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Mrd00d 12-15-2011 10:51 PM

Eugene, Oregon's own

A delicious 7% dark double alt ale

I didn't take the photo, I found it online...

ThePhanastasio 12-15-2011 10:59 PM

My God, that sounds fantastic. I wish we had that here.

Mrd00d 12-15-2011 11:31 PM

I never heard of Ninkasi Brewery before, but they have some of the best beers I've had. My favorite brewery is Stone in So. Cal, and their beer is pretty rare, but can be found even up here. Ninkasi was a complete surprise. My buddy had a 22 of their Imperial Stout earlier, he said it was a delicious 9%.

ThePhanastasio 12-15-2011 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1133132)
I never heard of Ninkasi Brewery before, but they have some of the best beers I've had. My favorite brewery is Stone in So. Cal, and their beer is pretty rare, but can be found even up here. Ninkasi was a complete surprise. My buddy had a 22 of their Imperial Stout earlier, he said it was a delicious 9%.

Stone is one of my absolute favorite breweries! Arrogant Bastard is fantastic, but Stone Ruination is probably the best IPA I've ever had in my life. Oh, and Double Bastard is also a fantastic beer.

I'm also huge on Dogfish Head, particularly the 90 minute IPA which is one of the smoothest 9% ABV brews I've ever had. Mendocino's Eye of the Hawk is close to being 9% and I find to be way smoother.

I typically gravitate towards good beer, but being broke lately, I've had to settle for crappy beer.

Mrd00d 12-15-2011 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1133135)
Stone is one of my absolute favorite breweries! Arrogant Bastard is fantastic, but Stone Ruination is probably the best IPA I've ever had in my life. Oh, and Double Bastard is also a fantastic beer.

I'm also huge on Dogfish Head, particularly the 90 minute IPA which is one of the smoothest 9% ABV brews I've ever had. Mendocino's Eye of the Hawk is close to being 9% and I find to be way smoother.

I typically gravitate towards good beer, but being broke lately, I've had to settle for crappy beer.

When I'm broke I save for the goods. :D

Dogfishhead makes that fantastic Gonzo beer... I call in Hunter Thompson beer. It's amazing, delicious... why only 4?!?!?! I want 6! Instead I get 8 heh heh heh...

Edit: it's Flying Dog but DFH is delicious

I was at the store and I saw a 90 dollar bottle of Double Bastard Ale, that was 3 quarts some ounces...

I wanted to steal it lol

It's too heavy to run with. Not that I do that sort of thing. But I wanted to.

My favorite is their Imperial Russian Stout.

I love all of them though. Ruination is a great staple. Levitation was weird and light, but enjoyable. The Cali-Belgie was delicious. I haven't had them all, but over half. I love their beer. I want a growler. And I want to go to Escondido.

Above 12-17-2011 02:17 PM

Carlsberg. Cold, delicious and gets the job done.

Goofle 12-17-2011 02:31 PM

Rubato 12-17-2011 02:35 PM

Hanwood Estate, I've developed a tasted for cheap Australian.

DoctorSoft 01-01-2012 10:37 AM

I got a random guy outside the liqour store to buy me two of these, before I got to the party

and had a bunch of these at the party.

Taz 01-06-2012 07:37 PM

4 Cans for a Fuucking Fiver.

Frownland 01-09-2012 08:22 PM

Sake, lots of it.

FRED HALE SR. 01-13-2012 03:18 PM

Alpine Brewing Pure Hoppyness is a 96 rating on beer advocate and simply put the hoppyest beer you will ever taste. Blows Stone Ruination and Mongo from Port away.

ThePhanastasio 01-14-2012 02:14 AM

I've been drinking Yuengling for the past couple of days.

I also discovered as a result of this that my feelings towards Fozzy are positive while drinking Yuengling, and very negative while not drinking.

As such, I know that I would thoroughly enjoy a Fozzy concert if very drunk on Yuengling. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

Bulldog 01-14-2012 01:39 PM

Day off work tomorrow so it's just me, six of these gizmos and Sergio Leone's spaghetti western trilogy tonight.

Nights out are overrated, especially in this part of the country...

Phantom Limb 01-14-2012 02:02 PM

I will be drinking white russians tonight.

s_k 01-14-2012 05:23 PM

ThePhanastasio 01-14-2012 08:40 PM

In lieu of class, going cheap and plentiful again; Miller High Life is the brew of the evening, although I intend to pick up some Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA on Monday.

brittanylouise 01-15-2012 04:41 PM

Ciroc all dayyyy!

