23 PM   #2587 (permalink)
not really
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serrano pepper ale its something different
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Old 02-19-2013, 05:51 PM   #2588 (permalink)
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Is it any good? It looks like something that's worth trying for the sake of saying you had it.
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Old 02-19-2013, 10:15 PM   #2589 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
Thirsty Dog - Old Leghumper - 6.7% ABV
The pour is my fave. About half a finger of beige head, dissipating moderately slowly and leaving a light, light layer of head on the drink pretty much all the way through. The beer itself is black as a moonless night, but when held up to the light, there were hints of red at the top of the glass. But it's black. Coffee black. And the lacing - I swear, I saw the face of Jesus in the lacing. I should have taken a picture. The taste is hella boozey. Think, Irish coffee. It kind of reminds me of that, in an odd way. There's definitely some weird whiskey hints going on. But it's good. It''s like, there's definitely chocolate hitting me up, but some richness and bitterness which brings coffee to mind. So it reminds me of...maybe pouring a little whiskey in a mocha latte? But seriously. More than most beers I've had, this tastes like there's straight up liquor in it, which is odd. I'm not sure if that's why I loved it the first time I had it or not. Anyway, looks nice, I dig the taste, the aroma's all right...I'll give this'n a...4.4/5.0. I mean, it may be a little TOO boozey, in the grand scheme of things. The alcohol in this is not subtle. This is the brew I'd like before, say, I have to give my "best man's" speech in August. It's still low enough ABV that I wouldn't be a blathering idiot, but rich and high enough that I'd be feeling pretty all right.
If you didn't see my last post, I'm a pretty big Thirsty Dog fan. Twisted Kilt is one of the better Scottish ales I've had. As for Old Leghumper...I'd say it's a very solid Porter. Not the best, but definitely upper tier. If you are ever in another Porter mood, though, try out Flat 12's Pogue's Run Porter. They like to hop up their beers to the ends of the Earth, so I was a bit worried at first (their Half Cycle IPA is one of the most intensely hoppy things I've ever tried...but in a really good way). Somehow they got the balance just right and it's one of my favorite Porters. Though I'm not too sure how widespread these guys are at the moment...they are an Indianapolis brewery. I'd also recommend Heavy Seas' Smoke on the Water if a hoppy Porter is your thing.

Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
Annheiser Busch - Shock Top Honeycrisp Apple Wheat - 5.8% ABV
The pour was meh, the colour almost a cloudy urine-type colour, and there's about a quarter finger head that dissipates quickly. It also smells like you're being raped by apples. Seriously. Very apple-y. I have it set down about three feet away from me, and I can smell apples. I also want to mention that I've never tried any Shock Top before because it looks cheesy and is just an Annheiser Busch product, so I never expected greatness. The lady at the booze store just recommended it to me, and the lady at the booze store is really sweet, so I acted like I was actually interested in trying it. Anyway. To the taste. If it tastes like apple juice, I'm going to kick someone in the face. Okay, no, I'm not a huge fan. It tastes like someone mixed apple cider with King Cobra, and that is not okay. I mean, Annheiser Busch also produces King Cobra, so it's a very real possibility. Way too much apple going on, and way, way, way too much carbonation. I'm belching like a truck driver. Oh, dear God. When will it end? I mean, it really, REALLY tastes like King Cobra and apple cider. Ever had King Cobra? If not, DON'T. Relatively high ABV, so, I guess you can get drunk enough that it doesn't matter how dismal this really is.
Oh man, why did you even bother? Shock Top is what the college bars around here shove down people's throats to make it look like they have more than piss water. Although I commend you for giving it a fair chance. I'm too much of a beer snob at this point to even give anything by Annheiser Busch the time of day.

It was a light weekend for me. I finished up some leftover Stone IPA's, grabbed another Hennepin (I couldn't resist), and chilled with a sixer of this stuff:

Bell's Porter

I love Bell's. They can never do me wrong. I really wasn't in the mood to fuss with a potentially crappy beer or maybe something I ended up not being in the mood for. I'm always in the mood for a Bell's beer. Their Two Hearted Ale is one of the finest IPAs out there. I describe their beers as the baseline for what each of these beers should be. Don't know if you like IPA's? Grab a Two Hearted. Not sure about Porters? Grab a Bell's Porter. They focus on getting their brews down to the finest example of whatever variety they are trying to pin down. Nothing over the top or fancy...just awesome.

Although now I will kill for some more Left Handed Milk I can't find it anywhere. Damn it!
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Old 02-21-2013, 12:20 PM   #2590 (permalink)
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I know what i'm not drinking. Holy **** man everything and the kitchen sink, what happen to hops and water.
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