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Son of JayJamJah 08-02-2008 11:31 PM

Set a timer. Post whatever runs through your head as you write Type as fast as you can.

This is an amazing day; steal the goose egg, freeze the patty, she awakes in the middle of the kitchen having made a tuna fish sandwich, oh the irony. And she wonders why she goes to a therapist six days a month. The hills are alive with the sound of muzak brother, hulkamania is running wild, Jules Asner was a fablous host. The world is made of marshmallows, how can I have s'more if I haven't had any? The World is made of Marshland, Florida is a fucked up state, old people, older then me, creppy nurse shoe wearing retirees. I hate hospitals and funeral parlors, that's probably why I hate hospitals.The world is a Martian; scary spice might be world-like, remember this Alamo. The river walk in San Antonio is worth the trip but would get old if I lived there, fight the power analog is a digital concept, eat more fish when you sleep with the protein. Icicles.

sleepy jack 08-02-2008 11:36 PM

I think we've overacted our lines in an attempt to the jump head over heels in love with the sea but the wind broke our fall and we were swept by chance, I'd love to honestly tell you exactly what runs through my head but these past few months have been far too stressful you see I've stitched together all my thoughts and let our dirty laundry hang like wires from them you say I'm a coward but I assure you I'm just a fake you know the deepest apologies have been thrown in your face but every word escapes your lips except "please stay."

Son of JayJamJah 08-02-2008 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 503140)
I think we've overacted our lines in an attempt to the jump head over heels in love with the sea but the wind broke our fall and we were swept by chance, I'd love to honestly tell you exactly what runs through my head but these past few months have been far too stressful you see I've stitched together all my thoughts and let our dirty laundry hang like wires from them you say I'm a coward but I assure you I'm just a fake you know the deepest apologies have been thrown in your face but every word escapes your lips except "please stay."

Bangarang Peter Pan, well done.

lucifer_sam 08-03-2008 01:00 AM

I've been trying to really understand system of a down but it takes so much to get there and the light is really throwing the books on my thoughts my pants keep giving me the creeps because theyve got cartoons that remind me of daffy duck when he was the pedophiler the gang raper of magical creatures and i am completely unsure of how to explain this right now.

cabangbangq 08-03-2008 05:53 PM

LOL how the **** will i type this long without a single coherent thought. goddamn pink floyd is ****ing awesome. brain damage is such a beautiful song. sounds kinda like radiohead even tho those beautiful british ****s came way after. oh **** what the **** is boredoms that the twat above me listens to? is it some new wave **** or something lol. 50 seconds left. ****ing clash im sick of them god damn, they always show up on my ****ing shuffle and why hte **** is the twat above me talking about magical creatures? the only magical creature is his mom's twat


lucifer_sam 08-03-2008 07:52 PM

I love you for making this thread, JJ, I really do. This is so fun.

There is no sight that the man who sees can’t realize. When I look back I see the bright light of my past and realize that I fell too fast and drove too quick and now I’m stuck. In this. In what? In this world, this evisceration of modern life. In this godforsaken land of hypocrites and strife and obese, diabetic people everywhere. I stare at my shoes and wonder how the world ever got this way to place some abnormal destructive habit on the cusp of an egg where you can throw, you can throw with all your might but sure enough it won’t break against the wall. And that wall is stacked many feet high, above the parking lot that your shoes and feet are in, along with your legs and the rest of your body. But your brain, your brain isn’t there. And no matter what you do or who you blow you’ll never get that time back so make the most of your life or it will pass you by.

WWWP 08-03-2008 11:44 PM

Ok so I kind of cheated a little because my phone on the table is my timer by the cat babysitting money tuna candle frame chinese fan on the wall of **** where's the zapper i remember that nasty spider eww there were ants in my drawer today how nasty I don't know how that chair is still alive maybe i should go have a smoke is that crying i hear? whats going on... oh yeah i forgot to mention that kiwi needs to be thrown away i don't know if i'm doing this right because i'm kind of just been completing my thoughts rather than rambling on like in other posts. I am trying not to look at the computer screen or what i am typing right now so i don't lose my train concenteaion so my words are probably coming out all jumbled. buut there's only 90 seconds time limit before the clock goes off on the microwave. salt and vinager chips are mighty tasty but they kind of hurt my mouth... haha thats what she said oh zing to myself. You just don't realize. Eww my mouth tastes like peas right now and it's king of gross but it was the good garden fresh kind of peas not the nasty store bough frozen ones ew those are horrible.

Piss Me Off 08-04-2008 04:09 AM

1 2 3 she's a real left winger 'cus she's been down south and had peasants in her arms, she said i could tell you stories that would make you cry, what about you? I said ME TOO! I could tell you stories that would make you cry and she sighed awwwww. I said i wanna be a singer like Lou Reed she said I LIKE LOU REED sticking her tongue in my ear lets go lets sit let's talk politics and go so good with beer, while we're at it


blackspots 08-05-2008 10:21 AM

^^ i was thinking the EXACT same thing!

jackhammer 08-05-2008 10:34 AM

SexSexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexse xsexbeersexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexfootballsexsexs exsexsexsexfoodsexsexsexsex

It is so gratifying to be a stereotypical male.

right-track 08-05-2008 11:35 AM


More so a Northerner.

