Originally Posted by The Unfan
Sure, I think the idea that we're generally more apathetic to older practices comes from the fact that it isn't logical to follow them anymore. For instance we don't follow old business models because the internet changed how business is done entirely. Therefor when we scoff at more traditional businesses for being out of date they think we look like savages for it. The same is apparently true for politics. The internet has completely bridged many social gaps and has left no reason for social conservatism so in general we're a less conservative generation. Again, we look less (relatively) intelligent politically to them because they have no understanding about what this generation is actually like. By the fact that they completely don't get our generation our generation is misrepresented to look rather dumb to the older generation. From what I gather when they judge us its because we're tossing out the conventions they're used to which looks foolish to them, when in actuality it would be foolish to keep said conventions.
Listen, the internet is great... but it hasnt changed the 'business model' as much as it just speed it up. People still solve problems with the same equations, they just dont do it by hand anymore. People talk about the same ****, they just do it over a telephone instead of in person. Their 'business model' is the one we based ours on. And just because the internet is here doesnt mean it bridged social gaps (I am not saying it didnt help). I think alot of it has to do with policies put into place by these OLD PEOPLE, like desegregation. The internet just improved commincation efficiency exponetially.
If I can gather anything from your arguement, it seems more as if your assaulting an older generation because for some reason you feel as though they dont understand you. I mean there will always be generation gaps but you are kinda pushing this a little hard. If anything it sounds like you suggested some newer method of doing something to your boss, and he (obviously knowing more about the subject than you) wrote you off, leaving you bitter.
Lastly, as far as politics go, it doesnt matter how old you are. Almost any time someone disagrees with someone else in politics, within a few seconds they both stop listening to anything the other person has to say and rant... have you ever seen crossfire (thank you John Stewart)?