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Pretty much :D
tonight - homebrew american pale ale (lazy j's), always fun to play
with food - red wine, i love me some 2005 bourdeaux at a pub\off the tap - guinness, it makes me creamy at the head on the lake - hoegaarden, its so light and crisp... tasting (sneaky wheat beers) after tripping - new castle, i really cant explain why its just really really good business\night cap - an aged single malt, sweet nectar |
Not the actual brand that I'm drinking because I cannot seem to find a picture on google, but I don't care, cheap wine is cheap wine. |
I cant hack whiskey anymore which saddens me. I used to love whiskey but all I can think of now when I even smell it is being violently sick outside of a Sixth Form party for a good hour or two back when I was 17 and didnt even know what limits were.
Well that'll work! The last time I included a few vodka & red bulls into my usual nights drinking I ended up drinking for 31 hours which is still my personal record. :yeah:
Daaaayyuuumm, i thought my 12 hour binges were epic! Vodka Red Bulls are incredible though, it'll be 4am and you still want to keep going. My clubbing drink of choice!
I used to do the odd 12 hour when my and a certain mates days off aligned nicely and we'd pull a 11-11. I used to enjoy the odd day like that.
31 hours was a one time thing. I havent done it since, it was just one of those days where I didnt hit the wall, I didnt feel tired, I didnt want to go bed and then I realised it was 2am on a Tuesday morning all of a sudden and I had started at 7pm on the Sunday night. |
In the wrong town with no shoes...
Today, it's gonna be these beers :
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/21/32...f685712113.jpg This picture is a little old, they've changed the can design since then, but I actually preferred the old design. Anyways, it's a norwegian beer from the world's northernmost brewery. As a gimmick, some expedition brought it to the northpole where they drank it (they probably had to heat it up sufficiently first) and so now it proudly claims to be the first beer to be enjoyed at the pole. Of course, that's just a gimmick and doesn't actually mean much. It's a light, fresh, hopsy crisp beer which is easy to drink and very good on a hot day or when enjoying your football match. It's not the best beer we have, but it's always good and never goes bad. Then I'm also gonna drink this sucker : http://vinoge.com/files/image/grolsch_preview.jpg Heineken may be the most popular of the two big dutch ones, but I prefer Grolsch. And who doesn't love those bottles with the smart ceramic caps? Other than that, there's a fair chance of something out of my little whisky collection, most likely Talisker or Bowmore. I also have coke and rum if needed, but that's more like plan C. |
Grolsch and Kronenberg are my two favourite lagers that I might stand a chance of seeing in pubs here. There are others but none I am likely to find in a pub.
I find Grolsch far too sweet personally. Carlsberg Export for me all the way.
In recovery from my bottle of Merlot last night. |
As for me: http://www.sohowines.hk/images/jameson.jpg & http://mandaditos.com/catalogo/image...nada%20dry.JPG Allll night long. |
^ Got a few bottles of that stuff left over from this party I went to last night. It's horrible weak-man lager to be honest, but better than nothing I guess. |
and 333, I hope you don't plan on mixing Canada Dry with Jameson, you'd sully a fine whiskey. |
I have the honor to announce that I'm officially drank.
thank u johnny... http://mymouthful.files.wordpress.co...niewalker1.jpg |
This weekend I have no idea what I will be drinking. The reason for this is as follows -
http://www.cannybevvy.co.uk/Beer_Fes..._festival.html *Drools...* |
mojo! Envy! You lucky bastard :D
.. I wanna go to Newcastle now! |
The people I usually go with though tend to play a game there every time which is to write the percentage of the beer you get down on your arm (why your arm? I have no idea) and the challenge is the first to get to 100%! It's usually entertaining to watch at least. |
Why even bother with the tequila?
Because it helps with ahem-impotence-ahem. :P
edit: you set me up for it. |
some apple juice, maybe some orange or lemon juice if i can get my hands on it... mostly water.
Bugger all tonight. I'm skint :( Make up for it tomorrow night though :D
... skint? please define.
No money. Potless. Out of sheckels. No coinage.
I'm glad you said 'no money' first right off the bat because 'out of sheckels' has to be even worse to someone who isnt familiar with the term 'skint'!
Made me laugh anyway. I'm gonna start using that one. |
I take it that is very similar to this?
http://www.talkingretail.com/images/...2CBAFEE083.jpg If so then ew :D It is cheap though. |
Wifebeaters for me.
I wish I had the money to drink whenever I wanted, but sadly I do not. Tis I will be drinking kool Aid until the sun comes up. Although I do have beer but I truly find drinking alone/getting stone alone rather boring.
Going out for dinner tonight for my birthday so I'm gonna drink a bottle of wine cause I don't have to drive :D
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