Inuzuka Skysword 08-05-2008 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 503970)
SexSexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexse xsexbeersexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexfootballsexsexs exsexsexsexfoodsexsexsexsex

It is so gratifying to be a stereotypical male.

Took my idea!

Son of JayJamJah 08-05-2008 05:34 PM

A bunch of comedians...figures.

jackhammer 08-05-2008 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by JayJamJah (Post 504098)
A bunch of comedians...figures.

Surely you should have recognised that British people don't take much seriously?

Alfred 08-05-2008 08:57 PM

Song of wretched lies, god this band reminds me of old afi ohly crap and i just feel like typing random gibberish holy crap im on a a deadline like a minute left omgomgomg k waat now i nmeeed to download more of that sound of a revolution band, since i can get it all for free, oh **** 40 seconds, now less, ummmmmmm kay, i feel like typing some names so robert plant jimmy page led zeppelin arnold carson, where the **** did that come from omg worship band and time is almost of kkkk bye over and out

what the hell?

Son of JayJamJah 08-10-2008 01:15 AM

I'm going to try to do a poem of sorts, here goes.

My inspiration is the inhalation of hate
fate is a mindfuck of epic proportions
Orphans live homeless with half ass baloney portions
Life is awaiting a permanent state

Only the guided survive the horizon
and the homeless and hopeless but saved
the doer and thinker drop link a sinker
while the wanderer and the ponderer are confused as well as dazed

Took me 102 seconds...oops.

cardboard adolescent 01-14-2009 04:58 PM

canned goods stare blankly at the wall contemplating their fate, i look at them they look at me and in between us there is nothing, but i try to touch it anyway, and it recoils, now its all around me, and in me, and i try to push it out, but fall in in inwards towards myself i don't even know what i'm doing and it feels great but then it becomes terrifying and all of a sudden i find myself on an island, i'm staring at the ocean and the ocean is staring at me, but its myself in the ocean who is staring at me, and soon the reflection will be lost but i'll still be sitting here and where has my reflection gone? where have all my reflections gone? they have flown away on the leaves to corners of the earth i can't imagine, and someone is staring at them trying to decode the message, and when they do it'll finally drive them insane.

Sneer 01-14-2009 05:07 PM


my bed sheets are blue and the light is reflecting off of my keyboard and its annoying that that mc5 tshirt was blue but **** my mum is expecting me on sunday but i want to go out and its dark in my fingers yet whatever i do that train wont stop going along so i guess rthat receipt will just have to stsy in place but elliott smith is playing guitar so the red jacket will have to wait.

Double X 01-14-2009 05:11 PM

i F*cking hate finals so much...why would anyone have them they are basically the worst thing in the world............................i really want to go home but i am home shut up no you shut up i ahte those arguments i write so ****ing type slow

mannny 01-14-2009 09:03 PM

90 seconds is 1:30 so when queen jane ends I am done typing I dont know how I am going to do this because my fingers cant even keep up with brain even if i think im a fast typer because im always going to keep thinking of something else but just typing what i was thinking about ten seconds ago well now im laughing at double x because i dont have finals but in not actually laughing im just saying im laughing i dont know ok the song is almost over ok im done

Wow, I feel kind of stupid after doing that.

savannah 01-14-2009 10:04 PM

i'm lieing to all you people, in fact i like to most people i meet,....its not that i do it on purpose or that i even think about doing it before, i infact do so,.....its just so much easier than explaining

i also find that most people could give a rats ass about the difference,...they dont care how i am today, or if i'd like to order a coke with my meal,....they could care less if i'm sittin on my favorite barstool, all they know is thats their favorite barstool too and they want it damn it,.....they dont really want to buy me a beer,...and those that do want to buy me a beer dont really want to know who i am,...they want to know what color panties i have on, who cares if i tell them i'm the middle child of a upper middle class family who enjoys shoping with her friends, the color pink, and whatever current 'rock' band is on the charts these day, makes life so much eaiser, dont you think?

Dr_Rez 01-14-2009 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 579193)
they dont really want to buy me a beer,...and those that do want to buy me a beer dont really want to know who i am,...they want to know what color panties i have on

Man, I can relate. ;)

savannah 01-14-2009 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 579196)
Man, I can relate. ;)

in the since that beer purchasers wonder about your panties? or that you wonder about mine?

Dr_Rez 01-14-2009 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by savannah (Post 579197)
in the since that beer purchasers wonder about your panties? or that you wonder about mine?