FatOwls1711 01-16-2012 11:48 AM

I have an obsession with Desperado's!

bob. 01-16-2012 02:08 PM


somebody has combined my absolute two favorite types of IPA and a Rye beer together!!!!!!

oh there are happy days ahead

LoathsomePete 01-16-2012 02:38 PM

Boatswain Chocolate Stout. Tried this last week and I really enjoyed it.

ThePhanastasio 01-16-2012 02:50 PM


Erie also holds the distinction (in my personal opinion) of having the most delicious pilsner in their Presque Isle Pilsner. It's easily the most refreshing; makes you feel like you're getting hydrated drinking it, and doesn't have any bad aftertaste at all. I'd imagine that having about 24 of those guys around would be dangerous, because no way would you even notice you were getting that drunk until you'd skulled about 15 of those puppies in an hour.

ThePhanastasio 01-23-2012 10:43 PM

I am being cheap and lame and drinking Milwaukee's Best.

I've been working out and forgot to eat today, so I figured that in lieu of nutrition, I may as well just take a multivitamin and get my caloric intake from beer.

Mrd00d 01-24-2012 02:28 AM

I grabbed a Widmer Brothers variety 12 pack tonight. I liked the Rotator IPA most I guess. The seasonal Brrr ale was okay. Drifter is different, interesting aftertaste. Nothing to write home about. So I wrote it here... =D

crash_override 01-25-2012 10:04 AM

Heineken Draft Pints:

7 and counting...

Goofle 01-25-2012 12:44 PM

DoctorSoft 01-25-2012 01:01 PM

It's 40 night at my place boys

FRED HALE SR. 01-27-2012 01:45 PM

Traded a Russian Imperial, a Mongo double ipa, and a rogue chocolate stout for a six pack of this. Hopslam sounds like it will be worth it, with a 99 rating at BA.

ThePhanastasio 01-27-2012 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1147055)

Traded a Russian Imperial, a Mongo double ipa, and a rogue chocolate stout for a six pack of this. Hopslam sounds like it will be worth it, with a 99 rating at BA.

YES to the Hopslam!

It was $20+ for a six pack when my friends and I bought it to check it out, and well worth every penny.

FRED HALE SR. 01-27-2012 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1147076)
YES to the Hopslam!

It was $20+ for a six pack when my friends and I bought it to check it out, and well worth every penny.

Yep trying this six pack on tonight. The tradee lives in Indiana and he had been holding it for a month along with three other sixers. He also sent a few other really good double ipas i'll have to detail later. I knew this was incredibly hard to come by so i was grateful and am now looking to do more trade.

I've got about seventy beers in a fridge out back and some warms on the shelf i am aging. Nothing below 7.2 percent as i'm always looking to feel the buzz along with the taste. Anybody willing to trade let me know, i've got some amazing stuff to do so with. :pssst:

Mrd00d 01-27-2012 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1147095)
Yep trying this six pack on tonight. The tradee lives in Indiana and he had been holding it for a month along with three other sixers. He also sent a few other really good double ipas i'll have to detail later. I knew this was incredibly hard to come by so i was grateful and am now looking to do more trade.

I've got about seventy beers in a fridge out back and some warms on the shelf i am aging. Nothing below 7.2 percent as i'm always looking to feel the buzz along with the taste. Anybody willing to trade let me know, i've got some amazing stuff to do so with. :pssst:

Trading beers? Tell me more! That sounds like a great, fun way to try new things. I don't have anything at the moment, but I could buy some Ninkasi's from Eugene, Oregon, or Stone Brewery stuff from Escondido, California, but I have a feeling those aren't rare enough to bother with? Well it's cool that you're having such fun/good trading. How'd this start?

FRED HALE SR. 01-27-2012 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1147118)
Trading beers? Tell me more! That sounds like a great, fun way to try new things. I don't have anything at the moment, but I could buy some Ninkasi's from Eugene, Oregon, or Stone Brewery stuff from Escondido, California, but I have a feeling those aren't rare enough to bother with? Well it's cool that you're having such fun/good trading. How'd this start?

Well it started at a few various websites i go to for sporting purposes. In passing I had told people i was willing to trade if they were. The most notable place to do so is beer advocate. I haven't participated there as of yet, but i have many friends who have told me of great trades they have participated in. They have a basic forum for discussions and as you get to know people better, you can offer them trades for certain beers they have listed as up for trade in their profiles. Generally the person who has been their the longer of the two will be the first to ship and it really comes down to what you are looking for in trade as just about everything is available. After receiving your beer you reciprocate in kind. Its full proof, as my buddy has made about 20 trades since becoming a member there. I merely use it to determine which beers i am interested in. Its a reputable site and people are regulated on the trade section and its a hell of a nice option. I have a few i trade with now in the midwest area so i can attain beers from that area, such as the hopslam.

