Music Banter

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Akira 04-15-2010 11:04 AM

Don't worry about putting allsorts on your iPod, in the past I've had linux working on it, wikipedia, rockbox, etc. It can all be changed or removed if you change your mind and Apple wouldn't know.

noise 04-16-2010 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Seltzer (Post 850936)
I'm reading about Rockbox now and the manual makes it sound like nothing is flashed at all

oh! i made a big assumption. good to know it doesn't flash anything, makes me feel even safer using it :)


Originally Posted by Seltzer (Post 850936)
Well I guess I'll install Rockbox when I have the time - the project sounds quite mature now so I'm sure it's relatively free from threading, performance and power consumption issues.

about the power consumption - it is a big issue. at least when playing flac, since the disc access rate increases so much. i basically have to charge it every other day, and i just listen for a few hours during my commute.

Zarko 04-16-2010 06:30 AM


bubu 04-16-2010 12:49 PM

If it's music I made I usually put a date around it so I know what it's about, same goes for pictures

But really..just "X artist - Y album"

Freebase Dali 04-17-2010 03:39 AM

Here's a screenshot of my incredibly simplistic process:

You'll notice that not only do I use a hierarchical structure, but I also still use XP and poor little WMP. I dunno... it plays my music when and how I want it to. I dunno if that's considered "settling" or not. Maybe my expectations are just abnormally low.
Anyway, I've been using this process for years without any issues.
I probably seem outdated and unrefined to most of you, but I'm a man of practicality and I pride myself on it. I know where everything is, and exactly how to use it. I don't lose things and I don't get errors. It just... works.

Anyway, that's me.

Guybrush 04-17-2010 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by InfamousNotes (Post 851955)
All the bands and albums are in the separate folders

I'm afraid posts in the lounge don't add to your post count.

Freebase, do you double click files to play them? If yes, you're a barbarian. :p:

Freebase Dali 04-17-2010 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 851971)
I'm afraid posts in the lounge don't add to your post count.

Freebase, do you double click files to play them? If yes, you're a barbarian. :p:

Haha... no.. I right-select a folder to play the whole album, or right-select the band folder to play the whole catalog... Or create a playlist.
I dunno... seems kinda standard to me, barbaric or not. ;)

Red Forman 04-17-2010 08:03 PM

Like so:

Pulsar 04-19-2010 03:42 PM

All using iTunes.. and of course I have artwork for every single thing

someonecompletelyrandom 04-19-2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Zarko (Post 851408)


tsk tsk... :D

I actually have a very similar approach. It's just a windows explorer folder like yours, but I have all of my albums in it arranged for example like...

50 Cent - Get Rich or Die Tryin
A.B Cretsil - The Osooku Stars


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