People who buy me beers just want to know what my panties are like. Its frustrating.

jibber 01-14-2009 11:08 PM

i've set an online timer i'm watching friends wow my broken finger makes typing difficult dinosaur why the **** did i think of dinosaur i cant type fast shoes i need more shoes no i dont i need to i dont know what i need to do loco lous is an alright bar i dont know what im typing now hair my hair needs to be cut i should wear my hair curly more often morgan is a good friend what am i going to do tomorrow i have class at nine and then another photo to shoot i hate hockey i dont want to shoot hockey anymore i should find

dac 01-15-2009 09:27 AM

Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Thom Yorke Radiohead Jonny Greenwood.

ixtlan22 01-18-2009 03:06 PM

This town on a Sunday is a used condom filled with regrets, hangover vomit, and lost opportunities. But at least its a little quieter as everyone sleeps off their shame and repairs their broken bedroom doors... Spackle the wall with your wasted dreams and patch up your mind with false hopes for next weekend. Life sure is a journey and I hope not to repeat the repetitions that are already reiterating themselves. What am I gonna do tonight? Something more positive. Oh well... its all good in the end, and I'm having a good old laugh about it now!

ixtlan22 01-18-2009 03:08 PM

P.S.- Holy **** I just realized that this must be how Tom Waits writes all his lyrics!

Son of JayJamJah 05-10-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by ixtlan22 (Post 581115)
P.S.- Holy **** I just realized that this must be how Tom Waits writes all his lyrics!

Well played

Nice to see this thread get a few more takers.

90 seconds

Election, erector sets and transplanted Jews from Isreal to Mexico, One's fixed one should be and other would fix, problems, decay, dismay Tom Delay and satellite phones, Et alone is his own home, alphabet soup and cartoon cats, spastic reactions to asthma attacks. Frozen Tundra and aurora borealis Phylis Diller and Bea Arthur. Saddam Hussein using Rogaine on Gunea Pigs and the youth of New Zealand on full display, Hudson, Macy, Lord Taylor and Bongs.

Freebase Dali 05-10-2009 10:18 PM

The funny thing is I can't tell whether this is the poetry section or a mockery of it.

Janszoon 05-10-2009 10:50 PM

Not that I really want the fandango but I couldn't bear the thought of an old sodden barkeep. This last bucket is the one that's really, really red. I mean it's the kind of red that makes apples jealous but not those nasty tasting green apples. Frank was a bellbottom wearing douchebag. He drove a camaro. He ate cream pies and I don't know about bozo.

Son of JayJamJah 05-10-2009 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Veridical Fiction (Post 656629)
The funny thing is I can't tell whether this is the poetry section or a mockery of it.

There is a fine line between genius and insanity...

and most of us here own property on each side of the divide and spend most our time tight-roping along all hurdy gurdy.

Freebase Dali 05-10-2009 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by JayJamJah (Post 656665)
There is a fine line between genius and insanity...

and most of us here own property on each side of the divide and spend most our time tight-roping along all hurdy gurdy.

Would you fancy a pancake?

Howard the Duck 07-02-2011 06:08 AM

giraffes run through the night flying eagles as fas as they can, why? there is no why oh botheration tempo is not temper then whisk the whsikey in a jar tampon fend off my hand with a gnat, i do not know oh why do you bother me so? i do not love thee, i said to romeo but he lies bleeding......

djchameleon 07-02-2011 07:09 AM

why is it that white women are still considered forbidden fruit for black guys? yesterday I saw this older guy raping this lady with his eyes. Red White and blue should not be worn in such a manner that it looks like you a wearing a flag. Some people tend to over do it.

Blarobbarg 07-02-2011 09:49 AM

Most of these seem like actual song lyrics. I'm pretty sure this is what some songwriters do to finish their songs.

someonecompletelyrandom 07-02-2011 10:15 AM

Hello, how do you do? It's me new and improved. I caught a cold
The other day and I hate being sick almost as much as I hated transformers 3, what a load of crap. Bloated, overlong nonsense an stupidity bonobo Ono ink says Shia labels seriously why's the girl there? She's running around in high heel in a war zone what absolute craid mannnnnn. That's what I'm dying.

someonecompletelyrandom 07-02-2011 10:16 AM

^ iPhone auto-correct pretty much raped that.

djchameleon 07-02-2011 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1079879)
^ iPhone auto-correct pretty much raped that.

raped or brought it to a new level of awesomeness?

Queen Boo 07-02-2011 11:27 AM

Oh my god I am really hungry and I was eating mango licorice but then I thought I should eat an actual mango or like maybe some cereal with some soy milk but I really don't know and my brother's friends are over and I sleep naked so when I woke up this morning I put on the underwear I was wearing yesterday and the shirt I was wearing yesterday so I'm still wearing that and I'm not dressed at all and its a thong so I dunno if I want these little boys seeing my ass cheeks. Ew. God I'm sorry guys, I'm gross why do I talk about these things but I don't really have anything to do today. All this free time makes me anxious. I dunno, my best friend is going to art class and I don't really want to hang out with anybody else and I guess I could just go out and coast or whatever but that's silly.

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