As I have stated i'm up for trade, but as it stands i live in Cali so all of the Oregon and washington state all the way to alaska and midnight sun is available here. I do have some from back east and several from the midwest. I mainly look for beer that is very rare, but i'm willing to help someone out that wants something rare for themselves. I'd take a look at beer advocate and get back to me, maybe i can help you out, or vice versa. Let me know, i'm willing to send first and i had some oregon beers earmarked that were more upper level, i can get back to you on. I also live near bootleggers/breury in southern california and can attain their rare beers such as knuckle sandwich which are increasing in popularity. Talk to ya.

Above 01-27-2012 05:58 PM

Just black tea because hell yea.

Mrd00d 01-27-2012 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1147121)
Well it started at a few various websites i go to for sporting purposes. In passing I had told people i was willing to trade if they were. The most notable place to do so is beer advocate. I haven't participated there as of yet, but i have many friends who have told me of great trades they have participated in. They have a basic forum for discussions and as you get to know people better, you can offer them trades for certain beers they have listed as up for trade in their profiles. Generally the person who has been their the longer of the two will be the first to ship and it really comes down to what you are looking for in trade as just about everything is available. After receiving your beer you reciprocate in kind. Its full proof, as my buddy has made about 20 trades since becoming a member there. I merely use it to determine which beers i am interested in. Its a reputable site and people are regulated on the trade section and its a hell of a nice option. I have a few i trade with now in the midwest area so i can attain beers from that area, such as the hopslam.

As I have stated i'm up for trade, but as it stands i live in Cali so all of the Oregon and washington state all the way to alaska and midnight sun is available here. I do have some from back east and several from the midwest. I mainly look for beer that is very rare, but i'm willing to help someone out that wants something rare for themselves. I'd take a look at beer advocate and get back to me, maybe i can help you out, or vice versa. Let me know, i'm willing to send first and i had some oregon beers earmarked that were more upper level, i can get back to you on. I also live near bootleggers/breury in southern california and can attain their rare beers such as knuckle sandwich which are increasing in popularity. Talk to ya.

Cool, man, I'll look around and be in touch with you. I'm usually around Eugene, Orgeon, a couple blocks from Ninkasi Brewery, but at the moment stuck in BFE Idaho. I'll probably wait til I go back to Oregon before I even holler at you about this again, but I'll be thinking about it and looking around the sites. Thanks for the info!

Cheese 01-28-2012 12:09 AM

Vodka and raspberry fizz or what's left after it did an impression of Mount Vesuvius earlier

LuckyLovexoxoxxx 01-28-2012 12:10 AM

i'm sober lol lammeee :l

Cheese 01-28-2012 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by LuckyLovexoxoxxx (Post 1147255)
i'm sober lol lammeee :l

Oh for shame lol

LoathsomePete 01-28-2012 12:21 AM

Well I started out drinking this.

It's basically Canada's version of Budweiser however, the chances of finding it at a pub on a college campus bar in Nevada is pretty astronomical so I decided to just stick with it. It did a good job at getting the job started, but now I'm helping it along with this.

I've drank 4 out of my 6 and am debating whether or not I wish to continue with the last 2 or if I wish to save them for tomorrow. I'm thinking more towards the latter, I'm already quite intoxicated and anything else would just seem a little... I dunno... excessive.

LoathsomePete 02-09-2012 10:16 PM

A good lager, although I wish it wouldn't foam up as much when I pour it into a pint glass. Still it find it amazing how just 4 of these are enough to do what 6 lower quality beers cannot.

Mrd00d 02-10-2012 01:44 AM

Tried a new Ninkasi tonight, a 5.9% Porter:

Ninkasi ReNEWAle 2012 Porter

A new year! A new beer! Each year Renewale will be something new and special to enjoy while winter runs its course. Bittersweet chocolate aroma and flavors accentuate this dark, rich ale. Balanced and satisfying, this Robust style Porter is sure to bring cheer in the New Year!

Had four, because they're not as strong as I usually go for (and my friend wanted two), but they were delicious and dark to my preference. I almost enjoyed it more than their 6.7% Ruination IPA. Where I am at the moment, these are the only two options from the company. Anyway, both are great, this new one is better tasting but need more than usual to catch a buzz...

I drank the four about three hours ago and I'm completely sober again already, but it was pleasant for before and during dinner.

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