lucifer_sam |
01-06-2009 10:25 PM |
The LS MusicBanter Awards
Eh, I was bored. And I noticed that the last MusicBanter awards lacked somewhat in categories. So here you have it, the LS MusicBanter Awards!
Most Likely to Get Offended When Sent Hardcore Porn - RezZ
Most Likely to Use the Word "Twat" Multiple Times in the Same Post - Urban Hatemonger
Most Likely to Use a Bold Font, Type Face Six and Occasionally Underline It - CAPTAIN CAVEMAN
Least Likely to Participate in a Marathon - Wifey Boozer / 655321 (it was a tossup really)
Most Likely to Be That Homeless Guy with an Empty Guitar Case Next to Him - Rockguitar101
The Thirty-Something Dude That Flirts with Every Girl Here - jackhammer
Most Guaranteed Alcoholic by the Age of 22 - LesPaul43
Boredom over.